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DATEX Activity 6 Enhanced Usability

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1 DATEX Activity 6 Enhanced Usability
Bo Bjerkeholt Swedish Transport Administration

2 WhY this activity? DATEX model Functional parts Details

3 What’s this about? Enhanced usability
Added use Simplified use

4 Grant Agreement Parts in the activity Tasks
Task 6.1 Requirement collection for enhanced usability of DATEX II Task 6.2 Support of Open DATA by DATEX II light Task 6.3 Submodels and standardised profiles Task 6.4 Requirements and impact analysis ASN.1 support

5 Activity 6 Task 6.1: Requirement collection for enhanced usability of DATEX II Information Exchange needs arise from specific “Use Cases”, e.g. in Traffic Management or Traffic Information domains, the use of exchanged information to manage Road through ITS devices such as VMS or Lane Control Systems, Hardshoulder running etc. or Delivery of information through different means. Widening of DATEX II domain leads to increase the “Use Case” domains for further uses other than TMS, such as Parking information, Navigation Information, and many others comes in the future by the increasing and widening of technologies. It seems reasonable to start to collect Use Cases and define subset of information which can be assembled to collect a simplified / profiled version of DATEX II to start with when specific usage are needed. Based on the use cases, define requirements for: Data profiles Data aggregation requirements (model simplifications) Exchange technologies, currently not supported Model for Camera images?

6 Activity 6 Task 6.2: Support of Open DATA by DATEX II light
In many countries the need for a detailed information model is recognised and properly reflected by DATEX II. However, this level of detail is perceived as complex and heavy for relative simple information services that are supported by app developers. There is a strong demand from road operators to open up their data to the app developers in order to achieve maximum usability of their data in de Open Data domain. Purpose The result of this activity is to foster a more widespread use of the traffic information. It should also foster new ideas on how to use the information and with a combination of other type of information. So in essence the purpose is New ways of using the data New group of users who consume the data

7 Activity 6 Task 6.3: Submodels and standardised profiles
By creating functional logical information containers (submodels), based on a shared information model containing the common information parts, the fit for use will be improved for the implementing users. They are no longer bothered by information elements they cannot even use in their applications. What should be done is: Define rules for submodeling Create submodels Task 6.4: Requirements and impact analysis ASN.1 support For certain purposes the use of XML based web services is perceived to be too data consuming and other limitations of this technology. Too support a lighter distribution mechanism of data the ASN.1 standard is available. This task will collect the requirements in the stakeholder community regarding the required supported information that should be exchanged in ASN.1.

8 Stakeholders and input
Road operators Corridors, EU-EIP Commission Service Providers ITS-organisations like Ertico, TISA, CEDR C-ITS platform Other DATEX consortium activities App developers DATEX Users from website DATEX Backlog ………..

9 Background document Information Background Existing and new Scenarios
Overall context Inspiration Existing and new Scenarios Scope Delimits Not complete, both old and new use

10 Background document Scope and context
Provide a standardised way of communicating and exchanging traffic information between traffic centres, service providers, traffic operators and media partners. Enable European wide harmonisation and coordination of ITS measures and ITS developments. Delimits: Other domain, existing standards, basic technique…. C-ITS

11 Background document, Scenarios
Description: General description och the scenario. Roles involved: Stakeholders, actors Information content: Which information is exhanged Features: Which features can be seen in this scenario. Example: A good example makes the scenario easier to understand Issues: Functional, technical, commercial aspects and other things to consider.

12 Background document, Scenario example C-ITS
Description: The road operator provides content prepared for C-ITS applications. The service providers process the data according to their specific service Roles: Road operator, operator of content platform, clients, service providers; Internet service provider Information content: Hazard warning messages or other C-ITS content for the whole network of the road operator Feature: The market can make use of all possible end user channels; hybrid communication achieves faster roll-out than G5 alone; users without ETSI G5 enabled vehicles can be reached after sales market, smartphones Example: The city of Kassel collects the signal phase prediction information from the traffic signal controllers. The cumulated content for the whole area is sent as a DATEX II publication to a service provider who sends it into connected vehicles via its own end user channel. Issues: Content for ETSI G5 applications may already be too much tuned for use on the G5 environment, road operator must ensure commercial strength operation centres, SLAs, processes Source: UR:BAN research initiative,

13 Process Open Transparent Collect, analyse, prioritise
Limitation, resources Quality/Content Cost Time Collect round 1 Analyse impact Prioritise Task 6.1, 6.2 Task 6.3, 6.4 2016 2020

14 Input 1:st round via TMG representatives EU-EIP 4.1 Other stakeholders
Meetings Etc. EU-EIP 4.1 Other stakeholders Website Forum

15 Questions ? Comments ! Suggestions !

16 Statements Is Scenarios a good way to show DATEX use
Do you at the moment have requirements that will be input

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