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HS Mathematics Updates
Lisa Ashe and Joseph Reaper NC Department of Public Instruction
Session Goals Updates on Standards Review Resources
K-8 and Fourth Course Reviews HS Implementation & Support Documents and Professional Development Resources Professional Development Support Documents Update on Canvas as LMS for Teachers as students
Which One Doesn’t Belong?
𝒚=𝟑𝒙−𝟏 𝒚=𝟑𝒙+𝟏 −𝟐𝒙+𝒚=𝟐 −𝟒𝒙+𝟐𝒚=𝟒 𝒚−𝟏=𝟐(𝒙+𝟒) 𝒚+𝟑=−𝟓(𝒙+𝟏) 𝟑=𝒚+𝟏 𝒙=−𝟔
Standards Review
Policy & Process GCS-F-012 Policy delineating the Standard Course of Study Curriculum Development Process Completed Steps: Review data and research, surveys and other feedback Establish writing teams and develop drafts of proposed changes Submit draft for public review and input Revise draft as necessary Submit to State Board of Education for discussion and approval 6. Conduct professional development for teachers and administrators
Standards Review NC Math 1 – 3
Review data and research, surveys and other feedback.
Common Themes Developed by Data Review Group 2016 Parent & Community Surveys 2015 ASRC Report 2015 Teacher Focus Groups & Surveys The Data Review Group consisted of: Teachers from Western, Central, and Eastern NC Teachers from large, medium and small districts District math specialists and coaches Math Education Professors from NC Universities
Establish writing teams and develop drafts of proposed changes.
The 1st Draft Writing Teams consisted members of the Data Review Group. Writing Teams created: Number & Algebra Functions Geometry Statistics When creating the 2nd Draft, the entire Data Review Group was invited back to review the feedback from the districts. Writing teams Met in-person and virtually March-April 2016 Worked to apply recommendations of Data Review Group First Draft Created April 2016 LEAs Received first draft to review and recommend revision Math Teachers and leaders meet in each district and submit feedback together April 2016
Submit draft for public review and input
Draft 1 to LEAs in April Draft 2 Created from LEA input April – April 30 SBE receives Drafts 1 & 2 May meeting Public Comment Window Open on Draft 2 May 4th – 20th
Quantitative Data – Public Comment Responses
840 completed responses Approximately 65% identified as Math I, II or III teachers Over 80% read the draft standards across conceptual categories 74% respondents stated there was greater clarity Qualitative responses included were read and considered. Themes included: Consistent wording Inverse questions FAQs
4. Revise draft as necessary.
Draft 2 was created after LEA input on Draft 1 (April 18-30th) Drafts 1 & 2 were presented in May and released for public comment. Revised Draft 2 created after public comment (May 4 – 26) Revisions were minor – strikethrough method used rather than 3rd draft
Submit to SBE for discussion and approval
On June 2, 2016 the SBE UNANIMOUSLY voted to adopt the revised HS standards for NC Math 1, NC Math 2 and NC Math 3 with implementation for the school year. Resources Communication Professional Development
Professional development for educators
Summer Informational Sessions
13 sessions in 8 regions completed from June to September Sessions included overview of upcoming supports including: Resources Documents Virtual Sharing Sessions Regional Face-to-Face Professional Development
Virtual Sessions – Our Purpose
Building Community Common understanding around mathematics teaching and learning in NC Math 1, 2, and 3. Learning partnership among educators from different educational perspectives (state, IHE, district, school, classroom) What do we want out of this? How can we use this to build community and improve outcomes for all students? What are your needs? We’re going to do this together
Face-to-face Regional Session Goals
Support mathematics educators in… Using instructional resources to establish vertical and horizontal coherence among NC Math 1, NC Math 2, and NC Math 3. Investigate instructional approaches that promote conceptual development, connections, and learning for students. Building and strengthening the math education community within regions and across North Carolina.
