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Getting the Money We Need Making the investment case to donor country governments  Peter van Rooijen International Civil Society Support | Global Fund.

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Presentation on theme: "Getting the Money We Need Making the investment case to donor country governments  Peter van Rooijen International Civil Society Support | Global Fund."— Presentation transcript:

1 Getting the Money We Need Making the investment case to donor country governments 
Peter van Rooijen International Civil Society Support | Global Fund Advocates Network

2 Making the investment case to donor country governments – the golden rules ?  
Show the need Show the results Show the cost of inaction We will not end AIDS unless ….... Investing in the Global Fund: The Cost of Inaction Key Populations and the Global Fund: Delivering Key Results

3 BUT - maybe we need to talk about GREED
We discussed increased levels of infections (Prevention Gap Report) We discussed decreased levels of funding (Kaiser report) We discussed the realities and threats of abandonment of people in MIC’s (nicely framed as transition) And we try to deal with this as of these are technical issues As if infections are only a function of effectiveness of prevention interventions As if funding is only a function of GNI and ODA and refugee costs in donor countries As if domestic resources are only a function of increased GNI in implementing countries Above all these are functions of political will

4 The investment case to donors
YES: The investment case is about all the technical issues (result, modeling of future outcomes and cost of inaction) BUT: that is only one side of the coin (the side we focused on this week) The investment case is also IF NOT MOST OF ALL about political will: The will to support people that are poor (and not only poor countries = ODA) The will to address inequalities in donor countries and in implementing countries (un-equal distribution of wealth = greed) The will to truly leave no one behind – no where – never

5 Is there the will to address inequalities?
Poverty is one cause of increased infections and deaths But in a globalizing world that gets wealthier we increasingly see: Inequalities increasingly define the challenges in the AIDS epidemic (more than (or) on top of poverty – ODA is not helping us anymore) These inequalities exist in LIC, MIC and HIC (rich getting richer, poor getting poorer) And everywhere inequalities fuel the AIDS epidemic (as well as TB) the divide between people that have access and people that do not, the abuse of human rights

6 Making the business case to donors
And then there are the SDG’s Speaking to leaving no one behind Speaking about addressing inequalities (in all countries) Speaking about global solidarity But is the political will there to adjust the thinking and to adjust the systems and deliver on these NEW promises ? Durban 2016 taught us the we need to reframe the business case. Moving from poverty reduction to reduction of greed?


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