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2 Company Structure The company organization Describing responsibilities. Present Simple and Present Continuous Leaving Message.

3 Chief Executive Officer
Production Finance Sales\Marketing Human Resource Plant Chief Sales Personnel Manager Accountant Manager Manager

4 Production Plant Manager Quality Controller Technician Maintenance

5 Finance Chief Accountant Accountant Clerk Credit Controller Purchasing Officer

6 Sales\Marketing Sales Manager After Sales Clerk Export Clerk Sales Representative

7 Human Resource Personnel Manager Pay Clerk Recruitment Officer Training Officer

8 Sending reminders to slow payers
He is responsible for invoicing customers Account Frank Planning the training programme for next year In charge of training (new employees-or who are already been in co.) H R Suzanne Preparing for a trade fair of their new company Deals with customers problems(provide spare- parts,repaire machine) Technical Services Peter Running a training course for new sales reps Answer customers’ Q about products Marketing Uschi Looking for a supplier of office furniture Buying company needs (pens –raw materials) Purchasing Department Rolando Testing new software In charge of software development & maintenance EDP Elke

9 Present tense Present simple #Facts. e.g. Riyadh is the capital of SA #The action can be a habit, a hobby, a daily event: She drinks coffee everyday. She always forgets her purse. The train leaves every morning at 8 AM.

10 Its formation Subject+ verb(present) + object I drink coffee everyday. ***He, she, it …..(-s) He works in Aramco . She cleans her room.

11 WH-Q& Yes \ No Question Helping v ( do, does)+ subject + main verb+…..? Do you speak English? Yes, I do. No, I don’t Does she work in Aramco? Yes, she does. No, she doesn’t . WH-Q Wh- word + helping v + subject+ main v+……..? where does she work? What do you do?

12 Adverbs of frequency always, usually, regularly, normally, often, sometimes, rarely, seldom, never She is always happy. She always forgets her mobile.

13 Present progressive(continuous)
Actions happening right now, or in the future. SUBJECT + IS\ ARE+ V ing . They are playing tennis. He is playing tennis. Negative (not) SUBJECT + IS\ ARE(not)+ V ing . They are not playing tennis. He is not playing tennis.

14 Yes \ No Q Is\ are + subject+ V ing +………? Are they playing tennis? Yes, they are. No, they aren't . Is she training the new employees? Yes, she is. No, she isn't. WH-Q Wh-word + is\ are+ subject +V ing+…….? What are you doing? Where is she sleeping?

15 Time expressions Now, at the moment, right now, round now, Look, Naser and Mohammad are playing football now . Look! The sky is raining.

16 This salad is tasting delicious. This salad tastes delicious.
Verbs which express state or feelings or senses( non action verbs) usually use them in present simple(hate, love ,smile, like ,want, know, seem, sound, taste, believe) This salad is tasting delicious. This salad tastes delicious. She smiles to her baby right now .

17 Leaving message FOR: Sara FROM: Maha Please send me the monthly report to the head office by Saturday, 15th .

18 FOR: Abdullah FROM: Khaled Please call about order no
FOR: Abdullah FROM: Khaled Please call about order no tomorrow before 10 a.m.

19 Phones Expressions Asking to speak to someone I’d like to speak to Khaled. Could you put me through to Khaled. Saying someone is not available I’m afraid she's in a meeting He's on holiday The line’s engaged There’s no reply

20 Asking to leave a message
Could I leave a message? Could you take a message?

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