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Assessment and Accountability Monthly Call
September 12, 2017
Agenda Accountability Assessment Administration
Support and Communication
Month-by-Month Checklist
2017-2018 Month-by-Month Checklist
The 2017–2018 Assessment and Accountability Month-by-Month Checklist identifies key dates and deadlines for statewide assessment programs and accountability processes for next school year; provides action steps to ensure readiness for administering statewide assessments; and recommends resources for district and school staff. The checklist includes information on the following areas: Communication and Support Accessibility and Accommodations Assessment Preparation and Administration Accountability Reports The Month-by-Month Checklist is located in the Assessment Library.
September Checklist Communication and Support
Sept 12, 14, 19, and 21: Fall Collaborations Accountability and Assessment Preparation Sept: Ensure that all applicable staff members continuously evaluate the effectiveness of accessibility and accommodations and revise IEP, IAP, EL, and PNP documents as needed Sept: Begin test setup for high school LEAP 2025 practice tests Sept: Begin data submission, including class schedules (SIS) and accommodations (SIS and SER) and certify sponsor and site info in the Sponsor Site system for delivery of test materials Sept: Audit of Fall LEAP 2025 testers (TSDL) Sept: Schools receive annual AP participation materials Sept: Ensure all returning and new students enrolled for have been submitted to eScholar, review retirement/split IDs and make updates in applicable systems (LASID Audit #1) Sept: Deadline to submit class schedule corrections for LEAP 2025 testers in preparation for DRC Assessments Sept: Access high school LEAP 2025 OTTs and Student Tutorials available in eDIRECT
September Checklist Accountability and Assessment Preparation
Sept 14: Final day to submit requests for changes to assessment data in La Data Review Sept 18–22: Receipt of materials for ACT WorkKeys shipment(s) containing nonsecure and secure standard time and accommodation support materials Sept 18–Oct 2: Window to conduct pretest sessions for all ACT WorkKeys examinees and train room supervisors and proctors Sept: Begin test setup for LEAP 360 interim assessments Late Sept: Access technology readiness reports within the TRT and use to begin planning for online assessments
October Assessment Checklist
Communication and Support Oct 10: Monthly Assessment and Accountability Call Accountability and Assessment Preparation Oct: DTCs deliver online test security and LEAP 2025 administration training to School Test Coordinators (STCs) and other applicable school and district personnel for fall high school LEAP 2025 Oct: Review retirement/split IDs and make updates to applicable systems (LASID Audit #2) Oct: Ensure accommodations are updated in SIS (504) and SER (IEP) to populate the precoded assessment files Oct 1: NAEP deadline for selected schools to register school via MyNAEP Oct 10: Manage user accounts in eDIRECT for fall high school LEAP 2025 assessments Oct 28: LEAP 2025 Fall 2017 deadline to finalize IEP, IAP, and LEP accommodations prior to fall high school LEAP 2025 administration Oct 3-17: ACT Fall WorkKeys accommodated testing window Oct 18: Return all ACT WorkKeys accommodations and supports test materials via the pre- scheduled pickup Oct 27: Deadline for ACT to receive ACT WorkKeys answer documents from schools Oct 3-April 13: ACT WorkKeys online testing window
Timeline for Implementing Louisiana’s ESSA State Plan
USDOE approved Louisiana’s ESSA plan on August 15. ESSA requires many provisions to become effective with the start of the school year. Specific timelines are outlined within the plan. The Department will recommend that BESE approve adjustments to state policy (bulletins) to align with the state’s plan and with related state laws recently enacted by the Louisiana Legislature. Key revisions are scheduled to be considered at the October 2017 BESE meeting. Additional updates will be recommended at a later date for items requiring further study and stakeholder engagement, such as the Interests and Opportunities index.
