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Implementation and next steps for Digital School SELFIE

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1 Implementation and next steps for Digital School SELFIE
Panagiotis Kampylis - Yves Punie @pankampylis Please DO NOT cite or distribute further!

2 Self-Assessment Tools
SELFIE aims to support the digital transformation of EU schools Change process Current state Future state DigCompOrg Conceptual Framework SELFIE Self-Assessment Tools External evaluation & support ? Dec 2015 Dec 2017 Holistic approach - Common understanding Self-reflection, benchmarking & action plan for improvement External evaluation, recognition, training…

3 Key premises of SELFIE The focus is on the effective use of technologies for ´effective digital- age learning´, not for administration etc. Through SELFIE we would like to facilitate (and celebrate) progress, not excellence. In other words, not each school can be/should be at the highest level in all SELFIE indicators Self-evaluation allows for understanding each school‘s strength and weaknesses and planning for improvement The basic assumption behind SELFIE, backed by our findings from SCALE CCR study, is that a ´digitally-capable school´ that promotes digital-age learning follows both top-down and bottom-up innovation and it is responsive and supportive of the development of its members That is why SELFIE, in contrast with existing tools, involves all key actors: leaders, teachers, students Last but not least, SELFIE is not a 'one-size-fits-all' approach, but it will be fully customisable (see slide with SELFIE structure)

4 SELFIE: evidence-based tools, bringing together theory and practice
DigCompOrg conceptual model User consultation survey in 5 MS School leaders Teachers Students TOTAL Estonian 43 168 491 702 Italian 51 338 769 1158 Spanish 93 426 1516 2035 Danish 12 96 569 677 English 25 126 329 480 224 1154 3674 5052 Input by more than 5000 school leaders, teachers and students! Validated by experts, stakeholders and policy makers

5 X Key design principles of SELFIE tools
Online platform developed in-house by JRC-Sevilla, hosted in EC servers *************** Single entry point using school’s official X NO PERSONAL DATA is collected!

6 Schools have full ownership of their data!
Key design principles of SELFIE tools #2 SELFIE coordinator in each school Supported by Q&A, videos, case studies… Schools have full ownership of their data!

7 Key design principles of SELFIE tool #3
Internal dialogue based on SELFIE results Basis for developing an action plan for improvement Flow of data every year for evidence-based research

8 Up to 10 can be selected (+5 VET-specific)
SELFIE structure After using SELFIE Qualitative data (provided by national coordinator) Plus demographic data for SL, T, S Optional Ad hoc items Up to 6 can be added SELFIE 20 optional items [ ] Up to 10 can be selected (+5 VET-specific) +12 VET-specific Based on DigCompOrg 32 core items grouped in three broad areas: strategy, pedagogy, infrastructure [ ] +6 VET-specific Obligatory Before using SELFIE School profile (provided by national coordinator and school coordinator)

9 Who will participate in the pilot (Sept-Oct 2017)?
11 countries: Spain, Italy, Estonia, Denmark, Ireland, Cyprus, Belgium (Flanders), Georgia, Russia (UNESCO schools), Greece, Serbia - Finland likely to join also More than 400+ schools: primary (ISCED 1), lower-secondary, (ISCED 2) and upper secondary (both general and VET – ISCED 3). Mainly public, but also private and chartered schools Who will provide the data: School leaders (e.g. school head or deputy head) Teachers Students (in their last year of primary or lower secondary schools, first year of upper-secondary or initial VET schools)

10 My school does this to a very high standard
How SELFIE items are formulated School leaders (SL) will be asked about policies/strategies in their school (i.e. top-down aspect). Teachers (T) and students (S) will be asked about their practice/experience (i.e. bottom-up aspect). Two different but very similar 5-point scales/progression model For school leaders the scale covers from 'no, this is not yet in our agenda' up to ''my school does this to a very high standard' For teachers/students the scale covers from 'no, I do not do this' up to 'I share my knowledge/experience with others in order to keep my practice up to date and to expand my repertoire' My school does this to a very high standard 1 2 3 4 5 With mouse-over or similar, SELFIE users can see what each answer option is about…

