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Jef Daems (KLIP product owner)

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1 Jef Daems (KLIP product owner)
KLIP goes Digital Jef Daems (KLIP product owner)

2 Flanders Dutch speaking region in the north of Belgium very densily populated  Flanders = one big city? OGC underground workshop, NYC April 24-25, 2017

3 Informatie Vlaanderen
The Agency Formerly Known As AGIV More than just geographical information Mission 1. Develop a coherent government-wide information policy 2. Support the transition of the Flemish government to an information-driven government OGC underground workshop, NYC April 24-25, 2017

4 Flanders Underground Utility Location System
KLIP Flanders Underground Utility Location System

5 Context Flanders More than 600.000 km underground cables and pipes
drinking water, sewer, gas, electricity, telecommunications, … Damage caused by excavation works security/health material damage economical damage OGC underground workshop, NYC April 24-25, 2017

6 It Went Terribly Wrong Ghislenghien, 2004
OGC underground workshop, NYC April 24-25, 2017

7 KLIP First Phase v1 2007 - 2015 … Map request initiator
Utility Network Authority answer request v1 OGC underground workshop, NYC April 24-25, 2017

8 Result Different scales Different media Different formats
Different legenda Different formats Different base maps  Misinterpretation causes accidents to happen  Interpretation is time-consuming OGC underground workshop, NYC April 24-25, 2017

9 Map Requesters, Network Authorities and Public Domain Authorities
Our Users

10 Users 10713 Map Requester Initiators (MRI)
Construction initiators/ordering parties, contractors, consultancy offices, citizens, … 1502 companies 1258 citizens 216 Utility Network Authorities (UNA) utility companies, public administrations, hospitals, universities, … 70 Public Domain Authorities (PDA) public administrations, ports, Belgian rail, … OGC underground workshop, NYC April 24-25, 2017

11 Map Requests 2007 start KLIP
2009 mandatory Use of KLIP (requesting maps + registration) 2016 mandatory use of KLIP (answering map requests with IMKL) OGC underground workshop, NYC April 24-25, 2017

12 Insurance claims 2007 start KLIP
Begin 2017 pas zichtbaar wat effect is van volledige digitale planafhandeling 2007 start KLIP 2009 mandatory Use of KLIP (requesting maps + registration) 2016 mandatory use of KLIP (answering map requests) OGC underground workshop, NYC April 24-25, 2017

13 KLIP Went Digital Project Flow of KLIP

14 Business case What's in it for me? Map Request Initiator
Utility Network Authority Local Governments Flemish Government Different scenario’s: KLIP light vs. KLIP fully Digital Impact analysis  business case to empower new legislation OGC underground workshop, NYC April 24-25, 2017

15 Why Digital? Gross administrative cost reduction with 80% (10 Meuro  2 Meuro) Reduction delivery time requested maps with 50% 15 work days  7 work days OGC underground workshop, NYC April 24-25, 2017

16 Project flow KLIP Analog Phase KLIP Digital Phase Business case
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Business case Project definition - Agreement on collaboration Defining “the model” Agile / scrum development Work out legal aspects b-testing Digitalisation – vectorisation by UNA’s Production! OGC underground workshop, NYC April 24-25, 2017

17 The next step, KLIP Digital Phase
Since January 1, 2016 Map request initiator Utility Network Authority answer request KLIP DIGITAL PHASE KLIP Digital Phase OGC underground workshop, NYC April 24-25, 2017

18 Can’t explain it better:
KLIP today Can’t explain it better: OGC underground workshop, NYC April 24-25, 2017

19 One of the results – an offline viewer
OGC underground workshop, NYC April 24-25, 2017

20 KLIP = Collaboration GRB-raad OGC underground workshop, NYC
April 24-25, 2017

21 Governance DEMAND SUPPLY KLIP Steering Committee Project request
GRB-raad Governance Users / lobby’s Sponsors Informatie Vlaanderen new partners DEMAND KLIP Steering Committee Working groups: Legal Business Technical Project request SUPPLY Co-financing Informatie Vlaanderen Internal steerco Co-creation Project mode Operational mode Agile / SCRUM OGC underground workshop, NYC April 24-25, 2017

22 Project mode – scrum team
Built by Developers (3 FTE) UX-designer (0,4 FTE) Tester (0,5 FTE) Business analyst (1 FTE) Project manager (0,5 FTE) Product owner / project leader (0,5 FTE) OGC underground workshop, NYC April 24-25, 2017

23 Operational mode - team
Maintained, monitored, communicated and trained by Scrum team Relation managers (0,5 FTE) Operational manager (0,5 FTE) Helpdesk (0,5 FTE) Communication team (0,2 FTE) OGC underground workshop, NYC April 24-25, 2017

24 KLIP – at least 4 feedback loops  continuous improvement on different scales
KLIP Steering Committee Working groups: Legal Business Technical 4 Informatie Vlaanderen Internal steerco 3 Project mode Operational mode 1 2 OGC underground workshop, NYC April 24-25, 2017

25 A Lot of effort went to… Financial model for investment and operational management Stakeholder management: lots of stakeholders! Project organization Technical workout: UX design / AGILE development / automated testing / continuous integration Setting up legitimacy first, by convincing users with a good ICT solution based on real user needs Later on, enforce by law OGC underground workshop, NYC April 24-25, 2017

26 KLIP is enforced by law in Flanders
Use = mandatory since September 1st 2009 Utility network authority defining managed zone Map requester map requests for excavation works works can only start after after receiving all the plans Exchanging IMKL-information is mandatory since January 1st, 2016 OGC underground workshop, NYC April 24-25, 2017

27 We have a winner... KLIP won the Belgian e-Gov Award for “Profitability 2016” nominee for Belgian e-Gov Award for “User Friendliness 2016” Belgian e-Gov Award “Best Project of 2016” OGC underground workshop, NYC April 24-25, 2017

28 And three utterly important big things…
Next big things Sharing knowledge with the Netherlands (Kadaster) on IMKL/INSPIRE and implementation Re-use of “the model” in all Belgian Regions  Inter-regional agreement in progress Sharing knowledge with Europe on IMKL/INSPIRE and implementation And three utterly important big things… Scenario 3 ook toevoegen 1. Data quality Sharing knowledge with the open source community 2. Data quality 3. Data quality OGC underground workshop, NYC April 24-25, 2017

29 Info and Documentation
Everything about KLIP (most of it in Dutch...) Test application API documentation OGC underground workshop, NYC April 24-25, 2017

30 Any Questions? Product owner KLIP
Tel Liesbeth Rombouts Business analist KLIP Tel Informatie Vlaanderen Koningin Maria Hendrikaplein 70 9000 Gent - Belgium OGC underground workshop, NYC April 24-25, 2017

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