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Alberta Municipal Supervisor Association CK-4/ FA-4 Oils Presented by: Dave Graham CLS, OMA 1 I.H.E.T (Red Seal) On-Road, Off-Road March21, 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "Alberta Municipal Supervisor Association CK-4/ FA-4 Oils Presented by: Dave Graham CLS, OMA 1 I.H.E.T (Red Seal) On-Road, Off-Road March21, 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alberta Municipal Supervisor Association CK-4/ FA-4 Oils Presented by: Dave Graham CLS, OMA 1 I.H.E.T (Red Seal) On-Road, Off-Road March21, 2017

2 Agenda What is CK-4 / FA-4? Performance benefits Product I.D. changes
UFA Service Offering Q & A

3 - They are the two new product categories developed and set by the API
- CK-4: will replace “CJ-4” and is completely backwards compatible for all engines - FA-4: completely new category, designed to meet all new specs for the newly designed engines coming out starting 2017 model year. It will have the durability of the CJ-4 oils yet still meet the criteria for the increase fuel economy, set forth by the API and consumer markets. What is CK-4 / FA-4?

4 New Specifications Two new oil categories for On-highway Heavy Duty Diesel Engines Set by the API Separated into two categories: CK-4 – Backwards compatible with older engines FA-4 – Brand new oil category to meet requirements to allow for increases in fuel economy for new diesel engines TWO SEPARATE SUBCATEGORIES ASSOCIATED WITH FUEL ECONOMY WITH CORRESPONDING PERFORMANCE LEVELS: 1. Preserves historical heavy-duty oil criteria- (PC-11A/CK-4) 2. Provides fuel economy benefits while maintaining durability (PC-11B/FA-4)

5 The Key Drivers DEF still a requirement CK-4/FA-4
New Engine Oil Categories: CK-4/FA-4 Government legislation / Industry Drivers Changes in engine technology Changes in Engine hardware Fuel economy Engine test obsolescence 10 years since CJ-4 The New specification/category is being driven by: New Government Regulations Changes in engine technology to meet emissions standards, renewable fuels (bio diesels etc.), and other Operator requirements. Changes in Hardware like addition of EGR, and emission systems Increased desire for better fuel economy Test Engine Obsolescence (CJ-4 engines were not representative of what is being found in industry) Almost 10 Years Between Categories Even with all of these changes and advancements, and a few of the rumours going around industry DEF will still be required for the foreseeable future in Diesel engines. DEF still a requirement

6 CK-4 vs. FA-4 Lower limit of HTHS viscosity of 3.5 cP @150° C
Limits of HTHS viscosity between 3.2 and 2.9 C Seeing as oil and engine technology correspond with each other, the new designs in the engines have placed higher stresses on the oils used to lubricate and clean the engines. So OEM’s recognized that there would have to be a new generation of high performance engine oil that could handle the high temperature, high shear loads placed on them during engine operation. Resulting in two new categories of engine oil CK-4: will be backwards compatible with all older (pre 2017) non-HTHS engines. Designed to replace existing oil technologies, they will have a minimum HSHT viscosity (3.5 cp) FA-4: will have all of the same additive packs as CK-4 but be formulated to meet lower viscosity found with HSHT oils ( cp) Lower viscosity oils can form thinner films to be able to work in areas of tighter tolerances. With the new category, it will be even more important to follow OEM recommendations for Engine oils. This new category took effect December 01, 2016 with new “FA” engines will be showing up on the market in 2017.

7 Performance Benefits Oxidation stability Aeration benefits
Scuffing/adhesive wear Compatibility with biodiesel blends Shear stability - Improved the Oxidation Stability. As we know, Oxidization is a natural occurrence, a combination of petroleum product and oxygen resulting in degradation of the petroleum product. The process is accelerated by the addition of heat, light, and metal catalysts, water, acids, and solid contaminants. For every increase of 18 degrees F the oils oxidation rate doubles. With the increase in operating temperatures found in today’s engines, CJ-4 oils were not meeting the service life requirements easily. So the new oils are formulated with better oxidation stability to help resolve this issue. - Aeration and foam control has been increased - Increased the scuffing protection, so less adhesion wear when components break through the fluid film regime. - Better compatibility with Biodiesel blends of fuels, to help with oxidation stability. - Refiners have increased the shear stability, so Hydrocarbon chains will not break down as easily (Mechanically degrade, under severe stress), shearing the polymer used in multigrade oils into smaller parts can reduce oil viscosity, which can result in a loss of full fluid film lubrication on vital components.