11 Examples of SELFIE core items for school leaders
Item description 1 2 3 4 5 SELFIE area: Strategy My school has a documented action plan that sets out its commitment to using digital technologies to improve teaching and learning experiences. We do not have this plan We plan to have such a plan We are at the first stage of developing /adopting such a plan We are quite- advanced in the development/adaptation of this plan We have a full plan in place that is aligned with school's overall strategy My school has a strategic plan to use a range of learning technologies to inclusively meet diverse student needs and to ensure equality of opportunity (e.g., students with disabilities or special needs, gifted students). We do not have this SELFIE area: Pedagogy It is school policy to promote and expect responsible online behaviours by teachers and students (e.g., safety, privacy, mutual respect, copyright). We do not have this policy We plan to have such a policy We are at the first stage of developing /adopting such a policy We are quite- advanced in the development/adaptation of this policy We have a well-defined policy in place that is aligned other school's policies Our school strategy for teaching and learning promotes the use of open educational resources (OER) i.e., freely accessible, openly licensed content that can be accessed, remixed, adapted or added to. We do not have this strategy We plan to have such a strategy We are at the first stage of developing /adopting such a strategy We are quite- advanced in the development/adaptation of this strategy We have a well-defined strategy in place that is aligned with school's overall strategy SELFIE area: Infrastructure (both physical and IT infrastructure) The school plan envisages the organisation of classrooms and other physical spaces in order to facilitate the integration and innovative use of learning technologies. Our school strategy for integrating digital learning technologies ensures that appropriate measures are in place to secure and protect teacher and student data (e.g., back-ups and access authentication systems) Draft – Currently under expert and user consultation Similar items under development for teachers and students

12 What else? All the participants in SELFIE pilots will get a certification of participation. Also, schools will get a badge confirming that they are in a process of self-evaluating their digital capacity using SELFIE (similar with the one from School Online Safety Self Review Tool from UK). JRC will launch by June an exploratory study to investigate further the options for recognition…

13 SELFIE for schools timeframe
Developing & testing a user consultation survey based on DigCompOrg descriptors Translating and running the UCS in 100+ schools in 5 EU countries (ES, IT, DK, EE, IE) In-house analysis of UCS results Developing & pre-testing the prototype SELFIE May June September - October Translating SELFIE Piloting SELFIE in 400+ schools Analysing the results from the pilots October Mid-November Consolidated SELFIE Dec 2017 End-November

14 Implementation and next steps for SELFIE
The aim of this session is to identify and discuss different options for fostering take-up and use of SELFIE in the Member States 3 Questions for discussion

15 Overview of the take up of DigComprOrg & SELFIE so far
Ireland United Kingdom Finland Estonia Spain Italy Serbia Croatia Hungary Greece Denmark Russia Lithuania Cyprus PARTICIPATION IN SELFIE PILOTS (in red): DK, EE, ES, IT (BE, CY, EL, GE, IE, RU, UK, … ) TRANSLATION OF DIGCOMPORG REPORT: EE, ES, IT , CY, LT, HU, BE … REFERENCE MODEL FOR NATIONAL DIGITAL STRATECIES: ES, HR, HU … POLICY SUPPORT MEETINGS: ES, HR, IE, EL … Belgium (Flanders) REFERENCE MODEL FOR NATIONAL CALLS & TRAINING MATERIALS: ES, HU,FI, RS … REFERENCE MODEL FOR NATIONAL TOOLS: EE, HR, FI … © Copyright Georgia *EU member country Map source: Maps displayed are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area

16 Q1: How can / should SELFIE be used in your country?
How can / should schools be involved / motivated to participate? What is the role of MoE, regional authorities, other actors? What kind of supporting mechanism are needed? (teacher training, ambassadors,…) The link with existing tools if they would exist in your country?

17 Q1: How can / should SELFIE be used in your country?
Q2: Should schools progress be certified? Q3: What are / should be the next steps for SELFIE in ?

18 Q2: Should schools progress be certified?
How could / should a recognition / certification system be developed? Is there a role for external evaluation of SELFIE results?

19 Q3: What are / should be the next steps for SELFIE in 2018-2019?
Foreseen: Large-scale testing of the final instrument, e.g. in the majority of schools in a # of education systems/regions (e.g schools, school leaders, teachers, students) Additional options: Extending the scope of SELFIE to higher education and piloting SELFIE for HEIs in 3-4 European countries Adding a module on teachers´ digital competence (DigCompEdu) Adding a module on open education (OpenEdu) Adding a module on student digital competence (DigComp) Developing support mechanism for further mainstreaming

20 an international community is evolving around!
SELFIE Dream-Team an international community is evolving around! Jim Devine | Policy | Projects | Innovation, IRELAND Timmus Limited, UK Danish Technological Institute, DENMARK Tallinn University - Centre of Excellence in Educational, Innovation, ESTONIA EIM consultancy, SPAIN National Research Council, Institute of Educational Technology & INDIRE, ITALY UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching & Learning in Higher Education, IRELAND …. European Commission's (EC) Joint Research Centre, Human Capital and Employment Unit (JRC B.4 in short) has designed and run the study for EC's Directorate General Education and Culture (DG EAC). JRC B.4 collaborates with a group of international experts. © Copyright Designed by


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