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Diverticulitis Ultrasound

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1 Diverticulitis Ultrasound
Nicholas Kurtzman, MS4 EM Ultrasound Thomas Jefferson University Hospital September 19, 2016

2 Epidemiology Diverticulosis 60% of people by age 60
95% have sigmoid diverticula In Asia prevalence is 13-25% and right sided 4-15% of pt w/ diverticulosis develop diverticulitis Mean age is 63 years Hughes LE. Postmortem survey of diverticular disease of the colon. I. Diverticulosis and diverticulitis. Gut 1969; 10:336.

3 Pathogenesis Micro- or macroscopic perforation of a diverticulum.
Previously believed that obstruction of diverticula increased diverticular pressure and caused perforation (known to be rare) Erosion of the diverticular wall by increased intraluminal pressure or inspissated food particles. Inflammation and focal necrosis ensue, resulting in perforation. Rege RV, Nahrwold DL. Diverticular disease. Curr Probl Surg 1989; 26:133.

4 Clinical features Subacute onset of pain (>1 hour)
Tenderness to palpation in LLQ Raised inflammatory markers Fever Absence of peristalsis

5 Workup Imaging not necessary in patients w/ left lower quadrant pain, fever, leukocytosis, or history of diverticulitis with symptoms of recurrent disease Contrast enhanced CT Rules out other sources of pain or underlying diagnoses Follow up colonoscopy 6 weeks after episode of diverticulitis


7 Approach to exam Curvilinear 3.5-5.0 MHz probe
Can use linear probe in pediatrics, elderly, decreased muscle mass Can use endocavitary probe for evaluation of difficult to access areas Focus on most painful area Perform systemic evaluation of colon starting in RUQ w/ ascending colon Visualize all sections of colon Attempt to visualize rectum using bladder as a window (half full bladder is optimal) J Ultrasound Med Oct;32(10): doi: /ultra Sonography: first-line modality in the diagnosis of acute colonic diverticulitis? Helou N1, Abdalkader M, Abu-Rustum RS.

8 Colon Normal wall thickness: <3mm
Colonic wall > 5mm assume underlying disease Colon lacks vulvulae conniventes Colon is aperistaltic

9 Diagnostic criteria Signs of inflammation of periodic fat Diverticulum
Thickened bowel wall >4-5 mm

10 Sonographic features Thick hypoechoic wall with central hyperechoic center 40% of cases (pseudokidney) Diverticula (50% of cases) Thin wall due to lack of muscularis propria “bright ears” out of the bowel wall with acoustic shadowing Changes in pericolic fat Rigid hyperechoic zone surrounding colon Enlarged fluid filled loops of bowel Air containing diverticula Hyperechoic areas within lumen w/ acoustic shadowing Abscess Local pain and tenderness on compression

11 Use of US in diagnosis of Diverticulitis
Lameris et al meta analysis w/ 630 patients evaluated with US and 684 evaluated with CT US sensitivity 92% CT sensitivity 94% No statistical significance US cheaper than CT No radiation Correlates point of maximal tenderness with visuals

12 Limitations Area obscured by overlying gas Obesity Operator
Statistically significant difference in detection of operator between >500 and <500 scans Difficult to determine between diverticulitis alternative causes of abdominal pain J Ultrasound Med Oct;32(10): doi: /ultra Sonography: first-line modality in the diagnosis of acute colonic diverticulitis? Helou N1, Abdalkader M, Abu-Rustum RS. Sigmoid diverticulitis: US findings. Maria Antonietta Mazzei† author, Nevada Cioffi Squitieri†, Susanna Guerrini†, Amato Antonio Stabile Ianora†, Lucio Cagini†, Luca Macarini†, Melchiore Giganti† and Luca Volterrani†

13 References J Ultrasound Med Oct;32(10): doi: /ultra Sonography: first-line modality in the diagnosis of acute colonic diverticulitis? Helou N1, Abdalkader M, Abu-Rustum RS. Sigmoid diverticulitis: US findings. Maria Antonietta Mazzei† author, Nevada Cioffi Squitieri†, Susanna Guerrini†, Amato Antonio Stabile Ianora†, Lucio Cagini†, Luca Macarini†, Melchiore Giganti† and Luca Volterrani Rege RV, Nahrwold DL. Diverticular disease. Curr Probl Surg 1989; 26:133. Hughes LE. Postmortem survey of diverticular disease of the colon. I. Diverticulosis and diverticulitis. Gut 1969; 10:336.

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