ESSA Policy Updates Policy Updates: Bulletins 111, 118 and 741
Academic achievement expectations (what it takes to earn an “A”) Measure of student progress in ELA and math Phase in of interests and opportunities over time Inclusion of English language proficiency within the SPS formula, as required by ESSA Transition plan that adjusts each index in but allows gradual transition of overall scale (what earns an “A,” “B,” etc.) between now and 2025 Comprehensive and Urgent Intervention Support Comprehensive: Any school rated “D” or “F” in the state accountability system for three consecutive years or with an adjusted cohort graduation rate less than 67 percent in the most recent year Targeted/urgent intervention required: Any school demonstrating subgroup performance (with subgroup N=10 or higher) that is, on its own for that subgroup population, equivalent to what would be an “F” rating for an entire school population for two consecutive years, or any school with an out-of-school suspension rate exceeding double the national average for three consecutive years
2016-2017 Assessment and Accountability Results
Throughout the summer and fall, the Department has released or will release data to be used by school and school system leaders to be used for planning. Data Release Date Location 3-8 LEAP 2025 assessments June 2017 eDIRECT High school assessments (EOC, ACT, AP) Summer 2017 FTP LEAP 2025 social studies assessment results Mid-September K-12 School Performance Scores and letter grades Late Fall FTP and Louisiana School Finder Early Childhood Performance Profiles Principal and Superintendent Profiles Winter Louisiana Secure Reporting System Transitional Student Growth Data Compass Information System
2017 LEAP 2025 Social Studies Results
The LEAP 2025 social studies results* and student reports will be released to school systems in eDIRECT in mid-September and posted to the PK-8 Performance library. There will not be a public release of the data. Please distribute the Parent Guide to the 2017 LEAP Social Studies Results to parents along with the student reports. More information on the 2017 LEAP social studies assessments can be found in the interpretive guide in the Assessment Library. *LEAP ELA, math and science results were released in June and are available in eDIRECT.
2016-2017 Final Data Certification
Data certification for DCAI and ACT is closed. Submissions for changes to assessment and early childhood data, including final CLASS™ appeals should be requested by September 12. The Department will work individually with systems that may need additional days as a result of the tropical storm. K-8 progress points rosters will be released later in the fall. There will be no additional data certification for these rosters since all data related to progress points should be checked on the assessment roster. This is the last opportunity for school systems and schools to request changes to data. When data certification closes, no additional changes will be made. Any data that is not corrected at this time will not be grounds for a waiver or appeal of the school and district performance scores when they are released per policy in Bulletin 111.
High School Growth to Mastery Student Roster
District-level high school growth to mastery student files that include individual goals for were posted to the FTP in late August. A High School Progress Index FAQ is available in the accountability library, which provides information on how goals were calculated as well as a description of the data included on the roster.
2017-2018 Assessment Administration
Technology Readiness
Device ToolKit Updates
On August 29, 2017 DRC updated the Device ToolKit to include a dashboard for district and school users. The Device ToolKit Update Guide is posted in eDIRECT. The following are some of the benefits of the new Device Toolkit: It provides easy monitoring of your TSM devices and testing devices. It opens directly from eDIRECT, allowing you to easily access other functions. Users can organize their testing environment quickly and easily because separate ORG Units for each testing program do not need to be setup.
Device ToolKit Updates
The dashboard allows districts to see all configurations at one time. For district users to see all configurations, enter the district name in the site bar.. Users can also see all configurations at a school site by typing the school’s name into the site bar.
Device ToolKit Dashboard
The new dashboard allows users to see the status of all configuration and testing devices.
eDIRECT Document Tab Updates
DRC updated the Documents tab in eDIRECT to include more options, making locating specific documents easier. The Document Type drop down now contains the following filter options: Memos/ Documents User Guides Accommodated Audio Files Manuals Math Reference Sheets Forms and Processes Reference Sheet Answer Keys/Scoring Guides Communication Assistance Scripts Native Language Directions Paper Tests Graphics Manipulatives List Social Studies Extended Response Checklist
What does it mean for users?
File Layouts The following file layouts are available in eDIRECT. File Layout Purpose How do I use it? What does it mean for users? Multiple Student Upload Uploads Students to eDIRECT Enter Student Information Students can be placed into test sessions. User Management Uploads users to eDIRECT Enter User Information Users will be assigned eDIRECT access Test Administrator Creates TA numbers for summative assessments Enter the TA name and number TAs will have the appropriate number for summative assessments Multiple Test Sessions Creates multiple test sessions Enter appropriate information STC/DTC can create all test sessions at one time
Transferring Students in eDIRECT
On September 7, 2017 DRC updated the process for transferring students using the multiple student upload (MSU). Prior to the update the MSU required a complete match on the following information: LASID Full First Name Full Last Name Now, the MSU will match on the following criteria: Full LASID First Letter of First Name First Three Letters of Last Name Districts with data sharing agreements can still enter full PII into their MSU files and full PII will still populate in eDIRECT.
