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To modern times – the latest technologies in oil refining processes.

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Presentation on theme: "To modern times – the latest technologies in oil refining processes."— Presentation transcript:

1 To modern times – the latest technologies in oil refining processes.

2 Modern industrial production of motor fuels is the complex chain of transformations including primary and secondary oil refining and oil products. As a result of such processing, there are obtained components with various properties and octane numbers therefore for receiving from them commercial gasoline with high octane number new technologies taking into account modern developments are required .

3 The gasoline fractions (which are boiling away within °C) serves as raw materials of catalytic reforming, presence of lighter fractions at raw materials causes the increased gas generation. In process there are used three consecutive reactors. Pressure in reactors is equal to 1,4 - 3,5 MPa, and temperature — °C, process is carried out in the environment of hydrogen for decreasing in the speed of catalyst deactivation. The Reforming is currently the most common method of a catalytic upclassing of straight-run gasolines. Catalytic reforming units are available practically at all domestic and foreign oil refining factories. Gasolines of catalytic reforming are characterized by the low content of sulfur, in their structure there are practically not olefins therefore they are highly stable at storage. At the same time, disadvantages are also peculiar to a reforming and products which are received during this technology. For example, necessity of increasing of the octane number of a reformate leads to decrease in an output of a liquid product with increasing of a share of undesirable gaseous products. The limiting factor from the ecological point of view is the increased content of aromatic hydrocarbons in catalytic reforming gasolines. Another disadvantage —the unequal distribution of detonation resistance on fractions. Thus, in order to produce a commercial product (the compounded gasoline) of the necessary quality, catalytic reforming process always requires ideal coordination with work of installations (on which other components of gasoline are produced) . In order to eliminate of the specified disadvantages, our company NPO "MODUL" have developed technologies of a single-stage upclassing of low-grade (straight-run) gasolines without use of hydrogen and expensive platinum catalysts. And for today, we see further development of recycling and receiving of high-octane gasoline for "Monoforming" technology

4 Material balance of Monoforming process
TECHNOLOGY AND ADVANTAGES Basis of this technology — catalytic conversion of low-octane liquid hydrocarbons of fraction (180)°C in high-octane components of gasolines on the zeolite-containing catalysts IK30-1 at a temperature of °C. The octane number of the produced motor fuel is determined by process conditions with a possibility of pressure regulation of saturated vapors of gasoline (receiving of gasolines of summer and winter types or various classes). The specified processes allow to produce gasolines of the following nomenclature from AI 80 to AI 95, and also the Eurosuper-95 type without introduction of additives and compounding. The main advantages of this solution — simplicity of technology and regulation of the technological mode, transfer of installation to gasoline production of other brand, type, class, relatively low capital and operating costs. Material balance of Monoforming process

5 MONOFORMING PROCESS Naphtha (35-160°C) monoforming Base of gasoline
3-10 atm C Stabilizer Methanol (~25%) Naphtha (35-160°C) H2, H2S С1-С4 Base of gasoline 90/92 10 ppm sulfur <1% benzol Water The process of "Monoforming" allows to receive high-octane gasoline from unprepared straight- run low-octane raw materials on the basis of one simple and reliable process. As a result of the specified advantages one installation of "Monoforming" is able simultaneously to replace four traditional technological processes, which are applied at industrial production of high-octane gasolines: a traditional reforming, an isomerization, deep hydrotreating of initial raw materials, installation of benzol removal from the received reformat.

