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Recurrency/Transition Training

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1 Recurrency/Transition Training
Mel Burkart, MCFI

2 Contents Currency Transition Individual Pilot Currency
Towing/Tow Pilots Pilot Factors Safety Culture Transition Additional Launch Methods Higher/Lower Performance Gliders Additional Glider Rating Log Book Endorsements Training Syllabus CFI Qualifications

3 Recurrency/Transition Training
Regulatory Requirements - (FAR 61.56, 61.57, 61.31(j)) Flight Review Wings Program Endorsements (FAR 61.56, 61.31) Transition Training Syllabi Instructor qualifications Training Goals

4 Currency Requirements FAR 61.56
FAR Flight Review Every 24 calendar months 1 hour of ground instruction, and 1 hour, or 3 flights, of flight training FAR Recent Flight Experience 3 take-off’s and landings within 90 days to carry passengers Night – same requirement during nighttime. Note: For night and tailwheel, takeoff and landings must be full stop Same category, class Category - airplane, rotorcraft, glider Class - single engine, multiengine, land, water

5 Flight Review FAR 61.56 Flight Review is “NOT” a flight test
Note: the words “review” and “training”. in FAR Objective - Training to proficiency Engage the applicant in the learning process Ask the student to evaluate his strengths and weakness suggest areas to work on. Review FAR Part 61 and 91 as appropriate Use PTS to define standards Make appropriate logbook entry Advisory Circular 61.65E Appendix 1

6 Flight Review FAR 61.56 Everyone! ALL! Who needs a flight review?
(Private, Commercial, ATP, Flight Instructor) What category/class of aircraft is the review good for? ALL! A single flight review covers a pilot for all ratings CFI should evaluate the scope of his action.

7 Flight Review FAR 61.56 Alternative approaches
Obtain a new rating or certificate Use the FAA Wings program the WINGS program ends December 31, 2007. Flight Standards District Offices (FSDO) will continue to accept phases completed by this date until January 31, 2008. Advisory Circular 61-91H: New Wings Program designed to help each pilot construct an educational curriculum suitable for their unique flight requirements.

8 Emergency Procedures on Tow
Rope break at various altitudes Discussion Pre-flight questioning What questions do you ask? In flight questioning Practice at safe altitude How do you practice a rope break at altitude?

9 Emergency Procedures on Landing
What do you do now? Discussion 1. 2. 3. 4. What are you going to do in the future? 4

10 Currency vs. Proficiency
Definition of Currency currency simply refers to being up to date or occurring within a recent period of time. Definition of Proficiency "performing a given skill with expert correctness.“ Pilot proficiency - ability to perform tasks associated with the safe conduct of a flight "...that practice is the key to the secret of flying." Reasons for lack of proficiency Prolonged period of inactivity Fear of maneuver

11 Proficiency or Current?

12 FAR 61.69 – Glider Towing Initial glider towing prerequisites
At least Private Pilot certificate At least 100 hours of pilot-in-command in aircraft category, class, and type – if required or Logged at least 10 flights towing a glider before May 17, 1967

13 FAR 61.69 – Glider Towing Initial training requirements in towplane
Ground & flight training in gliders Emergency procedures Ground and air signals Maximum bank angles 3 flights, real or simulated tows, as sole operator of the controls towing a glider while accompanied by a pilot who meets these requirements (61.69, c) If endorsing pilot has private pilot privileges must meet the requirements of (d)(i)(ii) Appropriate Logbook Endorsements

14 FAR 61.69 – Glider Towing Annual recurrent training requirements
Within the preceding 12 months Made at least 3 actual or simulated tows while accompanied by a qualified tow pilot OR Made at least 3 flights as PIC of a glider being aero-towed

15 Pilot Factors FAR (b) Operations not requiring a medical certificate. A person is not required to hold a medical certificate: (1) When exercising the privileges of a pilot certificate with a glider category rating; FAR (b) Operations that do not require a medical certificate. For operations provided for in §61.23(b) of this part, a person shall not act as pilot in command, or in any other capacity as a required pilot flight crewmember, while that person knows or has reason to know of any medical condition that would make the person unable to operate the aircraft in a safe manner.

