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ArcGIS for the Military: Creating and Sharing Military Overlays

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Presentation on theme: "ArcGIS for the Military: Creating and Sharing Military Overlays"— Presentation transcript:

1 ArcGIS for the Military: Creating and Sharing Military Overlays
Dan Barnes Joe Bayles

2 Current Workflows PowerPoint is simple to use…

3 Current Workflows … but hard to read.
Map courtesy of the California National Guard

4 Future Workflows The Art of the Possible

5 Agenda Background Information Creating Overlays Sharing Overlays
Current Workflow Military Standards Military Symbology in Desktop Current Esri Technology Creating Overlays Adding Symbols Creating Symbols Sharing Overlays Publishing to the web map Creating dynamic information products

6 Agenda Background Information Creating Overlays Sharing Overlays
Current Workflow Military Standards Military Symbology in Desktop Current Esri Technology Creating Overlays Adding Symbols Creating Symbols Sharing Overlays Publishing to the web map Creating dynamic information products

7 Agenda

8 Esri Support for Military Symbology
Dedicated to mission success Esri has supported military-standard symbology in ArcGIS for over 17 years: ArcGIS supported Military Overlay Editor (MOLE) ArcMap supported Military Features template ArcGIS 10.4-Beyond support Military Overlay, and Military Tools for ArcGIS Esri actively engages customers that use military symbology around the globe. Esri also supports the standards committees, actively participating in the: US DOD Symbology Standards Management Committee NATO Joint Symbology Panel

9 MIL-STD-2525 and APP-6 Evolving Standards 03 SFGPUCIA-- 01

10 Military Overlay Information Model
A schema that matches the military standard Layer Package Geodatabase Schema Feature Templates Schema contains multiple dictionary fields (the “keys”) “Values” are used to identify specific symbol element Attributes in schema drive symbology

11 Dictionary Renderer for ArcGIS Pro
Dynamically update symbol based on attributes Included in ArcGIS Pro Optimized for fast search and retrieval of given symbol Rule-based Configurable Symbology and Text fields Takes elements of Information Model and “combines” them to create a displayed symbol

12 Military Overlay Template
Create and Share Overlays using Military Symbology ArcGIS Pro Project Template Combines the Military Overlay Information Model and Dictionary Renderer Includes tasks that outline these workflows: Create military standard symbols using Feature Templates. Create a military overlay with dictionary renderer symbology. Share the overlay as either a static image or an editable web map. Also included is Military Symbol Editor Add-in

13 Creating Overlays Dan Barnes

14 Sharing Overlays Joe Bayles

15 Questions Stay tuned for resources and session information…

16 Legacy Standard Support
What if I don’t use 2525D? Available for ArcGIS Pro 1.2: MIL-STD-2525C MIL-STD-2525B (Change 2) APP-6B These will soon be available as alternate information models Want to create your own dictionary? Our code is on GitHub!

17 Resources GitHub ArcGIS Solutions Website Military Standards
For more information about military symbology in ArcGIS GitHub Joint Military Symbology Markup Library Military Features Data ArcGIS Solutions Website Military Features Military Overlay Military Overlay Information Model Military Tools for ArcGIS Military Standards MIL-STD-2525 NATO APP-6 ADRP 1-02

18 Please take our Survey Find your event in the Esri Events App
Your feedback allows us to help maintain high standards and to help presenters Find your event in the Esri Events App Find the session you want to review Scroll down to the bottom of the session Answer survey questions and submit

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