Non-Summative File Layout
A new file layout will be posted to eDIRECT on September 13, 2017. This layout will now include online accommodations and be able to be used for the Interim, Diagnostic, EAGLE 2.0, and Practice Test assessments. This new layout must be used to upload students for these assessment administrations. The new file layout can be found under the student management tab in eDIRECT.
eDIRECT Navigation Menu Change
The eDIRECT navigation was updated August 30, Users will find "Student Status Dashboard" and "Corrections" under the "Student Management" tab in eDIRECT. This update allows DRC to provide a more user friendly interface to users of tablets and other mobile devices. When the screen resolution won’t allow all the links to fit across the top, a new “More” will be added to allow users on smaller screens to access all the navigation.
Louisiana Secure ID (LASID)
All students participating in the Louisiana Scholarship Program and the Tuition Donation Rebate Program (TDR) are assigned a Louisiana Secure ID (LASID). This 10-digit unique ID must be used when entering students in eDIRECT and communicating with LDOE staff about a particular student. If you need a student’s LASID please
Technology Readiness Tool Reports
The Technology Readiness Tool (TRT) provides LEAs a mechanism for tracking and analyzing school and district devices, network readiness, and broadband readiness for supporting both classroom learning and assessments. The tool is open year-round for LEAs to submit and update their data, as well as pull reports on their progress. Key Dates for TRT Reporting: September: Released draft footprint reports to LEAs with TRT data November: Deadline to submit fall TRT device and network data January: Fall online reports of district/school readiness available within TRT January: Statewide and legislative report of district/school readiness released
Technology Readiness: Footprints
The Technology Footprint Snapshot provides LEAs a mechanism to inform administrative decisions related to upgrades, new purchases, and strategic planning related to device, network and broadband decisions. with questions.
Test Security
Test Security Reminders
Accommodations Audit DTCs and STCs must ensure the accommodations students receive on statewide assessments are the accommodations documented on accommodations plans and SER or SIS. Students who receive incorrect accommodations may have their test voided. Online Answer Changes In December 2016, BESE amended Bulletin 118 subsection 5309, Erasure Analysis, to include online answer changes.
Caveon Test Security Services
In order to help districts and schools improve test security the LDOE has negotiated an agreement with Caveon, the nation’s leading test security experts, to provide the following services: Monitoring Provides two Caveon monitors on campus on one day of testing Provides districts with accurate information of every testing room at the school Investigations Provides districts with professional investigators to investigate and report on any testing irregularity that occurred in the district. Training Provides districts with active online training modules created by Caveon A full explanation of the services and the fee schedules can be found here. Districts and schools can purchase these services by contacting Caveon directly.
LEAP 2025 Assessments High School
2017-2018 Assessments: High School Transition
Beginning in , Louisiana is transitioning to five-level high school assessments, which include: Providing an English I exam rather than English III, which will phase out over time; allows accurate assessment of ELA success in earlier years and reduces testing in upper grades as students are exploring a variety of pathways. Reporting a greater differentiation of performance and allowing high schools to earn recognition for three levels of performance rather than two, as is true in elementary and middle schools. Allowing consistent measurement of achievement and growth/progress from grade 3 through high school. Maintaining consistency in graduation requirements; passing score is comparable and second-lowest achievement level is comparable across four- and five-level tests (Fair or Approaching Basic).
High School Transition, Continued
The Biology EOC test in retains the same operational design as previous years; Spring 2018 Biology EOC will include embedded field test items to create the new LEAP 2025 Biology assessment that will be administered in The English III EOC retains the same operational design as previous years for those students needing English III to meet graduation requirements. Practice tests for LEAP 2025 Algebra I, Geometry, English I, English II, and U.S. History will be available this Fall. For more information, please refer to the High School Assessments FAQ in the Assessment Library.
LEAP 2025 High School Assessments Webinars
The LEAP 2025 High School Assessments webinars from late August were recorded and posted in the Assessment Guidance Library. The webinars covered information on the new five-level assessments for U.S. History, Algebra I, Geometry, English I, and English II. These webinars contain: Information about key features of the assessment guides Sample test items Connections between assessment and instruction The best way to prepare teachers and students for the new LEAP 2025 high school assessments is to ensure clarity of the shifts called for by the Louisiana Student Standards for math and ELA.