Standards Review K-8 Mathematics 4th Level HS Courses
Standards Review Fourth Math Courses (AFM, ECM Discrete, Pre-Cal)
K – 8th Reviewers will receive data from feedback to read in November. See tentative timetable Fourth Math Courses (AFM, ECM Discrete, Pre-Cal) Survey will be out in the next month or so. MAJOR revisions will be needed for some courses. Timetable uncertain.
Which One Doesn’t Belong?
Math Break
Professional Development
Secondary Math PD Principles to Action (Fall 2015 – Spring 2016)
MS Coherence Series MS Expressions and Equations (June 2015) MS Fractions and Proportional Reasoning (Fall 2015 and Spring 2016) MS Proportional Reasoning and Functions PD (Spring 2016) Middle School Math Summit (Jan 2016) High School Math Summit (Jan 2017)
A Message of COHERENCE…
6.EE.9 Define dependent and independent variable 8.F.1 Define a function as input and a unique output; graphs represent solutions FUNCTION CC -Interpreting Functions 7.RP.1 Compute unit rates with ratios of fractions FUNCTION CC -Linear, Quadratic and Exponential Models 6.RP.2 Define a unit rate 8.EE.5 Graph proportional relationships interpreting the unit rate as slope. 8.F.2 Compare the properties of functions in different representations FUNCTION CC -Building Functions 7.RP.2 Recognize and represent proportional relationships Determine if two quantities are in a proportional relationship Identify the constant of proportionality in various representations Represent proportional relationships by equations Explain (x,y) in context with special attention to (0,0) and (1,r) 8.F.3 Interpret y = mx + b as defining a linear equation and others a nonlinear. 6.RP.3b Solve unit rate problems 8.EE.6 Use similar triangles to explain slope, derive y =mx and y = mx + b A-CED.2 Create equations in two variables 8.F.4 Construct a linear model and determine the rate of change and initial value in context A-REI.5 Understand using elimination when solving a system. 8.F.5 Describe a function qualitatively and sketch a graph from verbal description A-REI.6 Solve system exactly and approximately. A-REI.12 Solve systems of inequalities. Coherence Series: Proportional Reasoning to Functions
HS Implementation Implementation Professional Development DBIR
Monthly Virtual Sharing Sessions Regional Face-to-Face Sessions District Leader Collaborative Sessions DBIR
Water Tower (NC Math 2 Virtual Session #2)
NC.M1.F-IF.4: Identifying and interpreting key features of functions. A valve on the side of one of the Rockingham County Water towers failed a little over 2 hours ago. A gauge has been reporting the rate of gallons of water lost per minute since the valve failed. The readings are included in the table below. Engineers have been alerted to the failure but only have equipment to repair the valve when the water is flowing less than 475 gallons per minute. Furthermore, their equipment must be calibrated to the rate of the water leaking from the tank in order to repair the valve. Time Leaking (minutes) 39 76 111 144 Flow Rate (gallons per minute) 1000 950 900 850 800 Emily, the head engineer, recalls that the last time her team had to repair this particular water valve, it took 400 minutes to drain to the bottom of the valve. At what time can they use their equipment to stop the leak? Confirm your answer using a representation (table, graph, equation, etc.) of your choosing. Devise a way for Emily and her engineers to predict how many minutes the tower has been leaking given the readings from the flow rate gauge. How can you show this using the information from part (a)? Water Tower (NC Math 2 Virtual Session #2)
NC.M1.F-IF.4: Identifying and interpreting key features of functions.
Time (min) Depth (ft) Rate (mph) Distance (miles) 4 2 10 0.33 20 3 2.5 0.74 30 1.15 40 1.82 50 2.49 60 3.00 70 3.42 80 3.84 90 4.25 100 1 8 4.93 110 6.27 120 6.82 130 6.99 140 7.17 Three friends floating down the South Fork of the New River in Ashe County. The last time they went, they noticed that when they were between the rapids, they weren’t going very fast and the water was deep. When they were going fast however, the water was much more shallow. So, they decided to collect measurements every ten minutes of the river’s depth, their speed, and how far they had traveled down the river. Friend 1 measured the depth of the river with a fishing weight tied to a string Friend 2 used a waterproof GPS to measure their speed in miles per hour Friend 3 used a running app on a smartphone to measure the total distance they had traveled in miles. Given different representations of these measurements, describe their trip down the river. Do you agree or disagree with their observation? Floating River (NC Math 1 Virtual Session #1)
We’re ALL in this TOGETHER!
