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Diversity Programs that Work

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1 Diversity Programs that Work
Frank Dobbin, Sociology, Harvard University Alexandra Kalev, Sociology, Tel Aviv University Erin Kelly, Sloan School, MIT Soohan Kim, Sociology, Seoul National University The Israeli Forum for Employment Diversity Tel Aviv, May 4, 2017

2 Percent of Workers in Management
Private-Sector Employers with 100 Workers

3 Data and Methods EEO-1 workforce reports, 30+ years
All private employers with 100+ workers Race, ethnicity, gender, occupation Retrospective survey of 829 workplaces History of employment practices Labor market controls Analysis: How innovations affect management Change in management composition Percent change in group over 5 years

4 Percent of Managers from Each Group

5 Self-Determination Theory
Control Self-Determination Theory Job Autonomy Theory

6 Controlling Managers’ Decisions
Civil Rights

7 Tests & Confirmation Bias
At group hiring meetings in an elite consulting firm, interviewers discussed math performance on the scenario part of the interview. White men who blew the math: “having a bad day.” Blacks and women: “not a rock star at math.” Lauren Rivera, Pedigree, 2015

8 Grievance Systems & Retaliation
More than 90,000 discrimination complaints to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in 2014. Forty-five percent included a complaint of retaliation.

9 Grievance Systems & Complacency
At Chicago Electronics Inc., the V.P. of HR bragged our executive management team [reads] headlines in the newspapers about difficulties other corporations are having – lawsuits – and we have not had any of those problems, and in fact as an indication for you, we have gone almost four years without any kind of complaint.

10 Thought Control

11 Forced Thought Control
Mandatory Training Voluntary Training

12 Legal Control: Training Curriculum
Legal & Cultural Legal Cultural

13 Cognitive Dissonance Theory Responsibility Theory
Engagement Cognitive Dissonance Theory Responsibility Theory

14 Special College Recruitment

15 Mentoring & Affinity Groups

16 Engagement through Taskforces

17 Work-Life Integration
Ideal Worker Theory

18 Work-Family Workshops

19 Childcare


21 Conclusion Control Engagement Work-Life Integration

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