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Key Stage 3 Year 7 FOOD TECHNOLOGY nhs

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1 Key Stage 3 Year 7 FOOD TECHNOLOGY http://www. nhs
Current flightpath Name Group Target flightpath

2 Adapting dishes 2

3 1 (a) (i) Identify how the pasta salad meets the advice of the eatwell plate (2 marks) 1 (a) (ii) Identify how the pasta salad does not meet the advice of the eatwell plate 1 (a) (iii) Explain two ways to make the pasta salad a healthier option. (4 marks) 3

4 Learning: The balance of a healthy diet
Label and illustrate the diagram below identifying the food groups that make up a balanced diet and how much we are recommended to eat. Starchy carbohydrates are an important part of a balanced diet because….. Vegetables are an important part of a balanced diet because….. Protein foods are an important part of a balanced diet because….. Dairy products are an important part of a balanced diet because….. Sugary and fatty foods should be eaten in moderation because……. 4

5 Food and Nutrition : PACA Pancake
Skills Success criteria Safety and quality tips Flight path Knife skills - slice, Use bridge method to cut wedges Combining and beating Combine by beating the mixture using a hand whisk. Hob and frying Use heat control to get your frying pan to the right temperature and carefully cook your batter and turn using the correct equipment. Flightpath Ingredients Nutrients Adaptions Flour lemon Eggs oil milk Explain how you could make the dish better, using key terms and referring to the skills you have learned and your understanding of balanced nutrition. 5

6 Food and Nutrition : Croque-monsieur
Skills Success criteria Safety and quality tips Flight path Knife skills - slice, chop and dice Use bridge and claw hold Chop evenly to ensure safe even cooking and consistent texture Wash hands after handling raw meat Béchamel - thickening Use gentle heat. Add milk slowly to start with. Whisk thoroughly to avoid lumps. Hob and grill skills Pre-heat the grill to a medium-high heat. Melt the butter on a medium – low heat, stir in your flour and cook for a minute, gradually whisk in the milk a little at a time until smooth. Adaptions FLIGHTPATH Nutrients Ingredients bread Flour Egg butter Ham milk Cheese Explain how you could make the dish better, using key terms and referring to the skills you have learned and your understanding of balanced nutrition. 6

7 Food and Nutrition : Food Hygiene and Safety
7 Produce a poster promoting food hygiene and safety to be displayed in the school kitchens Flight path FP3 - A set of basic rules for safe practice is stated. FP4 - A set detailed rules for safe practice is described. FP5 - A set of detailed rules for safe practice. How bacterial contamination can be prevented is explained.

8 Food and Nutrition : Flapjacks Add ingredients to Eatwell plate
Skills Success criteria Safety and quality tips Flight path Melting Using hob and temperature control to gently melt the butter, sugar and syrup to a liquid. Combining and coating Gently add the oats to the liquid making sure they are completely coated Hob/baking Use hob on a gently heat to melt butter Use oven gloves and do not lean down into the oven. 8 Ingredients Nutrients Adaptions FLIGHTPATH Sugar Butter Golden Syrup Explain how you could make the dish better, using key terms and referring to the skills you have learned and your understanding of balanced nutrition.

9 Evaluation and notes on Feedback
Tips How could your dish be made healthier/more balanced? How could your product be made more environmentally friendly? How could you have improved or developed your skills? 9

10 Food and Nutrition : Stir Fry Add ingredients to Eatwell plate
Skills Success criteria Safety and quality tips Flight path Knife Skills Keep your vegetables in even slices for even cooking. Peeling chopping and slicing. Bridge and claw. Hob Heat your pan and oil then add the vegetables. Control the heat using medium to high. Move the vegetables around the pan. Weighing and measuring Making a marinade Use scales, jugs and spoons accurately and keep your stir fry moving . Do not over cook the vegetables. Ingredients Nutrients Adaptions FLIGHTPATH Explain how you could make the dish better, using key terms and referring to the skills you have learned and your understanding of balanced nutrition. 10

11 To improve the quality of my written evaluation I will......
Evaluation and notes on Feedback Tips How could your dish be made healthier/more balanced? How could your product be made more environmentally friendly? How could you have improved or developed your skills? FLIGHTPATH 11

12 Food and Nutrition : Seasonal eating
12 Create a poster promoting seasonal and local produce Flight path FP3 - A range of seasonal foods are stated. FP4 – Some advantages of seasonal eating are described. FP5 – The advantages and disadvantages of seasonal eating are explained.