16 Pilot Factors Practical Aspects
General health issues Cold/Flu OTC drugs Specific medical conditions Prescription drugs Surgical procedures & recovery

17 Pilot Factors Practical Aspects
General health issues Cold/Flu OTC drugs Specific medical conditions Prescription drugs Surgical procedures & recovery Aging - average age 54 General trends – more physical problems Reduction in motor skills - ? ? ? Age 70 + FAA eliminates Age60 rule for airline pilots Increase in experience

18 Pilot Factors Aging Pilot Population
General trend FAA stats: average age 54, oldest category Reduction in motor skills ? ? ? Studies indicate no significant deteration in motor skills until reaching age 70+. FAA eliminated age 60 rule for airline pilots Increase in experience

19 Club Safety Culture Institutionalize practices and procedures that encourage ALL pilots to actively engage in safe practices How do we do accomplish that? Empower tow-pilots to refuse a launch Both pilots are at risk Empower ANY pilot to hold/stop an operation Offer dual flying opportunities Ref: SLSA Programs

20 Types of Transition Training
Adding a new launch method Aerotow, Ground launch, Self launch Moving to a higher/lower performance glider The step down is just as big as the step up! Additional Glider Rating

21 Types of Transition Training Additional Launch methods
CFI endorsement is all that’s required Training syllabus so applicant knows what to study (e.g., AC for motorgliders) Ground school to discus new launch procedures Flight training to practice launch procedure logbook endorsement to finish process

22 Types of Transition Training Moving to a New Glider
Review Pilot Operating Handbook Assembly/disassembly procedures Manual or automatic flight controls hookups Weight and Balance information Review aircraft systems Radio/transponder Vario/flight computer GPS


24 Types of Transition Training Moving to a New Glider
Review ground/flight characteristics Speeds Tow, Approach & Landing Thermaling, Inter-thermal cruising T.O./Landing attitude effect of tow-hook position Pilot experience and decision heights Log book endorsements

25 Types of Transition Training Moving to a New Glider
Prepare plan for 1st flight Tow height Basic maneuvers Stall characteristics in different configurations Turn coordination exercises Other maneuvers Approach and landing considerations Log book endorsements

26 Stemme S10-VT Katania

27 Types of Transition Training Additional Category Rating
Adding a Glider rating Evaluate previous experience Introduce differences Launch procedures Thermal etiquette, flying close to other gliders Approach and landing procedures Review regulatory requirements Log book endorsements When do they expire?

28 Log Book Endorsements Student pilots Other rated pilots
Pre-solo, specify launch procedure Post-solo Sign student pilot certificate Other rated pilots Log book endorsement only May not have an explicit expiration date Sample endorsements Advisory Circular 61.65E, Appendix 1

29 Training Syllabi Improves communication between instructor and student
Should include both instructor and student components Multiple sources available Publications (FAA, SSA, Knauff, Piggott, Wander) Internal club/school documents personally developed

30 Training Syllabi Instructor components include
Record of ground/flight training Records kept at club/school Records available for review by student and instructor Lesson plans describing the training steps

31 Training Syllabi Student components include
Training syllabus with detailed objectives List of reference material provided for study Completion standards specified PTS – Practical Test Standars

32 Training Goals Ensure applicant reaches correlation stage of learning
Ensure applicant operates glider within defined safety limits Ensure applicant enjoys the learning experience

33 Serial vs Parallel Tasks
Sequential events Time independent Parallel Multiple simultaneous events Time critical

34 When can you get proficiency training?

35 Instructor Qualifications
Holds current flight instructor certificate Current in appropriate launch procedure Current in specific glider/motorglider Practiced in appropriate Emergency procedures

36 Instructor Qualifications
Holds a current flight instructor certificate Current in appropriate launch procedure Current in specific glider/motorglider Practiced in appropriate Emergency procedures

37 Instructor Qualifications
Current in appropriate launch procedure Familiar with general characteristics of glider/motorglider Able to review gliders POH Familiar with specific glider is a big plus

38 Instructor Qualifications
Holds a current flight instructor certificate Current in appropriate launch procedure Current in specific glider/motorglider Practiced in appropriate Emergency procedures

39 Which picture is different?

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