LEAP 2025 High School: Practice Tests
Teachers can view the practice tests by accessing the Teacher Access link in Google Chrome and entering a username and password for an assessment. The high school practice tests for student use will be available this fall. The Practice Test Quick Start Guide is located here. LEAP 2025 High School Practice Test Webinars October 5, 2017 9: :00 a.m. Supervisors 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. Teachers October 6, 2017 9: :00 a.m. Teachers 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. Supervisors To join the meeting: Toll free access number (Toll Free): Course Username Login English I ENG1 teach2025 English II ENG2 Algebra ALG1 Geometry GEO US History USHIST
LEAP 360
LEAP 360 Resources LEAP 360 supports schools and systems in reducing local assessment minutes while improving the quality of their tools. Many school systems have been administering LEAP 360 diagnostic assessments over the past month as they set goals for the year. These assessments should replace previous assessment systems and not be used in addition to them. Resource Purpose LEAP 360 Webpage Houses LEAP 360 resources including links to quick start guides, assessment guides, webinars, and more. Diagnostic and Interim Quick Start Guides Provides links to resources including assessment guides, test setup guides, educator scoring instructions, and how to access reports and assessments themselves. Diagnostic and Interim Teacher Access Links Allows educators to view diagnostic and interim assessments in a non-scoring environment. A Teacher’s Guide to LEAP 360 Provides an overview of the LEAP 360 system, including: suggestions for student-centered goal-setting practices, how to connect results to instructional planning, how to interpret reports, and the design specifications of each unique assessment.
LEAP 360 Availability Timeline
Resource Availability Purpose K-2 Formative Tasks Currently available in eDIRECT Include six ELA tasks and six math tasks in both kindergarten and first grade with four ELA tasks and four math tasks available for grade two Diagnostics Help educators identify prerequisite skills students need for success in the current grade level (grades 3-8 ELA and math, English I, English II, Algebra I, and Geometry) Interims Form 1 currently available Form 2 (HS) coming Fall 2017 Form 3 (HS) coming Fall 2017 Help educators identify students’ misconceptions and learning patterns to adjust instruction and target support (grades 3-8 ELA and math, English I, English II, Algebra I, and Geometry) Practice Tests Teacher access currently available (with update to grades 3-8 ELA coming Fall 2017) Student use coming Fall 2017 Grade- or course-level, paper-based (grades 3 and 4 ELA, math, social studies) and computer-based (grades 3-8 ELA, math, social studies; English I, English II, Algebra I, Geometry, US History) help prepare students for the spring assessments; accessed through INSIGHT
2017-2018 Assessment Resources
LEAP 2025 Assessment Guides
Assessment Guides are available in the Assessment Guidance library. Primary updates include session times for ELA and math, and minor ELA design changes to reduce testing. The updated guides include a box on the first page listing primary updates and internal links, as well as an additional appendix for a more descriptive “Update Log.” LEAP 2025 ELA, Math, and Social Studies (grades 3-8) Updated 8/22/2017 English I English II Algebra I Updated 8/22/2017; will update again Fall 2017 Geometry U.S. History Available now; updates coming Fall 2017
LEAP 2025 Embedded Field Testing
All LEAP 2025 tests will have embedded field test items. Specific information can be found in the Assessment Guides for each grade, subject, or course. The 4-level EOC Biology test will have embedded field test items that may be used to build the new 5-level LEAP 2025 Biology test to be administered beginning Fall A field test guide and updated OTT will be available in Winter ELA Math Social Studies embedded in session 3 minor design changes to reduce operational testing session time changes embedded in each session no changes from previous administration
Support and Communication
District Support The Assessment team offers multiple avenues of support to districts, schools, and teachers seeking information or assistance about assessment administration and accountability. Weekly Newsletters Assessment and accountability information and deadlines are released each week in the district newsletter. Weekly Assessment & Accountability Calls Each Tuesday at 1:00 PM these webinars are held to provide training, updates, and important information to DTCs and Accountability Contacts. Assessment Library and Accountability Library The Assessment Library contains resources for DTCs including the Assessment Schedule and the Assessment and Accountability Month-by-Month Checklist. The Accountability Library contains resources for accountability contacts including the School Performance Score (SPS) calculators as well as information on data certification and federal accountability.
District Support Monthly Educational Technology Calls
The third Thursday of each month a webinar is held for district technology personnel to provide training, updates, and important information related to technology readiness and digital literacy. All stakeholders are encouraged to assessment and accountability questions and/or concerns to Assessment Hotline For immediate assistance regarding assessment and accountability, district-level staff may call the Assessment Hotline at All stakeholders are encouraged to technology readiness questions and/or concerns to either
Next Steps
Next Steps Key Dates Action September
Plan for LEAP 360 Interims implementation Next Assessment and Accountability Monthly Call: October 10, 2017 at 1:00 PM
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