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Welcome to 5th Grade! Parents: Please check each item to indicate that you received and reviewed it.. These items are bolded and noted with a star (*).

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 5th Grade! Parents: Please check each item to indicate that you received and reviewed it.. These items are bolded and noted with a star (*)."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 5th Grade! Parents: Please check each item to indicate that you received and reviewed it.. These items are bolded and noted with a star (*). You may keep all items that are not starred. Students: Please return all paperwork that is starred (*) by Tuesday, September 12, 2017. _______ Cover Sheet* _______ Parent Letter _______ Parent/Guardian Contact Information* _______ Guideline Sheet*    _______ Homework Policy  _______ Parent Homework* I have received, read, and understand the information in the Welcome Packet. X___________________________________________________ (Parent Signature) Renewing Our Schools and Community with a Dedication to Excellence and a Unity of Purpose    

2 Classroom Communication
Renewing Our Schools and Community with a Dedication to Excellence and a Unity of Purpose     September 6, 2017 Dear Parents: Welcome to 5th grade!! Please know, we are excited to have your child in class and anticipate a fantastic school year. In 5th grade, the expectations are higher and student responsibilities increase. In addition to being organized, students must strategize and utilize time management skills in order to complete tasks. Moreover, students will work both independently and collaboratively to solve problems, participate in creative learning activities and demonstrate what they know in imaginative ways. Welcome Packet The welcome packet that we have sent home with your child acquaints you with information about our classroom. Also, we have included a fun assignment for you to complete  Please take time to read and discuss the packet with your child. There are also several forms that need to be signed and returned as indicated on the cover sheet. Parent Support We look forward to working with you toward the goal of providing the best educational experience for each and everyone of our 5th graders. At home, one good way to review the day’s lessons is to ask your child to tell you about what he or she did in class. Please encourage your child to read, read, read and then tell you about what they read. Reading any written material will help students with fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. We recommend students to read 30 minutes a day. In addition, reinforcing organization and time management skills goes a long way toward achieving the best educational experience possible. Classroom Communication We will communicate classroom news through twitter and our class website which can be found on If you would like to contact me with questions or concerns, please reach us at school via telephone ( ) or via . Curriculum We will explore many interesting topics including fractions, geometry, measurement, and basic algebra. We aim to instruct students and have them become active constructors of meaning through hands on activities and interactive lessons. The 5th graders will enjoy online learning via the promethean board and the new Jefferson School iPads. In Language Arts we will be reading numerous stories in all types of genres.  Throughout the year, students will be taking part in novel studies.  We will also be working on various strategies to improve reading comprehension as well as using our new series, "Write Steps", to help improve students' writing skills.  In Social Studies, we will be studying several units of study over the course of the year.  Some of them include map skills, the Holocaust, the Presidential Election, State Capitals, State Locations, and regions of the United States.  In science, we will discover the steps of the scientific method and use this process to answer questions and come up with explanations. I am excited for us to work on some experiments which include creating rock candy and forming crystals from borax. Not only will we use the microscopes, but we will investigate the difference between plant and animal cells. Some of the other various topics include: researching the distinction between vertebrates and invertebrates and focusing on how weather and global warming impacts our environment. Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success. –Henry Ford With gratitude, Danielle Sammarone & Michele O’Keefe

3 Parent/Guardian Contact Information Student Information Name Address Please mark which parent or guardian to contact if I need to communicate home. Mother’s name ____________________________________________________ Home phone # Cell phone # Work phone # address Father’s name ____________________________________________________ Home phone # Cell phone # Work phone # address Guardian’s name ____________________________________________________ Relationship Home phone # Cell phone # Work phone # address

