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ALOE VERA… The miracle plant

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1 ALOE VERA… The miracle plant
. ALOE VERA… The miracle plant

2 CONTENTS Aloe Vera plant: Introduction
Physical and chemical properties of aloe vera Constituents of aloe vera Aloe vera products Use in ayurvedic medicine Medicinal use of aloe vera Therapeutic effects of aloe vera against diseases Ale vera against microbes Aloe vera research studies Aloe vera side effect conclusion

3 Aloe Vera: plant Aloe Vera plants they are mostly found in the regions of Africa but can be traced world wide according to climatic conditions. There are around 250 species of Aloe Vera plants in the world. Aloe Vera plants are basically tropical succulent plants. They are cultivated in tropical or sub tropical regions where weather condition is not chilling. Aloe vera belongs to the family Liliacae .The common varieties are:  Aloe Barbadensis, Aloe Saponaria, Aloe Chinensis, Aloe Forex, Aloe Lalifolia etc. Out Of these the most popular is Aloe Barbadensis

4 . Aloe vera gel……

5 physical and chemical properties of Aloe Vera

6 13 Minerals 12 vitamins 16 Enzymes
Aluminium Vitamin A Amylase Calcium Vitamin B1 Cellulase Sulphur Vitamin B2 Catalase Chlorine Vitamin B3 Lipase,oxidase Iron Vitamin B6 Protease Copper Vitamin B12 Pentosane Sodium Vitamin C Bradykinase Maganese NIACIN Cretine phosphokinase Potassium Caratonoid Lactic dehydrogenase Chrome choline Phosphotase Magnesium Folic acid 5 nucleotase Zinc SGOT Transaminase potassium SGPT transaminase SPOT transaminase Source: International Aloe Science Council, Inc. Article (August 2003).

7 Constituents of aloe vera
Sugar Anthraquinones Salicylic acid Amino acids Lignin Plant sterols

8 Aloe vera Plant Products

9 aloe vera products:: Aloe Vera powder Aloe vera gel Skin care products
Seasonal products Dietary supplements Luxury skin care Baby care Mother care Sarees


11 Cosmetic use of Aloe vera Plants
Aloe vera is used to make facial moisturizers Aloe vera is used to make dandruff removing cream. Sunburn gel made using Aloe vera has great effects. Aloe vera helps in healing minor cuts . It is used to make hair gel. Helps in treating acne and pimple. Removes stretch marks from pregnancy. Helps in regenerating new skin cells. Aloe vera is used to prevent wrinkle. After shave lotion made from Aloe vera has cooling effect. Helps in removing blackness under eye and wrinkles.

12 AYURVEDIC MEDICINES Jaundice - A few drops of aloe juice is installed in the nostrils to control jaundice. Liver disorders - Aloe juice with turmeric powder should be taken twice a day. Difficult urination - Continuous diluted aloe juice should be taken time to time to alleviate this condition. In wounds - Boil aloe leaves and take the fleshy part of the inside of the leaves to use as a poultice over wounds.

13 Aloe vera benefits: ALOE VERA JUICE BENEFITS Aids in health digestion
Immune support and function Enhancing absorption of nutrients Natural protection against infection Regulate weight & give cooling effect Anti-inflammatory properties ALOE VERA JUICE BENEFITS

14 Medicinal use of Aloe vera:
Aloe vera used to heal skin wounds. Aloe vera plant is used to heal burn. Helps in speeding recovery time after surgery. Aloe vera gel is used on blisters. Aloe vera Plants are also helpful in healing insect bites. Aloe vera Plants are also helpful in healing rashes. Aloe vera Plants are also helpful in healing sores. Aloe vera Plants are also helpful in healing herpes. Aloe vera Plants are also helpful in healing fungus.

15 . Aloe vera Plants are also helpful in healing vaginal infections.
Aloe vera Plants are also helpful in healing allergic reactions. Aloe gels are applied on dry skins to give them glowing effect. Helps in reducing acne. Helps to reduce sunburn. It helps in screening out x-ray radiation. Wrinkles from aging are reduced by applying Aloe vera. Aloe vera used to reduce eczema.