6 The following table shows the material balance and the economic justification of "Monoforming" process Name of fraction Density, kg/m3 Wholesale price* н/п, rub/t Composition, % weight. Quantity н/п, kg/h Income from н/п at installation capacity in 12 ths. t/y, rubles/year The Initial raw material (before recycling) Gasoline ( С) 0,72 18 000 90 1312,5 345  Methanol 0,792 10 187,5 86  In total 0,7344 100 1500 432  Variant 1. After conversion СУГ (propane-butane) 450 14 000 150 Gasoloune Е-5 720 32 000 1350 Total of oil products 46 000 Total of profit -//- In the technological plan process of Monoforming is largely similar to process of Zeoforming. The difference is that in addition to the main raw materials – straight-run gasoline - there is used a methanol additive in number of 5-15% by weight., which is entered directly into the reactor with the catalyst where also raw materials are moved. As a result of it, it is possible to increase the cycle length of catalyst operation, to increase the term of its service life, to reduce losses on gases and to increase quality of the received gasoline at the output.

7 The technological scheme of installation

8 The technological scheme of installation assumes three stages of construction. On the first stage of production will be 1,5 tons/hour, on the second stage will be 3,0 t/h, on the third stage there will be an additional product – SPBT in number of 400 … 450 kg/h (it is specified after start of the 1st stage) and reduction installation of water content in the received gasoline (if there is such need after start of the first stage). On the first stage of construction the hydrocarbon raw materials (naphtha) consisting mainly of saturated hydrocarbons C5-C7, from the tank farm (existing, outside the boundaries of designing and delivery) are moved on technological installation by the pumps N-1 under pressure of 1,0 … 1,4 MPa. Similarly methanol are moved from storage warehouse with the help of the pumps N-2 with the same pressure . Methanol, in difference from naphtha which goes a single flow, arrives in a metanolny collector from where arrives with required expenses for further delivery on shelves of the reactor. The stream of naphtha and four streams of methanol come to the valve station consisting of flowmeters and the regulating fittings. Methanol expenses for each step are regulated by means of the manual regulating fitting according to indications of flowmeters. Methanol is added to a stream of naphtha in an amount of corresponding demanded for delivery on the first shelf of the reactor and further this stream of methanol-naphtha comes to the furnace for evaporation and heating up to temperature of reaction carrying out (~ 360 ⁰С). Methanol streams arriving on steps of the reactor come to recuperative heat exchangers where completely evaporate due to heat of the product stream which is going out of the reactor. Underheating of methanol won't lead to substantial effects of process carrying out because the most important parameter is uniform distributions of methanol on section that is reached by it full transition from liquid to a steam phase. Methanol boiling point ~ 65 ⁰С (at an atmospheric pressure) therefore phase transition can be easily achieved. The received warmed-up streams after the furnace arrive on the respective shelves of the reactor where there is a synthesis. The reactor has a shelving design, includes TEHs (tubular heating element) after 1 … 3 steps for a supply of additional heat. Temperature in the catalyst bed is measured in 10 … 12 points of each shelf of the reactor, pressure difference is measured on each shelf of the reactor. The received gas-liquid mixture in the reactor is divided into three streams and comes to recuperative heat exchangers of methanol heating. The product stream (after given a part of its warm to methanol) comes to the air cooler on the first stage of construction. In AVO there is his partial condensation and cooling up to the temperature ~ 45 ⁰С. The recuperative heat exchanger is provided at the second stage during the operation of 3 reactors (2 in work, 1 in the regeneration mode) for decrease in load of the furnace and AVO into which reactionary mixture comes from 2 reactors . The hot stream partially gives warm to initial stream of methanol-naphtha in the recuperative heat exchanger, and then additionally cooling in the air cooler. Gas-liquid mixture from AVO goes to a three-phase separator where the water, gas and hydrocarbonic phase are separated. The separated hydrocarbonic gas which are consisting mainly from propane-butane arrives in fuel network, and the hydrocarbonic phase which is a basis of high-octane gasoline arrives on a products warehouse by means of pumps. There are provided thin cleaning filters on the line of an gasoline output because with reactionary mixture the carrying out of catalytic dust is theoretically possible. Filter porosity is 20 microns Reactionary water from a three-phase separator is utilized in an industrial sewer system. Operation of the reactor assumes periodic regeneration for a coke burning out. At a regeneration stage hot nitrogen with a small amount of oxygen of is supplied in the reactor. TEN (which are located in Block of the R-1 reactor) is provided for heating of gas regeneration. On the second and third stage of construction separate TENs aren't provided because regeneration time more than three times shorter than operating time in the synthesis mode. Regeneration gas from TEN (which is located in the block of the R-1 reactor) is supplied by means of shutoff valves and a piping into R-2 and R-3 reactors if there is a necessity of regeneration of them.