2015 PAEMST Secondary Math Awardee
Lauren Baucom Union County
2013 PAEMST Secondary Math Awardee
Julie Riggins Winston-Salem Forsyth County
Nominate An Outstanding Teacher
Grade 7-12 – nominate someone today! Website: © 2012 Karen A. Blase and Dean L. Fixsen
HS Implementation Support
Resource Documents Collaborative Pacing Guides Mathematics Resources for Instruction (MRI) Includes Course Overviews for Conceptual Categories Course at-a-glance documents
Housing the Resources Math Wiki is used for resources & recordings of webinars Move to LMS - Canvas Do NOT need to purchase Principals will be ed directly (MS & HS) All data we put in Canvas and on wiki - is being shared back with Schoolnet. The tagging of items to new standards is a work in progress. No estimate yet on time frame. Canvas login data collection: This should happen later this month… very soon. It will either be a check your teacher off list and add others OR they will have to enter all of their M1, M2 & M3 teacher s via some kind of form or survey monkey. We are still working on this and should have an answer soon.
Instructional Resources for Math
NC Math 1-3
Instructional Resources for Math
Standards Docs Revisions At-A-Glance MRIs Collaborative & Shared Pacing Guides Additional Instructional Resources Assessment Information Formative Assessment Task and Resources (OER)
Instructional Resources for Math
MRIs Created in partnership with NC math teachers and leaders and maintained by NCDPI Standards review and revision process informed the structure and content Responsive to feedback from teachers Based on coherence of standards across 6-12 Evolving OER resources included Pacing Guides Shared pacing guides May include curriculum and resources Collaborative pacing guide Collaboration of teachers and leaders from the field Optional Flexible and adaptable
Mathematics Resources for Instruction
Math Resource for Instruction TABLE OF CONTENTS
The overview and each standard are hyperlinks that take you directly to that page. Date of most recent update
Math Resource for Instruction CC OVERVIEW
Highlights coherence across all three HS courses within conceptual category
Math Resource for Instruction
Connections to the SMPs Content Connections Instructional support for the classroom
Math Resource for Instruction
Links to free/available instructional resources
Concepts and Skills Coherence
Prerequisites Formative assessment of previous concepts Differentiating for intervention Curriculum decisions – ordering content Connections (Concurrent/Future) Integrating mathematical content Differentiating for extension
Standards for Mathematical Practice Student Actions
Aligning content and instructional strategies to get desired student practices Students communicating mathematically (written and oral communication) Evolving
Mastering the Standard Instructional Supports
Comprehending the standard Assessing for understanding Teacher support Coherence Instructional considerations and implications Misconceptions addressed Classroom Formative assessment Designed for instructional guidance; NOT preparation for summative assessments Monitoring student progress towards the standard
Instructional Resources Open Educational Resources (OER)
Tasks Lessons Classroom materials (videos, applets, charts, activities, etc.) Vetted teacher made/adapted materials Linking only to specific resources from sites (never to general sites) with copyright rules that allow sharing. To be posted by DPI,
Collaborative Pacing Guide
Wake County Pacing Document
NC Math At-A-Glance Documents
Identical Quadratics Directions: Create three equations that produce the exact same parabola by filling in the blanks with whole numbers 0 through 9, using each number at most once:
What questions do you have?
…for ALL that YOU do!
Follow Us! NC Mathematics
DPI Mathematics Section
Dr. Jennifer Curtis K – 12 Mathematics Section Chief Susan Hart Mathematics Program Assistant Lisa Ashe Secondary Mathematics Consultant Joseph Reaper Kitty Rutherford Elementary Mathematics Consultant Denise Schulz 51
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