13 Food and Nutrition : Savoury Muffin Add ingredients to Eatwell plate
Skills Success criteria Safety and quality tips Flight path Preparing baking cases and tins Have all your tins and muffin cases ready before you start to combine the ingredients then your raising agent will not be activated to early. Weighing and measuring Use scales, jugs and spoons accurately. Whisking and folding Do not over whisk. Use a metal spoon for folding. Ingredients Nutrients Adaptions FLIGHTPATH Explain how you could make the dish better, using key terms and referring to the skills you have learned and your understanding of balanced nutrition. 14

14 Food and Nutrition : Snickerdoodle Cookies Add ingredients to Eatwell plate
Skills Success criteria Safety and quality tips Flight path Weighing and measuring Use scales, jugs and spoons accurately. Creaming method, Form a dough Using the correct utensil for the creaming method and rolling 1 inch dough balls evenly spaced for baking. Baking Use oven gloves and do not lean down into the oven. Ingredients Nutrients Adaptions FLIGHTPATH flour Butter Explain how you could make the dish better, using key terms and referring to the skills you have learned and your understanding of balanced nutrition. 15

15 Seasonal foods. On this page you will design, illustrate and annotate an idea for a seasonal and local meal (including a risotto). Annotation should include descriptions of how the ingredients match the current season, the nutritional balance of the dish and the flavours and textures of the dish. 13

16 Food and Nutrition : Seasonal Risotto Add ingredients to eatwell plate
Skills Success criteria Safety and quality tips Flight path Weighing and measuring Use scales, jugs and spoons accurately. Melting method. Coating Use the hob to melt the butter to liquid, do not burn the butter. Coat the rice in the butter before adding the stock. Hob skills Use heat control to monitor your dish and when adding the stock. Ingredients Nutrients Adaptions FLIGHTPATH Rice Butter Cheese Stock Salt Explain how you could make the dish better, using key terms and referring to the skills you have learned and your understanding of balanced nutrition. 16

17 Evaluation and notes on Feedback
Tips How could your dish be made healthier/more balanced? How could your product be made more environmentally friendly? How could you have improved or developed your skills? 9

18 Favourite recipe images
For additional notes and activities 17

19 Favourite recipe images For additional notes and activities

20 Food and Nutrition : Scone Based Pizza Add ingredients to Eatwell plate
Skills Success criteria Safety and quality tips Flight path Weighing, measuring and knife skills . Use scales, jugs and spoons accurately. Use bridge or claw method. Rubbing in method, combining to a dough and shaping the dough Do not over mix the ingredients, shape to a round and add the topping. Oven skills Use heat control to monitor your dish and use the correct shelve in the oven. Do not lean into the oven and use oven gloves. Explain how you could make the dish better, using key terms and referring to the skills you have learned and your understanding of balanced nutrition

21 Food and Nutrition : Chicken Fajitas Add ingredients to Eatwell plate
Skills Success criteria Safety and quality tips Flight path Knife skills using bridge and claw grip. Even slices Use the grip claw and bridge methods to cut food safety Handling raw meat. Checking meat is cooked by using a meat thermometer (72c). Use correct colour boards and clean all surfaces to avoid cross contamination. Hob skills Use the hob at different heats for stir frying and cooking chicken. Explain how you could make the dish better, using key terms and referring to the skills you have learned and your understanding of balanced nutrition

22 Evaluation and notes on Feedback
Tips How could your dish be made healthier/more balanced? How could your product be made more environmentally friendly? How could you have improved or developed your skills? 9

