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Department of Science and enviornment

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1 Department of Science and enviornment
Title - Inhibitory effect of Lantana camara leaf extract on seed germination of Lens esculanta Presented by Dr. Arpana Mishra Department of Science and enviornment Mahatma Gandhi Chitrakoot Gramodaya Vishwavidyalaya Chitrakoot, Satna (M.P)

2 About the Lantana camara
It is also known as ach man, angel lipes, big sage etc. Lantana camara is a perennial, evergreen, wild foreign weed. Lantana camara is native to Mexico. Lantana camara is member of Verbenaceae family. In India, It was initially introduced in 1809 from Sri Lanka. Lantana camara is a world wide weed. It has been distributed in more than 60 countries as Africa, Australia, China, Cambodia, India, USA and Sri Lanka etc. It is commonly occurs in agriculture areas, coastlands, grass lands, wetlands and other wastelands.

3 Harmful effect of Lantana camara -
Lantana poisoning in livestock- 1- Lantana has been implicated in the poisoning of a number of animals including cattle, buffalo, sheep, goats, horses and dogs since its all part contain toxic triterpenoids, lantadene A and lantadene B. 2- Lantana is responsible for deaths of cattle per annum and is regarded as one of the most important poisonous plants in agricultural areas. 3- This plant has demonstrated toxicity when ingested by animals. 4- Symptoms of Lantana toxicity in livestock and humans- (a) Photosensitive dermatitis. (b) Pink nose disease. (c) Jaundice. (d) A swollen liver. (e) Hepatotoxicity. (f) A very swollen gall bladder. (g) Swollen and pale kideneys. (h) Yellowing of the mucous membranes. 5- Children have been poisoned by eating the berries.

4 A cow suffering from Lantana poisoning

5 Inflamed nose and tongue

6 Typical symptoms of Photosensitisation

7 Lens esculanta  Lens esculanta  small annual legume of the pea family (Leguminosae) and its lens-shaped edible seed, which is good source of protein, vitamin B, iron, and phosphorus and one of the most ancient of cultivated foods.

8 Materials and Methods The leaves were detached and washed with distilled water to remove the adherent dust particles. Aqueous extract of L.camara leaves was prepared as under 200g of fresh leaves chopped in small pieces and crushed in the mixture grinder after grinding the material of leaf were soaked in 1000 ml of distilled water for 24 hour, the aqueous extract was filtered through the muslin cloth and then some of the extract was diluted to make the concentrations to 10% (T1), 25% (T2), 50% (T3), 75% (T4), 100% (T5) (on the basis of volume) and distilled water as a control (T0) treatment. The seeds were surface sterilized with 0.1% HgCl2 for 10 min and again washed with sterilized distilled water 4-7 times.




12 Filtration of specimen (leaf).

13 The germination test was carried out in sterile Petri dishes of 12 cm in size placing a whatman number 3 filter paper on petridishes. The extract of each concentration was added to each petridish of respective treatment daily in such an amount just enough to wet the seeds. The controls were treated similarly with distilled water. Twenty seeds were spread in containing whatman’s filter paper petri dish. The petridish were set in the four replications. The treatments were kept in randomized design with laboratory of the M.G.C.G.V, Chitrakoot at room temperature ranging from C. The experiment was extends over a period of 5th days to allow the last seed germination. The germination was recorded on daily basis. Data were recorded on counting the number of germinated seeds.


15 Prepared Lantana camara aqueous extract.

16 Result and Discussion Percentage seed germination of Lens esculanta were inhibited or reduced significantly by the varied concentrations of leaf aqueous extracts of Lantana camara. Variation of the germination percentage varied evenly due to different concentrations. With the increase of concentration, the inhibitory effect was progressively increased. The maximum percentage of seed germination was observed in control 100%. In 10% (T1) concentration of Lantana camara aqueous leaf extract was observed 85% germination over control. T2 treatment germination were observed 75% . T3 treatment germination were observed 50% and in T4 treatment germination were observed 30% over control. Minimum percentage 7% germination was recorded in T5 treatment.

17 Table. 1. Effect of L.camara leaf extract on germination of Lens esculanta at 5th day after sowing.
Treatment % Germination % Inhibition Control 100 00 10% 85 15 25% 75 25 50% 50 75% 30 70 100% 7 93


19 The present study suggests that leaf extract of Lantana camara have strong allelopathic effect on the germination of Lens esculanta. Seed imbibed in leaf extract of L.camara showed inhibition in seed germination. Allelopathy refers to the direct or indirect chemical effect of one plant on the germination, growth or development of other plants. Allelochemicals are present in leaves, stem, roots, fruits and flowers of Lantana camara.