16 Therapeutic Effects of Aloe Vera Against Diseases
In  wound and skin disease In metabolism In human immune system In digestive system In arthritis In stress:  In cancer In diabetes In  hepatitis In heart disease In  AIDS In Piles In allergies In Dental disorders

17 Skin Disorders Virus: Bacteria, Fungi & Parasites
In higher concentrations (60, 80 and 90 percent) Aloe Vera extracts can eliminate dozens of harmful bacteria. The diseases associated with these bacteria are some of the most common and fatal. Aloe inhibits the growth of most dangerous microbes. (John P.,Gary R. & Robson in Jounal of AMERICAN Medical Technologists,41(5), ).

18 Bacteria Causes Streptococcus pyogenes
Bacteria & Fungi Known To Be Eliminated By Aloe Vera: Bacteria Causes Streptococcus pyogenes Rheumatic fever, strep throat & scarlet fever Serratia marcescens Endocarditis, pneumonia & bacteremia Klebsiella pneumoniae Pneumonia Escherichia coli Diarrhea & fatal food poisoning Staphylococcus aureus Food poisoning & toxic shock syndrome Pseudomonas aeruginosa Severe & fatal blood or urinary tract infections Citrobacter Diarrhea & blood poisoning Candida albicans Vaginal, respiratory & skin infections, thrush endocarditis Trichophyton Fungal infections of the skin, nails or hair Mycobacterium tuberculosis Tuberculosis, lupus & erythematosus

19 Aloe Vera Research Studies
Research Study Shows Aloe Vera Helps in Healing Burns. Conducted under: Medical Association Thailand in Aug Subject: Effect of aloe vera gel to healing of burn wound -a clinical and histological study. Place: Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand. Conducted by: Dr. Y. Sukwarat Source:

20 Diabetes and heart disease improvement with Aloe Vera
Conducted by: Mamata Chandrakar*, Sachin Palekar, Sudhir Chirade and Shiba M. Hafiz Department of Zoology, Government Vidarbha Institute of Science and Humanities,Amravati (M.S.); India Asian Journal of Experimental Science, Vol. 22, No. 3, 2008; Source:

21 Effect of consumption of aloe vera gel on body
Effect of consumption of aloe vera gel on body weight of obese subjects Conducted by: P. Indumathy and H. Asma Banu Place: department of Food & Nutrition, Vellalar college for Women, Erode Source: Journal of food,nutrition and dietetics, vol:4,no.2,2007,page-19-24 The active principles of aloe vera can not only detoxify the body from harmful toxins, but also rid the body of excess adipose tissuse in a harmonious way(Vibha,2004).

22 . In this study 50 obese subjects in the age group of yrs were enrolled for the study,of which 25 were considered as controlled group and 25 as experimental group. Experimental group was supplemented with 20 gm of aloe vera gel incorporated in lemon juice for a period of 60 days.100ml of lemon aloe juice was prepared by adding 20 ml aloe vera gel,5 ml lemon juice and 5 gm sugar to 70 ml water and was supplemented to the experimental group of 25 subjects. The lemon aloe juice was taken daily after breakfast for a period of 60 days by the experimental subjects. Result showed a significant change in weight and BMI of the obese subjects.thus aloe vera juice could be included in the diet prescription for weight reduction in a natural way..

23 Aloe vera Side Effects Side effects in Aloe vera are rare but there are some Aloe vera side effects. Aloe vera can be used any time by any one without taking consultation from doctor, but in certain scenario it shows some side effects so it’s better to consult doctor some times before taking Aloe vera. In general Aloe vera is beneficial. Side effects of drinking Aloe vera are minor and generally don’t affect people who are not one medication or suffering from a medical condition can easily use Aloe vera without any difficulty. But it is advisable to know the side effects of any thing before using it and in case of Aloe vera you should know the side effects.

24 CONCLUSION Aloe vera has been used from ages due to its healing properties and medicinal use. Aloe vera can be used any time by any one without taking consultation from doctor In general Aloe vera is beneficial.However, studies carried out by Dr. Faith Strickland of the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center at the University of Texas, suggest the possibility that Aloe Vera can not only stop the damage done to the immune system but can actually restore the system to full working order. Dr. H.R. McDaniel, pathologist and researcher at the Dallas-Fort Worth Medical Center said, and I wholeheartedly agree, that…“the use of Aloe Vera will be the most important single step forward in the treatment of diseases in the history of mankind!”

25 Thank you….

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