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Higher Ed Story Ideas – Fall ‘17

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1 Higher Ed Story Ideas – Fall ‘17
Paul Fain News editor, Inside Higher Ed | Office | Mobile @paulfain

2 Slumping enrollments National Student Clearinghouse Research Center:

3 How are colleges coping ?
Community colleges: Adding new programs (81%), boosting transfer (72%), marketing (65%), adding online (62%) For-profits: Have they reached the bottom? Impact of federal deregulation Four-year institutions: Merit aid, tuition discounting Competition for students Financial sustainability?

4 Financial Crunch Tuition discounting: Rate at private colleges is almost 50 percent

5 Discounting, Merit Aid & Debt
Data sources: National Association of College and University Business Officers NCES College Navigator (average net price) Electronic Municipal Market Access (bond data) Delta Cost Project Merit & need-based grant aid: States Fund More Student Aid Kentucky’s Need-Based Aid Gamble Turning Down Top Choices The Troubling Use of Merit Aid

6 Campus Unrest Options when students participate in white supremacy/nationalism demonstrations Student conduct policies and protests – are colleges changing them? Public v. private distinction Legal basis for shutting down campus events – lecture halls v. outdoor events Dealing with student protests and discomfort with controversial ideas – free speech issue Texas A&M statement: “Linking the tragedy of Charlottesville with the Texas A&M event creates a major security risk on our campus. Additionally, the daylong event would provide disruption to our class schedules and to student, faculty and staff movement (both bus system and pedestrian).”

7 Job Training v. “College”
Growing doubts about role and value of college: Among Republicans White working class Overall, more than half of Americans believe a college degree (2yr or 4yr) is not necessary for a well-paying job, despite evidence to contrary. Half of college grads have regrets & would change their major, degree pursued or college attended.

8 Job Training v. “College”
Higher education is the federal job training system

9 Changing incentives from feds & states
Apprenticeships get boost Bipartisan interest in non-college training EQUIP and new pilot in ‘Forever’ GI Bill Short-term Pell Grants on the way? State aid aimed at short-term certificates Expanding support for dual-enrollment programs Concerns about tracking?

10 How colleges are responding
Ramping up and rebranding CTE/vocational offerings Image problems and severe gender wage gaps persist in career fields Partnering with employers and job brokers Alternative credentialing? Using Burning Glass and other tools to study the job market Sources: National Skills Coalition, local workforce boards, Jobs for the Future, Business Roundtable, New America’s Center on Education & Skills, Georgetown’s Center on Education & the Workforce, U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation

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