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2015/16- AGM.

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Presentation on theme: "2015/16- AGM."— Presentation transcript:

1 2015/16- AGM

2 2015/16 Key Highlights I take up post of CEO at end July 2015
Healthy demand for all our housing stock and low void rent loss High levels of customer satisfaction Started comprehensive rehab of 8 x flats at 15 Kennedar Drive thanks to 50 % grant funding from GCC Secured £1.4 million in grant funding from GCC to acquire an additional 19 tenement flats in Linthouse in 2015/16. Phase 2 of our stock condition survey complete with another 240 units inspected ( 40% of our stock) to update our approach to planned maintenance Started a review of staff structure with 9 staff voluntary leaving/left our staff team, and 10 new staff joining us in a restructured organisation, from September 2016

3 2015/16 Maintenance Highlights
Invested in stock over £ 3.8 million in Property Maintenance and acquisitions Planned Major repairs included work to MSF balconies and replacement of electric storage heaters Cyclical maintenance contracts included Gas Servicing, grounds maintenance, close painting, and gutter works Secured funding of £57,000 from GCC for 18 medical adaptation to help tenants stay in their homes longer Carried out 4,366 reactive repairs

4 Investment in Repairs, Maintenance, and Property Acquisitions for 5 Year Period- 2011-2016
Routine & Void Repairs Planned & Cyclical Property additions including components Total 11/12 £1,090,433 £2,185, £612, £3,888,733 12/13 £700,304 £293, £216, £1,210,130 13/14 £662,717 £259, £266, £1,188,240 14/15 £760,520 £523, £875, £2,160,015 15/16 £753,325 £410, £1,846,603 * £3,010,445 Total £3,967,299 £3,672, £3,817, £11,457,573

5 Excellent Performance in Managing Empty Properties 2015/16
1361 applicants on our waiting list at 31 March we re-let 97 empty houses in 2015/16 Of the 97 re-lets 8.2% (8) went to existing tenants, 81.4% (112) to people on our direct waiting list, and 13% (10.4) to referrals from GCC. It took an average 14.1 days to re-let our homes, compared to Scottish RSL average time of 29 days We lost £19,287 or 0.5% of total rent due because homes were empty, compared to Scottish Average rent loss of 0.9%

6 Rent Collected & Rent Arrears 2015- 16
Total amount of rent collected £3.77million which is equal to 98.5% of the rent due At end 2016 the total value of gross rent arrears = £310,849 or 8.07% of the rent due This unpaid rent = 124 new fitted kitchen’s LHA performance is 3.72 % above the 15/16 Scottish RSL average for total gross arrears = 4.3%

7 Money Matters 2015/16 Suzanne Quinn at Money Matters offered 569 customers money and welfare rights appointments Money Matters service is paid for from 50% SLAB grant and 50% LHA funding It cost LHA £18,000 to buy in Money Matters services and this investment generated a massive £775,946 in additional income for our customers Support services like Money Matters are essential to help customers deal with challenging issues of such as welfare reform

8 Our Customer Priorities 2015/16- You told us that you want to see:
Improvements to our housing stock Improvements to management of neighbourhood More Community Involvement activities Our New staff structure with more front staff line will help us deliver customer priorities

9 LHA Customer Satisfaction 2015/16 Compared to Scottish RSL Average
7 Key Indicators of Customer Satisfaction % LHA 15/16 14/15 % All RSL’s 15/16 1. % LHA homes meeting Scottish Housing Quality Standard 97% 98.6% 93% 2. % tenants who feel their landlord is good at keeping them informed about their services and decisions 97.3% 92.2% 3. Overall satisfaction with the services provided Linthouse 94.5% 91% 90% 4. % of tenants satisfied with the opportunities given to them to participate in their landlord’s decision making processes 96.4% 86.5% 5. % Tenants who feel that the rent for their property represents good value for money 88 % 83% 79% 6. % of tenants who had repair and maintenance carried out were satisfied with the service they received 87% 87.8% 7. % tenants satisfied with the management of the neighbourhood they live in 88% 75% 86%

10 Linthouse Residents Panel
Role is to help us to reviewing key performance areas Working with us to ensure we and other neighbourhood service providers such as GCC Land & Environmental Services are aware of aspects of local services which need improving In 2015 LHA won TPAS Best Practice in Involving Customers Award Peter McCarthy our Residents Panel Chairperson was awarded runner up of Scottish tenant of the year by TPAS in 2015 A full programme of Customer Panel meetings will be arranged when new staff start

11 A fresh approach to the future
Committee have taken a lead role in the change management process at LHA to secure the Association’s long term future as a highly effective modern housing organisation A key first step was to approve the new staff structure which is designed to focus Committee and the staff teams energy and resources on delivering ( copy of new staff structure in your handouts) : Excellent customer services Excellent value for money Committee will continue to involve staff and customers in our review process to help us to identify the changes we need to make to continuously improve our services

12 Your Committee- Looking After Your Local Housing Association
In the next months Committee will continue to worked on our developing approach to the future by: Agreeing a new Business Plan, Reviewing Maintenance and Asset Management Plans and Strategy, Approving Clear Operational Plans for Customer Service and Business Support & Finance Departments Setting Challenging targets for staff and committee to work towards Working closely with SHR to address issues Highlighted in our July 2106 Regulation Plan( copy in your handout) Welcoming 2 x Co-optee’s onto our Committee - Gordon Laurie and Paul McVey to help with the changes I am really looking forward to Sept 2017 AGM to update you on the progress we have made


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