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THIS IS. THIS IS With Your Host... Ms. Morgan.

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3 With Your Host... Ms. Morgan

4 Five Golden Rings Can I Quote You? Act Be Four Three Stooges Four Lords Leaping Potpourri 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500

5 In the banquet scene in Act 3, when Lady Macbeth tells their guests to pay no attention to her husband’s wild fits because they are a result of an illness he has experienced since childhood, her explanation is an example of this literary device. A 100

6 What is dramatic irony? A 100

7 In Act III, scene 1 Macbeth challenges ________ to a fight in an arena but it is likely that Macbeth will lose this fight against __________. A 200

8 What is fate? A 200

9 In Act 3, Scene 1, Macbeth questions Banquo about the details of his journey before that night’s banquet for these two reasons. A 300

10 What is because Macbeth needs to be able to give the murderers the time and place where to kill Banquo and Macbeth wants to make sure Banquo’s son will be with him? A 300

11 The goddess of witchcraft that gives commands to the witches in Scene 5 of Act 3.

12 Who is Hecate? A 400

13 These are the two reasons Macbeth says he fears Banquo and therefore must murder Banquo.

14 What is he fears eventually Banquo will turn on him and that the prophecy about his sons will come true? (And/or, he fears Banquo’s courage and nobleness.) A 500

15 In her sleepwalking scene, Lady Macbeth rambles on about or admits to ________ as she washes her hands. B 100

16 What is all the murders committed by she and her husband?

17 In Act 3, scene 3, he escapes the hands of the murders, which means the prophecy about Banquo’s sons can still come true. B 200

18 Who is Fleance? B 200

19 In Act 3, scene 4 when Macbeth asks the murderers, “But Banquo’s safe
In Act 3, scene 4 when Macbeth asks the murderers, “But Banquo’s safe?” it is an example of this literary device. B 300

20 What is verbal irony? B 300

21 ________ is the serpent and _________ is the worm.
In Act 3, scene 4, Macbeth says, “There the grown serpent lies. The worm that’s fled hath nature that in time will venom breed, no teeth for th’ present.” ________ is the serpent and _________ is the worm. B 400

22 Who is Banquo and Fleance?

23 In the last scene of Act 3, after the strange behavior at the banquet, he now suspects Macbeth of murdering Duncan. B 500

24 Who is Lennox? B 500

25 In the first scene of Act 4 when the witches say, “Something wicked this way comes,” they are referring to this person. C 100

26 Who is Macbeth? C 100

27 After Macbeth speaks with the witches in Act 4, he says, “Infected be the air whereon they ride, And damned all those that trust them!” This is an example of this literary element. C 200

28 What is situational irony?
C 200

29 In Act 4, scene 2, they are murdered.

30 Who are Lady Macduff and her son/children?

31 In the last scene of Act 4, Malcolm demonstrates that he has this strength when he pretends to admit, in conversation to Macduff, that he is too full of flaws to be a better king than Macbeth. (Hint: It is a strength Malcolm’s father did not have.) C 400

32 What is that Malcolm has a keen ability to read people and will not be easily deceived by anyone’s false appearance? C 400

33 In Act 4, scene 1, the first apparition warns Macbeth to avoid ___________. The second apparition gives Macbeth some assurance because it reveals that __________ cannot harm him. And the third apparition says that Macbeth will not be defeated unless ____________ moves against his castle. C 500

34 What is: Macduff, no man born of woman, and Birnam Wood?

35 Lady Macbeth sleepwalking in the first scene of Act 5 is evidence of her ________.

36 What is her guilt? D 100

37 This is the country that supports Malcolm in his effort to defeat Macbeth in Act 5 and regain control of Scotland. D 200

38 What is England? D 200

39 In her Act 5 sleepwalking scene, Lady Macbeth imagines that __________ is on her hands and she tries to wash it off. D 300

40 What is blood? D 300

41 _________ was not born naturally of woman
_________ was not born naturally of woman. And it is he who kills Macbeth. D 400

42 Who is Macduff? D 400

43 In the last lines of the play, he promises to quickly reward the nobles who fought for him by making them earls of Scotland. D 500

44 Who is Malcolm? D 500

45 In the first scene of Act 4, when Lady Macbeth says, “Yet who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood in him?” she is referring to this person. E 100

46 Who is Duncan? E 100

47 In the last scene of Act IV, he delivers the bad news that Macduff’s family has been murdered.

48 Who is Ross? E 200

49 At the end of Act 4, when Macduff says, “Front to front bring thou this fiend of Scotland and myself. Within my sword’s length set him.” His words are an example of this literary element. E 300

50 What is foreshadowing? E 300

51 Because Macbeth is able to quickly and easily kill this person, he still believes that “no man born of woman” can harm him. E 400

52 Who is Young Siward? E 400

53 In Act 5 when Macbeth asks the doctor to cure Scotland of its disease, Macbeth’s request is an example of this literary element. (Hint: Think about who is making the request.) E 500

54 What is a situational irony?
E 500

55 When Macbeth chides his servant by calling him “lily-livered,” and possessing “linen cheeks” he is calling the servant a ________. F 100

56 What is a coward? F 100

57 ________ said, “Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow creeps in this petty pace from day to day to the last syllable of recorded time, and all our yesterdays have lighted fools the way to dusty death.” F 200

58 Who is Macbeth? F 200

59 When speaking with Malcolm in Act 4, who said, “Bleed, bleed poor country,” because he thought Malcolm was refusing to fight against Macbeth. F 300

60 Who is Macduff? F 300

61 In Act 4, ________said, “Whither should I fly. I have done no harm
In Act 4, ________said, “Whither should I fly? I have done no harm. But I remember now I am in this earthly world, where to do harm is often laudable, to do good sometime accounted dangerous folly.” F 400

62 Who is Lady Macduff? F 400

63 _________ said, “Foul whisp’rings are abroad
_________ said, “Foul whisp’rings are abroad. Unnatural deeds do breed unnatural troubles. Infected minds to their deaf pillows will discharge their secrets.” F 500

64 Who is the doctor? F 500

65 The Final Jeopardy Category is: Tragic Deaths
Please record your wager. Click on screen to begin

66 The total number of people who die in the last Act of the play.
(List their names) Click on screen to continue

67 (Lady Macbeth, Young Siward, and Macbeth)
What is 3? (Lady Macbeth, Young Siward, and Macbeth)

68 Thank You for Playing Jeopardy!

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