23 Favourite recipe images
For additional notes and activities 17

24 Food and Nutrition : Fruit Crumble Add ingredients to Eatwell plate
Skills Success criteria Safety and quality tips Flight path Knife skills Use the grip claw and bridge methods to cut food safety. Chop, slice and dice. Rubbing in method to combine dry ingredients to the fat. Do not over mix use the tips of your fingers to combine the ingredients. Oven skills and hob skills using temperature control. Use oven gloves and do not lean into the oven. Temperature control for the hob. Explain how you could make the dish better, using key terms and referring to the skills you have learned and your understanding of balanced nutrition

25 Food and Nutrition : PACA Burger Add ingredients to Eatwell plate
Skills Success criteria Safety and quality tips Flight path Knife skills using bridge and claw grip. Even slices Use the grip claw and bridge methods to cut food safety .handling raw meat and combining ingredients. Use the correct colour boards, keep a clean work area to avoid cross contamination. Hob skills and checking that the meat is cooked. Temperature control for the hob. Use a thermometer to check your meat is cooked. Explain how you could make the dish better, using key terms and referring to the skills you have learned and your understanding of balanced nutrition

26 Evaluation and notes on Feedback
Tips How could your dish be made healthier/more balanced? How could your product be made more environmentally friendly? How could you have improved or developed your skills? 9

27 Favourite recipe images
For additional notes and activities 17

28 Food and Nutrition : Classic Tomato Spaghetti Add ingredients to Eatwell plate
Skills Success criteria Safety and quality tips Flight path Knife skills Use the grip claw and bridge methods to cut food safety. Chop, slice and dice. Boiling water and cooking pasta . Draining pasta and adding sauce. Using the right amount of boiling water for cooking pasta, draining the boiling water safely. Plating and combining the sauce. Hob skills using heat controls. Use the correct heat to boil the water, medium heat for sauce. Explain how you could make the dish better, using key terms and referring to the skills you have learned and your understanding of balanced nutrition

29 Food and Nutrition : Chocolate Muffins Add ingredients to Eatwell plate
Skills Success criteria Safety and quality tips Flight path Filling cases Checking muffins are cooked Do not overfill the muffin cases, do not over mix the ingredients. Check to see if your muffins are cooked through by using a skewer. Weighing and measuring Using scales, jugs and spoons to measure ingredients correctly Oven skills and hob skills using temperature control Use the oven gloves to remove food from the oven and do not lean into the hot oven. Explain how you could make the dish better, using key terms and referring to the skills you have learned and your understanding of balanced nutrition

30 Evaluation and notes on Feedback
Tips How could your dish be made healthier/more balanced? How could your product be made more environmentally friendly? How could you have improved or developed your skills? 9

31 Favourite recipe images
For additional notes and activities 17

32 Food and Nutrition Glossary of terms
Carbohydrate – The main source of plant energy in our diets. Starches give slower release energy and are found in grains, flour and vegetables. Sugars are found in fruits and added to processed foods Protein – Also a good energy source as well as a source of amino acids, which help us grown and repair our cells. Found in meat, fish, dairy, pulses, nuts and seeds. Fats and oils – high in energy and containing essential fat soluble vitamins and fatty acids. Vitamins – Needed for normal body function and resistance to illness – examples include vitamin A- needed for sight and Vitamin –C needed for absorption of iron to help with energy levels. Minerals- Needed for things such as bone and teeth growth (calcium), energy and oxygen transfer through blood (iron) hydration and nerve function (sodium chloride or salt). Fibre – An indigestible carbohydrate found in wholegrains and fruit and vegetables which both slows the processing of starch into blood sugar (you feel fuller for longer) It also aids digestion helping to prevent constipation and conditions such as bowel cancer. Calories – the units of energy measured in different foods. Excess calories can be converted into adipose tissue or body fats which can lead to long term health problems. Potential long term risks of an unbalanced diet include Obesity Coronary Heart Disease Cardiovascular Disease Hypertension Diabetes 19

33 Safety passport Code of Conduct Safety Passport Hygiene - Hand washing
Use of hob - frying Use of oven - baking Use of hob - simmering Use of knife – slicing and dicing Use of blender - pureeing Hygiene – handling meat Hygiene – cooking meat Electric whisk Code of Conduct When cooking in the food room I agree to always….. When cooking in the food room I agree to never….. Signed


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