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Presentation on theme: "ANTICIPATION IN BUILT ENVIRONMENT Daniele FANZINI & Irina ROTARU"— Presentation transcript:

Trento April 2017 | Anticipation, Agency and Complexity . S6 CREATING RESILIENT COMMUNITIES ANTICIPATION IN BUILT ENVIRONMENT DESIGN & MANAGEMENT Daniele FANZINI & Irina ROTARU Politecnico di Milano, Department of Architecture, Built environment and Construction engineering

Trento April 2017 | Anticipation, Agency and Complexity . S6 CREATING RESILIENT COMMUNITIES summary INTRODUCTION: ANTICIPATION & BUILT ENVIRONMENT (daniele) THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK (daniele) PRACTICAL ASPECTS (irina) OUR PROJECTS AND EXPERIENCES (irina) CONCLUSIONS (irina) Anticipation in Built Environment design and Management Daniele FANZINI & Irina ROTARU 1

3 2 BUILT ENVIRONMENT introduction
Trento April 2017 | Anticipation, Agency and Complexity . S6 CREATING RESILIENT COMMUNITIES introduction BUILT ENVIRONMENT Setting for human activity of anthropic origin A new Science of cities (La Cecla) Real needs & Social innovation (Dioguardi) Problem city (JaCques Boulet) Anticipation in Built Environment Design and Management Daniele FANZINI & Irina ROTARU 2

4 3 WHY? ANTICIPATION introduction changes/complexity/resilience
Trento April 2017 | Anticipation, Agency and Complexity . S6 CREATING RESILIENT COMMUNITIES introduction WHY? changes/complexity/resilience ANTICIPATION meant to work with randomness, contradictions, possibilities, changeability, volatility and unevenness Anticipation in Built Environment Design and Management Daniele FANZINI & Irina ROTARU 3

5 Trento 06-08 April 2017 | Anticipation, Agency and Complexity
Trento April 2017 | Anticipation, Agency and Complexity . S6 CREATING RESILIENT COMMUNITIES introduction ANTICIPATION forward-looking attitude way of addressing uncertainty, variability and, ultimately fear imagine the desired future & act to transform it into reality. the preactive approach (ready to respond to expected changes) has to be complemented by the proactive one (provoke desirable changes) Anticipation in Built Environment Design and Management Daniele FANZINI & Irina ROTARU 4

Trento April 2017 | Anticipation, Agency and Complexity . S6 CREATING RESILIENT COMMUNITIES introduction ANTICIPATION IN BUILT ENVIRONMENT DESIGN an instrument to master change (Godet 1997, p. 22, Rousseau 2015) + respond to problems even before they arise possibility to use future in the present Anticipation in Built Environment Design and Management Daniele FANZINI & Irina ROTARU 5

7 6 anticipative processes: manage futures
Trento April 2017 | Anticipation, Agency and Complexity . S6 CREATING RESILIENT COMMUNITIES introduction interpretative key: space – feeling - action anticipative processes: manage futures increase tangible and intangible values, resilience to change & innovation Anticipation in Built Environment Design and Management Daniele FANZINI & Irina ROTARU 6

8 7 Concrete utopia & territorialist school theoretical framework
Trento April 2017 | Anticipation, Agency and Complexity . S6 CREATING RESILIENT COMMUNITIES theoretical framework Concrete utopia & territorialist school Anticipation in Built Environment Design and Management Daniele FANZINI & Irina ROTARU 7

9 ‘ecosystem of human environment’
Trento April 2017 | Anticipation, Agency and Complexity . S6 CREATING RESILIENT COMMUNITIES theoretical framework relational capital change shared goals ‘ecosystem of human environment’ Anticipation in Built Environment Design and Management Daniele FANZINI & Irina ROTARU 8

10 3 spatial levels / scales:
Trento April 2017 | Anticipation, Agency and Complexity . S6 CREATING RESILIENT COMMUNITIES theoretical framework 3 spatial levels / scales: region, city, building time horizons public – private interests balance (Magnaghi) Anticipation in Built Environment Design and Management Daniele FANZINI & Irina ROTARU 9

11 Trento 06-08 April 2017 | Anticipation, Agency and Complexity
Trento April 2017 | Anticipation, Agency and Complexity . S6 CREATING RESILIENT COMMUNITIES practical aspects ethical values time strategic planning Process evolution in the framework of space and time scales operative project micro building medio city macro region scale Anticipation in Built Environment Design and Management Daniele FANZINI & Irina ROTARU 10

12 11 Anticipation at macro scale long term the ethics of responsibility
Trento April 2017 | Anticipation, Agency and Complexity . S6 CREATING RESILIENT COMMUNITIES practical aspects Anticipation at macro scale long term the ethics of responsibility common interest production of sense Anticipation in Built Environment Design and Management Daniele FANZINI & Irina ROTARU 11

13 12 Anticipation at meso scale medium term
Trento April 2017 | Anticipation, Agency and Complexity . S6 CREATING RESILIENT COMMUNITIES practical aspects Anticipation at meso scale medium term participatory and collaborative governance collective intelligence & proactive attitude production of strategy Anticipation in Built Environment Design and Management Daniele FANZINI & Irina ROTARU 12

14 13 Anticipation at micro scale short term
Trento April 2017 | Anticipation, Agency and Complexity . S6 CREATING RESILIENT COMMUNITIES practical aspects Anticipation at micro scale short term creativity and innovative experiments necessity to solve real problems in an integrated and proactive way experimentation of ideas & content Anticipation in Built Environment Design and Management Daniele FANZINI & Irina ROTARU 13