9 Installation АТ (primary distillation) Installation of Monoforming
Products of the Afghan gas condensate processing with a productivity of 150 thousand tons/year Initial data - gas condensate with a density of 745 kg/m3 Gasoline fraction. (IBP-180 0С) – 60 % weight. Diesel fraction ( С) – 32 % weight. Fuel oil (˃330 0С) – 8 % weight. Table 1. Data of oil products after primary processing of gas condensate Table 2. Data of Monoforming process of gasoline fraction (IBP-180 0C). Installation АТ (primary distillation) Taken: % weight. ths. tonn/year Gas condensate 100 150 In total Received Gasoline fr. (IBP-180 0С) 60 90 Diesel ( С) 32 48 Fuel oil (˃330 0С) 8 12 Installation of Monoforming Taken: % weight. ths. tonn/year Gasoline fr. (IBP-180 0С) 84 91,2 Methanol 16 17 In total 100 108,2 Received: У/В gas 9,99 10,809 Gasoline fr. Е5 90 97,38 Water 0,01 1,0819 108,19

10 Fuel oil processing installation(3К process)
Products of the Afghan gas condensate processing with a productivity of 150 thousand tons/year Table 3. Data of 3K process – fuel oil processing (˃330 0С) Table4. Data of products of gas condensate oil processing with a productivity of 150 thousand tons/year Gas condensate ρ (ср) = 0,745 % weight ths. tonns/year Initial oil 100 150 In total Received after processing Commercial products Сжиженный газ ПБТ (пропан товарный) 8,701 13,052 Gasoline Е5 RON=95 64,92 97,38 Diesel fuel (ЕURO 4) 35,67 53,51 Oxidized bitumen 2,76 4,14 Irrecoverable losses, including Methanol 11,33 17 Water and salt 0,721 1,082 Fuel oil processing installation(3К process) Taken: % weight. ths. tonns/year УВ gas 10 1,4 Fuel oil 90 12 In total 100 13,4 Received У/в gases 5 2 Gasoline 1,2 Gasoil 45 5,4 Tar 40 4,8

11 In each block there are installed equipments, which are completely piping with pipelines and equipped with means of KIP and A that simplifies production of installation works. It is necessary only to connect blocks on the assembly site. The area occupied by installation is equal to 20х30 m taking into account control room, and total area with the tank farm of technological reservoirs, loading-unloading station - 50х70 m, a construction of platforms for the equipment don't require big capital costs. Technological process is completely automated and control is carried by it from control room, there are cabinets of accident-prevention lock and a fire-prevention alarm system. The technological scheme is developed on the closed cycle that excludes hit of harmful substances in the atmosphere and doesn't break an ecological situation in the area, also the thermodehydrator is included into technological scheme .

12 When developing of technological solutions special attention is paid to prevention of emergencies by performance of the actions increasing reliability and safety of operation, and also elimination and the minimum damage at emergence accidents due to unforeseen circumstances. На исключение разгерметизации оборудования направлены практически все проектные решения. The choice of pipes, fittings, technological equipment is manufactured according to regulations of technological design of PB, Construction Norms and Regulations (SNiP), GOSTs and other regulating documents. The methods and means excluding an exit of parameters out of the set limits are given in the technological regulations on production which are developed by operation and approved by the chief engineer of the enterprise. NPO«Моdule» Russia, Makhachkala, 1а Tel :

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