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Putting Off Procrastination

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1 Putting Off Procrastination
Jenna Knight 2/25/2015


3 What Is Procrastination?
Procrastination is the act of putting off essential task until a later time, most of the time non essential tasks are done in lieu of the more critical ones.

4 ADHD & Procrastination
Adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Are especially prone to procrastination. The executive functions of the brain, which are responsible for processing and organizing information, “along with other tasks involving inhibition and self- regulation of behavior,” are impaired. This makes it tougher to separate tasks into smaller steps. Starting projects, therefore, becomes very overwhelming.

5 Types of Procrastination
i Perfectionist Pam. “I must have the perfect plan so I won’t fail. If I can’t do it perfectly, then I won’t do it at all.” Fear of failure and a standard of perfection paralyze this ADDer. She may get lost in planning forever, trying to create the perfect plan, which does not exist. ii. Passionate Patrick. He becomes so excited about an idea or concept and tells everyone how great it is. However, he ends up spending all his time defending the idea rather than doing it. iii. Problem Proliferator Penny. She finds fault with everything that is not her idea, but eventually, she’ll even find fault with her own ideas as well. She’s looking for problems rather than possibilities. iv. Puzzle Paul. “When I’ve figured out all the pieces of the puzzle and all the people, then I will do what I need to do to get the job done.” Paul is waiting to see the whole picture before he can start

6 Types Cont’ v. Picture Polly. “I see the entire picture of what the end product should look like and can conceptualize how all the pieces fit together, but I don’t know how to get the pieces into a list let alone figure out how to prioritize such a list.” vi. Potential Percy. “This project has so much potential if only we could get the right amount of money or the right people.” Percy talks a good game but is always finding escape through finding fault. He will talk a great, enthusiastic game untilaction has to occur. vii. Pretender Patty. She fakes others out by making them believe she has been successful in similar types of projects before, but she’s just talking to feel better until she has to do the work. viii. Pressure Pete. He puts off beginning a project while waiting for the deadline to draw near enough to bring the adrenaline needed for focus.

7 What Do You Procrastinate About?
Work – Meeting Deadlines, Making Phone Calls, Starting & Finishing Projects, paperwork, job applications.. Household – daily chores, maintence & fixing things, running errands, grocery shopping. Study – homework assignments, studying for exams, asking questions or requesting help. Health – Making medical appointments, changing diet, quitting smoking, starting an exercise program. Financial – opening mail, paying the bills, budgeting, tax returns, paying back debts Self-Development – starting a course you always wanted to do, starting a hobby, relaxing. Decision Making – making plans, committing to something new, choosing between options.

8 How Do You Procrastinate?
Pleasurable Tasks – movies, TV, DVDs, reading books, computer games, surfing the internet, music, shopping Lower Priority Tasks – exercising, paperwork, sorting things, checking s, researching a topic of interests. Socializing – seeing friends, family significant other, going out. Daydreaming – thinking about the past or future, imaging the task/goal is already finished, imaging a better life. Distractions – sleeping, eating, smoking, drinking, drugs.

9 Do You Excuse Procrastination?
“I’m too tired, I’ll do it tomorrow” ‰ “I don’t have everything I need, I can’t start it now” ‰ “I don’t have enough time to do it all, so I will wait until I do” ‰ “It is too late to start it now” ‰ “I won’t get much done, so I’ll just leave it for now” ‰ “It is better to do it when I am in the mood or feeling inspired” ‰ “I will miss out on the fun happening now, I can do it another time” ‰ “It is too nice a day to spend on this” ‰ “I will do it once this other thing is finished” ‰ “I’ve got to organize my desk/kitchen/laundry, etc first” ‰ “I’ve got to exercise first” ‰ “I am too busy to do it now” ‰ “I have plenty of time, so I can do it later” ‰

10 Excuses Cont’ “I work better when I am stressed, so I will leave it to the last minute” ‰ “It might not be good enough, so why bother doing it” ‰ “Working on it today won’t make any difference”

11 Practical Techniques To Stop Procrastination

12 What Do I Need To Do? Set Priorities Grade Tell Time

13 Example of How To Set Priorities, & Allocate Time
Prioritize Weeks Tasks Time Tasks Call Family member Pay gas bill Clean spare room Start a walking exercise routine Find phone number (2 mins) Call (10 mins) Pay Gas Bill 1 find account number (5 mins) 2. Call and pay bill over the phone (5 mins) Clean Spare Room Put things away (20 mins) Rearrange furniture (10 mins) Change bed sheets (10 mins) Dust furniture (15 mins) Start Exercise Routine Get changed (5 mins) Short walks (15 mins)

14 How Can I Do It Worst first Use mometum Just 5 minutes Set time limits
Prime time Prime place Remember then do Visualize Focus Plan rewards

15 Other Tips Self – Monitoring Tell Someone Assertiveness

16 Questions & Answers

17 Contact Information Jenna Knight

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