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Ll2/P2 Ffactorau amgylcheddol sydd yn medru effeithio ar ddatblygiad unigolion. Environmental factors that affect the development of individuals.

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1 Ll2/P2 Ffactorau amgylcheddol sydd yn medru effeithio ar ddatblygiad unigolion. Environmental factors that affect the development of individuals


3 Y Byd!/ The world!



6 Gwastraff Diwydiannol/ Industrial waste
Yn aml mae gwastraff diwydiannol yn cynnwys nifer o elfennau a all effeithio ar iechyd pysgod a’r rhai sy’n eu bwyta. Bydd rhai o’r gwenwynau hyn yn eithaf gwan ond gall eraill ladd. Gallant atal imiwnedd, effeithio ar atgynhyrchu a gwenwyno’n ddifrifol. Industrial waste often contains many toxic ingredients that can damage the health of fish and those who eat them. Some of these poisons may only have a mild effect whereas others can be fatal. They can cause immune suppression, reproductive failure or acute poisoning.

7 Llygredd Dŵr/Water Pollution
Gall llygredd dŵr effeithio ar ddatblygiad ac achosi salwch. Gall sylweddau heintus fynd i’r dŵr ac achosi nifer o glefydau fel dolur rhydd. Mewn gwledydd sy’n datblygu dyma achos nifer fawr o farwolaethau mewn plant. Yn y gorffennol canlyniad diffyg glanweithdra a diffyg carthffosiaeth oedd achosion o golera. Water pollution can affect development and is a major source of ill health. For example infectious agents that enter drinking water supply can cause a variety of diseases including diarrhoea. In developing countries this is still a major cause of child mortality. In the past lack of sanitation and sewerage in cities resulted in Cholera outbreaks.

8 Ystadegau colera/Cholera statistics

9 Ardaloedd Colera/ Cholera areas

10 Mae colera’n afiechyd sy’n lladd yn aml ac yn achosi dolur rhydd, poenau yn y cyhyrau, ataliad wrin ac ansymudedd Gall darnau bach o blwm mewn dŵr, bwyd a’r awyr wneud niwed i system nerfol plant a phobl ifanc. Cholera is an often fatal infectious disease that causes diarrhoea, muscle cramps suppression of urine and immobilisation. Exposure to small amounts of lead in water, food and the air can damage the nervous system of infants and small children.

11 Gall darnau bach o blwm mewn dŵr, bwyd a’r awyr wneud niwed i system nerfol plant a phobl ifanc.
Plwm yn yr amgylchedd. Am flynyddoedd mae plwm wedi cael ei ddefnyddio ar gyfer nifer o bethau fel plymwaith, trydaneg, petrol, paent, gwydr ayb. Yn anffodus, gall llyncu plwm dros gyfnod o amser effeithio ar ein hiechyd gyda phlant o dan bump oed mewn fwyaf o beryg. O ganlyniad mae’r llywodraeth wedi gwahardd plwm mewn nifer o nwyddau. Yr achos mwyaf adnabyddus ydy tynnu plwm allan o betrol. Exposure to small amounts of lead in water, food and the air can damage the nervous system of infants and small children. Lead in our environment. For years lead has been found to be a very useful material, from plumbing, electronics, petrol, paint, glass and many other applications. Unfortunately, swallowing of lead over time can affect our health, with the greatest risk being to children under five. As a result of these health issues the government has banned the use of lead in many products. The most well known example in recent times is the removal of lead from petrol.

12 Llygredd/Pollution Gall llygredd o fwg traffig effeithio ar yr ysgyfaint. Cyn tynnu plwm o betrol roedd tipyn o bryderu y gallai llygredd effeithio ar ddatblygiad ymennydd plant bach. Gall llygredd sŵn arafu datblygiad deallusol (fel sŵn cefndir, peiriannau golchi, teledu). Gall hyn gael effaith ar ddatblygiad plentyn. Pollution from traffic fumes can affect lung development and function. Until lead was removed from petrol there were major concerns that lead pollution might affect the brain development of young children. Noise pollution may affect and delay intellectual development (like loud background noises, washing machines, televisions. This may affect on a child’s language development.

13 Gall mynd i weithgareddau hamdden fel clybiau ar ôl ysgol, clybiau chwaraeon roi cyfle i’r unigolyn ddatblygu (yn ddeallusol – dysgu a deall) Datrys problemau Mynediad i iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol – meddyg teulu, bydwraig, ymwelydd iechyd, nyrs ysgol, dietegydd, ffisiotherapydd Gofal cymdeithasol i grwpiau bregus fel pobl ifanc, yr henoed neu rheini o statws cymdeithasol isel. Access to leisure and recreational activities such as out of school clubs, sports clubs evening classes all give an opportunity for the individual to develop.(intellectual- learning and understanding, problem solving access to health and social care services –GP, Midwife, health visitor, school nurse, Dietician ,Physiotherapist Social care for vulnerable groups children young people the elderly or those from low socio – economic status.

14 Cartrefi tamp gorlawn/ Damp overcrowded housing

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