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Nichols Middle School Curriculum Night

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1 Nichols Middle School Curriculum Night
Mrs. Consiglio and Ms. Hasbrouck 8th Grade Literature/Language Arts

2 Welcome to Our Class Introductions Classroom and Homework Schedule
8th Grade Lit/LA Roadmap and Units Classroom and Website Tour Parent Form

3 Introductions Who is Mrs. Consiglio? Who is Ms. Hasbrouck?

4 Typical Class Agenda Independent reading/responding/conferring (15-20 min.) Vocabulary and/or grammar mini-lessons and practice (7-15 min.) Literacy Mini-lesson (10 min.; not everyday) example: what is close reading? Reading or Writing Workshop (remainder of class) Current unit from the district roadmap Can include curricular mini-lesson, teacher modeling, collaborative practice, and/or independent practice

5 Typical Homework Schedule
Monday Due: previous Article of the Week 20-30 min. of independent reading Thursday Reader’s Response assigned Article of the Week assigned Tuesday Friday Due: Reader’s Response Article of the Week Wednesday

6 Homework Reading should be done almost every night
Reader’s Responses are done in students’ Reader’s/Writer’s Notebooks. students can choose to their prompt of choice opportunity for personal response to chosen reading responses should be a page in length should contain at least 1 quote/textual evidence worth 15 points Article of the Week from Kelly Gallagher, leading voice in literacy education opportunity to practice close reading and annotation with current, non-fiction text and think critically about our world

7 Homework Homework and schedule are subject to change
Students may need to finish assignments at home as needed. Late homework will be entered as a 0, but will be accepted for late points (grade will be updated when the late folder is graded, as our schedule allows) Late work loses 10% (or one letter grade) per day late.

8 District Curriculum Roadmap
Potential Order of Units: Launch Unit Short Stories Argument with Research Poetry and Fiction Fiction with Non-Fiction Research Differentiated Novel Unit

9 Potential Units Launch Unit
set-up/review/reflection on reading and writing workshop class text: Yummy, articles on Robert “Yummy” Sandifer project-based writing component Short Stories: Traditional Stories with Modern Fiction class texts: classic fairy tales and modern versions writing: literary analysis (comparison of modern and traditional fairy tale) fictional narrative essay (modern fairy tale or adaptation)

10 Potential Units Argument with Research- What’s in Our Food?
class texts: “Boss Hog” article, Chew on This, Y.A. The Omnivore’s Dilemma, or Fast Food Nation writing: literary analysis (“Boss Hog”) argument with research essay (food-related topic) Poetry and Fiction- Harlem Renaissance, Bronx Masquerade, and Hip Hop as Poetry class texts: Bronx Masquerade, Harlem Renaissance poetry, and hip- hop/rap as poetry literary analysis poems

11 Potential Units Fiction with Nonfiction Research- Dystopian Novels with Technological Focus class texts: dystopian novels (may change for this year) writing: literary analysis (character or theme) nonfiction research- informational article on new technology Differentiated Novel Unit- Genocide class texts: novels, memoirs, or nonfiction relating to genocide of the 20th century literary analysis informational/explanatory (mode is not set)

12 Class Room and Website Library and reading area table set up
school supplies portfolios Website

13 Parent Form If you would like, feel free to fill out a parent form at your table. We appreciate you spending your evening with us!

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