4 Guidelines/Contract for Students
1. Be prepared for each class by having all the necessary assignments and supplies. a). notebook b). folder c). Homework d). pencils, e). a leisure reading book (you must have one with you at ALL times) *You will NOT be permitted to go back into your homeroom* 2. You are responsible to make up any missed assignments and class work when you are absent. The school policy for making up missed assignments is having two (2) days for every school day that you are absent. It is your responsibility to find out any assignment that you might have missed and to hand it in to us. If you are absent on the day of a test/quiz, you have four (4) days to make up that test/quiz. Tests/quizzes can be made up before, after school or during lunch. Please let me know when you will be coming in to complete the assignment. If the test/quiz is not made up, it will result in the grade of a zero (0), which could affect your average dramatically. 3. Class rules are listed below and posted in the classroom. Rules must be followed at all times. 1) Show RESPECT to your teachers, classmates, and the classroom. 2) When a teacher or classmate is speaking, please listen without talking. 3) Follow directions. 4) Raise your hand…please do not yell or call out. 5) Be prepared and give your BEST effort each and every day. 6) Show kindness. 7) Work as a team...together we are Lyndhurst! If you choose to break the above code of conduct, the result will be: First Warning: Verbal warning and sign the behavior log. Second Warning: Sign the behavior log, fill out a behavior think sheet and phone call home. Third Warning: Sign the behavior log, receive a 15 minute detention and phone call home. Fourth Warning: Sign the behavior log, receive a detention and phone call home. Final Warning: Sign the behavior log, receive a detention and you will meet with Mr. Vastola. Positive Rewards: a “shout out” from us a special recognition note to you or phone call home special privileges homework Pass special class-wide rewards Please sign below, keep the above and return to school tomorrow. I have read, reviewed, and understand the guidelines. _________________________________________________________ Student Signature Date   __________________________________________________________ Parent Signature Date

5 Grading Policy Grading Process Grading Scale Late Work
Students will have many different opportunities to show what they have learned. Grades are determined using points. Point values for each assignment depend on the type of assignment. Grading Scale 98-100 A+ 77-79 C+ 93-97 A 73-76 C 90-92 A- 70-72 C- 87-89 B+ 65-69 D 83-86 B 0-64 F 80-82 B- Late Work Students are expected to turn in completed assignments at the time that I ask for them. We will accept late work in the following situations: 1. An emergency that is discussed with us and results in an agreed upon new due date 2. Homework Assignments: If the answers are not reviewed during class, we will accept late work for one day only following the original due date. There will be a penalty of half credit. 3. Projects/ Major Assignments (such as reports, multiple-day assignments, or projects): We will accept late work with the penalty of ten points off per day. Types of Assessments Homework In-class work Tests/Quizzes Writing Supply checks Participation Projects Oral presentations Cheating Cheating will result in a zero for the assignment or test. Examples of cheating are copying answers from another student, plagiarism, and turning in work completed by someone else as one’s own. Absence Work Policy When a student is absent, he or she is responsible for obtaining, completing, & turning in missed work according to the absence policy. Students have one day per day absent to complete missed work. For example, if a student misses school on Monday and returns Tuesday, he or she has until Wednesday to turn in Monday’s missed work in addition to any assignments from Tuesday. Once students get materials for missed assignments, it is the students’ responsibility to ask me any questions that they have about missed assignments before they leave for the day. No Name Assignments Following a grace period at the beginning of the year, assignments turned in with no name will receive no credit. We will still review work and give students the opportunity to claim no name papers.

6 Homework Policy What’s the Point of Homework?
Practice and build on what’s been taught in class Complete unfinished class work Prepare for upcoming lessons Practice responsibility and develop good study habits How Much Homework Will Students Have? Homework may be assigned any day. Students should spend approximately minutes most nights to complete homework. This might vary when studying for tests or working on long-term projects. I try to give approximately one-week notice for all major tests. Students should see me before leaving for the day if they need help with homework, if possible. How Will Students Know What the Homework Is? In addition to posting the assignments on our class website, homework will be written on the board every day. Students will have time throughout the day to write assignments in their agenda books. All assignments are reviewed before students are dismissed, and the class has the opportunity to ask questions and clarify assignments at that time. Independent reading is an ongoing assignment. What Happens to Homework? It highly benefits the student to complete all homework to the best of his or her ability and turn it in on time. I review all homework assignments that are turned in. Using the results of the homework, we adjust instruction accordingly. I will return student work in a timely manner. Once we go over homework, students should file homework in the appropriate folder or binder. What If a Student Doesn’t Do Homework? Students will sign the “Homework Book” when they do not do their homework. The most obvious effect of not doing or turning in homework is lower grades. Students also risk loss of privileges when not completing and turning in homework. When students do not complete homework, it also makes it difficult for us to determine if they understand the material. Please see the class grading policy on late work and homework that is not turned in.

7  Parent Homework  Parents, are you ready for a homework assignment? Tell us about your child! Please answer the following questions about your child. All information will remain confidential. Feel free to use the back of the paper, if necessary. Thank you for your help! 1. What are your child’s strengths? 2. In what areas could your child improve? 3. What are your child’s interests in school? 4. What are your child’s interests outside of school? 5. What are your child’s reading habits? 6. Is there anything else you’d like me to know about your child?

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