Green plant produce hundreds of compounds that are not involved in primary metabolism of the plants and hence, called the secondary products. The compounds (allelochemicals) involved in interspecific chemical interactions (allelopathy) with higher plants are often phytotoxic or herbicidal to other species or even to the species producing them (autotoxicity). Allelochemicals of Lantana have already been isolated and documented by many scientists. Allelochemicals are present in leaves, stem, roots, fruits and flowers of Lantana camara .The chemical compounds present in Lantana camara extracts include mono and sesquiterpenes, flavinoids, iridoid glycoside, furanonaphoquinones, sthsteroids triterpenes and diterpenes. Yi et al. (97) reported the presence of several phenolic compounds in lantana leaf extract as salicylic, gentisic, β-resorcylic acid, vanillic, caffeic, ferulic, phydroxybenzoic acids, coumarin and 6- methyl coumarin. Lantadene A and lantadene B as more potent allelochemicals. Allelopathic chemicals from Lantana camara are able to repel other plant. Lantadene A and B are the most common and salicylic acid is recorded as one the major toxins. Essential oil extracted from the leaves of L. camara was found to possess significant insecticidal, antifeedant, antimicrobial.

21 Inhibiting the seed germination ,growth and antibacterial activity. 2
S.No Compound Name Biological Activity 1 β-pinene Inhibiting the seed germination ,growth and antibacterial activity. 2 β-sitosterol Not determine 3 Betulonic acid 4 Betulinic acid 5 Caffeic acid suppress root-infecting fungi and root-knot nematode. 6 Calceolarioside 7 Camaraside 8 Camarinic acid Antimutagenic , antimicrobial and nematicidal activity. 9 Camaric acid Nematicidal activity 10 Campesterol 11 1,8-Cineole Inhibiting the growth of plant. 12 Cinnamic acid Inhibited the activity of plasma H+-ATPase, PPase and inhibit the process of seed germination. 13 Dipentene 14 8-epiloganin 15 Ferulic acid Reduced chlorophyll contents in soybean leaf and inhibit the process of seed germination.

22 The water soluble allelochemicals of Lantana camara inhibited the initial growth of both the agricultural crops Oryza sativa, Triticum aestivum, Vigna sinensis, Cucurbita pepo. The extracts of leaf, stem, flower and fruit of Lantana camara inhibited the seed germination of Parthenium hysterophorus clearly indicated that the allelochemicals present in the extracts adversely affected the seed germination. Leaf extract was found to exhibit maximum allelopathy effect followed by stem, flower and fruit extracts (Mishra and Singh, 2010).

23 These allelochemicals affected many cellular processes in target plant species, including disruption of membrane permeability ( Galindo et al (1999), ion uptake ( Lehman and Blum (1999), inhibition of electron transport in both photosynthesis and the respiratory chain ( Calera et al 1995, Penuelas et al 1996, Abrahim et al 2000), cause damage to DNA and protein, alterations of some enzymatic activities (Anaya and Pelay-Benavides 1997, Cruz-ortega et al 1998) and ultimately lead to programmed cell death ( Ding et al 2007). Maiti at al (2008) found that these chemicals interfere with various physiobiochemical processes of seed germination, root elongation, plant growth as well as various metabolic activities of many species. Maiti et al (2010) found that potential to use allelopathic species suppress the growth of other weeds. It can further be used as a tool to formulate new eco-friendly bio-herbicides to control weeds in agro-ecosystems and natural ecosystems. Oudhia and Tripathi (1999) found that these allelochemicals can be beneficial and detrimental. The beneficial allelopathic effect of any weed or crop on another weed can be exploited to prepare eco- friendly, cheap and effective green herbicides. Similarly negative allelopathic effects of many weeds or crops on another crop can be utilized to develop growth- promoting substances.

24 CONCLUSION Weeds are unwanted, undesirable and non economic plants that compete with crops for water, nutrients, and sunlight. Additionally, some weeds interfere with crop plants through allelochemicals which inhibit crop growth and development. Hence the fast growing, exotic, invasive weed like L.camara having growth suppressing property should be treated as a potential threat to plant diversity in a natural ecosystem. Allelopathy is a natural and an environment-friendly technique which may prove to be a unique tool for weed control, increase crop yields, decrease our reliance on both synthetic pesticides and improve the ecological environment. Therefore, this study calls for the proper management of L.camara.



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