15 methodologies & tools 14 Shift: visioning > envisioning,
Trento April 2017 | Anticipation, Agency and Complexity . S6 CREATING RESILIENT COMMUNITIES practical aspects methodologies & tools Shift: visioning > envisioning, sense making > foresight, making sense > anticipation Anticipation in Built Environment Design and Management Daniele FANZINI & Irina ROTARU 14

16 15 Common features: practical aspects
Trento April 2017 | Anticipation, Agency and Complexity . S6 CREATING RESILIENT COMMUNITIES practical aspects Common features: - creative action meant to reveal new possibilities or to capitalise new forms of knowledge; - the adoption of a holistic and systemic vision of the problems and processes (multi-layered system approach); - the involvement of stakeholders and their capacity building. Anticipation in Built Environment Design and Management Daniele FANZINI & Irina ROTARU 15

17 Trento 06-08 April 2017 | Anticipation, Agency and Complexity
Trento April 2017 | Anticipation, Agency and Complexity . S6 CREATING RESILIENT COMMUNITIES Our activities complex system of initiatives which involves a huge variety of public and private operators Anticipation in Built Environment Design and Management Daniele FANZINI & Irina ROTARU 16

18 Trento 06-08 April 2017 | Anticipation, Agency and Complexity
Trento April 2017 | Anticipation, Agency and Complexity . S6 CREATING RESILIENT COMMUNITIES Our approach and model development of demonstration projects through which the targeted involvement of local partners and the stimulation of more ideas and project proposals may be achieved Anticipation in Built Environment Design and Management Daniele FANZINI & Irina ROTARU 17

19 18 the cultural district in the Oltrepo area of Mantova
Trento April 2017 | Anticipation, Agency and Complexity . S6 CREATING RESILIENT COMMUNITIES The macro scale the cultural district in the Oltrepo area of Mantova territorial features inspiring the fundamental principles of the vision of the future & the definition of strategies project carried out directly by local stakeholders under the guidance of the organising committee Anticipation in Built Environment Design and Management Daniele FANZINI & Irina ROTARU 18

20 19 the cultural district in the Oltrepo area of Mantova
Trento April 2017 | Anticipation, Agency and Complexity . S6 CREATING RESILIENT COMMUNITIES The macro scale the cultural district in the Oltrepo area of Mantova The vision becomes strategy that generates projects with the involvement of local community Anticipation in Built Environment Design and Management Daniele FANZINI & Irina ROTARU 19

21 20 meso scale > micro scale
Trento April 2017 | Anticipation, Agency and Complexity . S6 CREATING RESILIENT COMMUNITIES meso scale > micro scale “Mantova: Commercio & Città della Cultura” Anticipation in Built Environment Design and Management Daniele FANZINI & Irina ROTARU 20

22 21 meso scale > micro scale
Trento April 2017 | Anticipation, Agency and Complexity . S6 CREATING RESILIENT COMMUNITIES meso scale > micro scale Comparison with the French example – Reinventer Paris aimed to generate new funding sources and promote value in the conditions of the reduced time of implementation of public projects project competition for 12 municipal derelict sites Interdisciplinary and integrated approach Innovative urban management mechanism Engendering / supporting micro scale projects Anticipation in Built Environment Design and Management Daniele FANZINI & Irina ROTARU 21

23 Trento 06-08 April 2017 | Anticipation, Agency and Complexity
Trento April 2017 | Anticipation, Agency and Complexity . S6 CREATING RESILIENT COMMUNITIES The micro scale Mantova Innocenter - Technology & Design Research Center Knowledge transfer between Universities and the system of SMEs from the Mantua province for enhancing the companies’ competitiveness 1. InnoEvent: series of workshops and seminars to reduce the cognitive distance between companies and the design-driven innovation; 2. InnoVisioning: tell how to innovate and create value when developing, communicating, serving and displaying products 3. Inno Delegate: identifies creative persons / designers / solvers with projects or technologies or innovation ideas + accredits them + promotes their projects to companies + signs representation agreements in the area. Anticipation in Built Environment Design and Management Daniele FANZINI & Irina ROTARU 22

24 Trento 06-08 April 2017 | Anticipation, Agency and Complexity
Trento April 2017 | Anticipation, Agency and Complexity . S6 CREATING RESILIENT COMMUNITIES conclusions ethical and sustainability aspects related to the responsibility towards future generations Built environment evolution - legitimately a common interest topic that SHOULD not remain the appanage of elites, but become accessible to everybody, open to all sorts of contributions. Anticipation in Built Environment Design and Management Daniele FANZINI & Irina ROTARU 23

25 Anticipa(c)tion 24 change management
Trento April 2017 | Anticipation, Agency and Complexity . S6 CREATING RESILIENT COMMUNITIES conclusions Anticipa(c)tion change management active participation in the definition of future ready to respond to predicted evolutions + engender transformations so that to reach a goal diversification of roles knowledge and collective intelligence Anticipation in Built Environment Design and Management Daniele FANZINI & Irina ROTARU 24

26 Anticipa(c)tion 25 An attitude (Wisner 2013) a capacity
Trento April 2017 | Anticipation, Agency and Complexity . S6 CREATING RESILIENT COMMUNITIES conclusions Anticipa(c)tion An attitude (Wisner 2013) a capacity a methodological approach management perspective > entrepreneurial perspective no general recipe for the application of anticipation in built environment design, but general principles conducing to a flexible practice process Anticipation in Built Environment Design and Management Daniele FANZINI & Irina ROTARU 25


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