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Smart Integrated Robotics System for SMEs controlled by IoTs based on Dynamic Manufacturing Processes Project presentation.

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1 Smart Integrated Robotics System for SMEs controlled by IoTs based on Dynamic Manufacturing Processes Project presentation

2 I4MS phase 2 Innovation Action
About HORSE Budget 8.9 M Euro Grant 7.9 M Euro Start 1/11/2015 End 30/4/2020 I4MS phase 2 Innovation Action This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No

3 The Project - Core Objective
“Think of a metal factory worker manipulating and finishing a heavy sand cast part full of sharp edges with a pair of gloves, a hammer and a heavy grinder as only tools - and imagine how a dynamically available robotic handling arm can improve this situation” “Think of a car factory where human workers and robots are strictly separated - and imagine how safe collaboration of both can make production much more efficient” “Think of a robotic production line where a sudden robot failure brings things to a grinding halt - and imagine how safe human take-over of its task can bring things up-to-speed swiftly”

4 The Project - Objective
HORSE project aims to build a new flexible model of smart factory 1 involving collaboration of humans, robots, AGV’s and machinery to realize industrial tasks in an efficient manner. 2 Robotics assistance will improve : operators conditions of work, worker’s safety quality and production effectiveness 3

5 Technical Framework Integrated, Process-oriented management model for control of the production line and automatic resource allocation/dynamic reallocation (BPM) OSGI based (IoT) for remote control of production resources (humans, robots) (all resources are accessible in the same manner) Technologies to enable autonomous and effective cooperation between robots and humans with no barriers (low inertia, collaborative robots) Multilayer safety (from the robot to the system level) Easy and flexible teaching of new tasks to robots





10 Supporting Infrastructure
Innovation Hubs They are an effort to expand the I4MS regions to be involved. HORSE will fund and mentor 5 Innovation Hubs. They will investigate digital needs of the regions, will implement 3 feasibility studies for experiments in their region and will pave the way for the HORSE open calls.

11 Supporting Infrastructure
Open Call Experiments A cascading funding mechanism will be used to spread the technology and the methods of HORSE. New industries (expected between 8-10 for a budget of 1.5M) will take the technology developed and introduced at the test sites, and adapt this with the help of the core consortium partners to their specific needs.

12 Supporting Infrastructure
Centers of Competence They aim at capturing the industrial ecosystem in each region where they are implemented. They will be used to customize the HORSE framework for Application in real settings. They will hold robotics equipment and supplies used in production lines.

13 The Pilots The contours of this framework are defined with the help of 3 European manufacturers, which are looking for solutions for rapid reconfiguration of processes, end-to-end control of productivity and efficiency of resources, creation of new market opportunities through service reconfiguration and re-planning, optimization of decision making processes.

14 1 2 3 Human-robot co-manipulation BOSCH Front Wiper Systems (Spain)
Human-robot co-working with hybrid force position control ODLEWNIE POLSKIE Fettling operations (Poland) 3 Flexible assembly and Maintenance THOMAS REGOUT INTERNATIONAL Customized Telescoping slides (Netherlands)

15 The Partners

16 Potential of Replication
HORSE will create 5 Innovation hubs each one will create 3 feasibility studies (for future regional funding). HORSE will deploy its platform in 3 pilots 2 Open Calls will bring 8-10 new application experiments 4 Competence Centers will demonstrate results and lessons learnt to wider audience

17 Join us … @H2020_HORSE HORSE project Group

18 Thank you very much for your attention!!

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