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Analyse the cause and effects of moving retail, service and manufacturing activities to new locations including brownfield.

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Presentation on theme: "Analyse the cause and effects of moving retail, service and manufacturing activities to new locations including brownfield."— Presentation transcript:

1 Analyse the cause and effects of moving retail, service and manufacturing activities to new locations including brownfield.

2 Describe the changes in town centre retail (4)
Suggest reasons for the changes (4)

3 Briefly describe 2 examples of urban change (4)

4 Cause Connective Consequence Explanation Example p302

5 Describe two patterns from the data

6 Describe the informal sector; its characteristics and location in urban areas.

7 Discuss The informal economy is an excellent pool of entrepreneurial talent

8 Definition of the informal economy
Often undertaken by those unable to find employment in formal sector jobs (usually permanent, set hours of work, levels of pay, social security rights). Often very high in LICs Include selling water, cleaning shoes,

9 Characteristics Low technology and activities are labour intensive
Usually employs between 1 to 5 people. Lacks social protection schemes e.g. no National Social Security Fund. Mostly dominated by micro enterprises.

10 Dominated by unskilled labour (though the trend is changing with more educated graduates
entering the informal sector due to lack of jobs in the formal sector). Women constitute about 92% of the informal sector. Has easy entry and easy exit. Entry is usually for economic survival other than business growth. Extensive use of local raw materials

11 Informal or formal? A woman working part time in a factory in the day but cooking at home for members of her family to sell on the streets and in the domestic sector by cleaning her home. Can be difficult to distinguish and therefore attention is often focused on the positive values and contribution to the urban environment of the poor.

12 Examples of the informal economy?
Could use p297 to help Where do these activities take place?

13 Evaluation Advantages Disadvantages For the worker
For other businesses For the economy Use p 298 to help

14 Discuss The informal economy is an excellent pool of entrepreneurial talent



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