8 Shear Control FORCE FORCE Direction Direction Shear is Defined as:
A Force acting on a substance in a direction perpendicular to the extension of the substance, for example, the thrust pressures experienced in an engine when the piston is moving up and down in the bore and thrust is forcing the piston/ piston rings against the side of the cylinder. Shear forces often result in shear strain. Resistance to such forces in a fluid is linked to its viscosity With the greater Shear forces encountered in the newer High Temp, High Shear engines. Refiners and OEM’s had to make sure that the hydrocarbon chains in the oil would not shear out of the viscosity grade too quickly. Direction

9 Wear Control After 520,398 miles in a DDC15 engine, using a test FA-4 10w30 oil, no discernible wear was observed versus a CJ-4 15w40 API and OEM’s wanted to ensure proper wear protection, so they wear control additives were boosted for the higher HTHS forces

10 Aeration (Foam) Control
Due to higher operating temps, pressure and increased oil flow, better foam control is required - With the higher operating temps and higher pressures being encountered, as a result of the tighter tolerances found on the new HTHS engines, and the increase in oil flow with the new lubricating system designs. Better foam control is required, so the oil releases any entrapped air so oxidation rate doesn’t increase.

11 Diesel Engine Hardware Changes
Increased compression ratios Elevated cylinder pressures Higher temperatures Down speeding Thermal management Higher flow oiling system AS I have mentioned previously, New engine material usage and hardware changes have resulted in; Increased compression ratios Elevated cylinder pressure Higher Operating Temperatures Down speeding: which is in conjunction with transmission gearing and final gear reductions at the differentials, the slowing of the engine speed by reducing final drive gear ratio, which can optimize fuel economy at normal highway speeds. Better thermal management. Higher flow oiling systems

12 Fuel Economy Improvements
Both CK-4 and FA-4 are measured using Centipoise instead of Centistokes, this way OEM’s and refiners have a better idea of how the oils will behave in a HTHS environment. The CK-4 viscosities will mirror the CJ-4 specifications in regards to viscosity levels where as the FA-4 oils will provide Fuel economy savings because of the lower viscosities. Which are easier to pump and move through out the engine resulting in less fluid resistance so less energy lost to friction and heat. - HTHS measurements are in Centipoise rather than Centistokes. The difference being that Centipoise is a measurement of force required to move one layer of fluid in relation to another, which gives us a better idea of how the oil will handle the higher shear forces encountered. Centistokes is the measurement of a fluids resistance to flow under gravity and is a better indicator of pump ability in a system. It’s measured at both 40 degrees Celsius and 100 degrees Celsius.

13 Self explanatory.

14 OEM Specifications Engine Manufacturer Specification for CK-4
Specification for FA-4 Cummins CES 20086 CES 20087 Detroit Diesel DFS 93K222 DFS 93K223 Volvo/Mack/Renault VDS-4.5/EOS-4.5/BLD-4 Not yet announced To date, these are the only OEM’s that have updated their specifications to meet FA-4/ CK-4

15 - With the improvements to oil life by increasing the oxidation life and also improving the shear stability a positive result is an increase in oil life span, which means longer service intervals, in conjunction with an Oil monitoring and analysis program.

16 - Illustrating the improvement in detergency packages and resistance to oil breakdown CJ-4 vs.. CK-4

17 Product changes and Identification

18 New API Logos Licensing December 1, 2016
What to look for on the back of the bottles in the API Doughnut. FA-4 Upper half will be split with the left half denoting FA-4 CK-4 Will be denoted in the upper half of the doughnut same as in CJ-4

19 Shell Rotella Consumers expect significant indicators on the bottle/label to notify them of the products with limited backward-compatibility (FA-4)

20 Chevron Delo New packaging CHEVRON Version of…..

21 Chevron Delo FA-4 Product Slate Info on slide

22 UFA Service Offering

23 Fluid Monitoring and Analysis services
Move from preventative to Predictive maintenance Technical in house training sessions UFA Technical Services seminars on either customer curriculum or latest procedures and techniques for modern equipment.

24 Questions

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