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Word, definition, picture, sentence

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Presentation on theme: "Word, definition, picture, sentence"— Presentation transcript:

1 Word, definition, picture, sentence
WD Lesson 1 Word, definition, picture, sentence

2 Instructions 1) in the title box at the top of the slide: type the word part and it’s definition (all of them or just the one you prefer) 2) In the content box: choose a picture from the internet or your own personal photos that you feel illustrates an example word (may be a provided example word or another one you thought of with the word part in it). To add a photo: google an image, click on it, click “view image,” then right click the image, “copy,” and “paste” onto a slide If this doesn’t work, try saving the image to your desktop. Then open it from the desktop and copy and paste it onto the slide.

3 Instructions (Continued)
3) Write a sentence using the example word you illustrated. 4) After you type the sentence, high-light the example word you used, and make it bold, italicized, and underlined. 5) VERY IMPORTANT: you must underline the context clue in the sentence. Context clues are hints that a writer gives to help define a difficult or unusual word. The clue may appear within the same sentence as the word to which it refers, or it may follow in a preceding sentence (

4 _ity = _ing/condition of being (C.O.B.)
King Henry VIII married his first wife, Catherine of Aragon, in the Catholic Church which called into question the legality of his subsequent marriages because he did not have an approved annulment of his first union.

5 __OLOGY = STUDY OF When I took AP Biology, Mr. Bertain gave us extra credit if we skinned our cat completely. We were learning about the body systems in felines.

6 mono = one/ single When I visited Florida for Spring Break, I got to ride on the smooth, single-track monorail around Disney World… And then we had to leave because we didn’t have time to go into the park.

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