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ML189 Developing Academic and Employability Skills

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Presentation on theme: "ML189 Developing Academic and Employability Skills"— Presentation transcript:

1 ML189 Developing Academic and Employability Skills
Literature Review Corporate Social Responsibility Feedback

2 Title page One full side of A4 to include:
Module code and name of module Title of the assignment ‘A Literature Review of …..’ Student name and number Seminar group Date Word Count (actual)

3 Average Grades % A 62 M 53 B N C 57 D 61 P E Q F R G S H T J U K V L W

Headings and sub headings on left side Page numbers on the right hand side Don’t use range of pages e.g. 9-11 Don’t write pg/page/PAGE Check the formatting pre-submission Word has a facility for including an automatic Table of Contents

5 Content Introduction should introduce the work i.e. explain that this is a literature review that it will be a survey of the published literature on …… explain the aim/s of the work i.e. to compare and contrast what different authors have written about ... your chosen subject matter mention relevant theories which will be explored Should introduce the idea of CSR and which theory you might use for this eg Friedman

6 Content Methodology Remember what the point of this is ie that another academic could replicate your research or use your research as a basis for further research Explain that the literature review will be based on secondary source research Don’t bother mentioning that you aren’t doing primary research. No one would expect you to in a Lit Review Explain how the research was undertaken i.e. by using published material from The Aldrich library, UoB online library databases: BSP/Emerald, The Internet (making it clear that only authoritative sources have been used) Which search engines did you use? Eg Google scholar?

7 Key issues Explain what the key issues are – what are the main topics that you have identified about your subject as you have been doing your background reading? Who are the key writers? Whose name/s keeps cropping up as an authority on the subject? Which author/s are cited regularly by others?

8 Critical analysis Here you are critically analysing what different authors have written about your topic…. If we take Friedman as an example of a CSR theorist: What do other authors say about his theory? What other theories are there? How do they compare/ contrast with Friedman? Make sure that you don’t talk about any other topic than the assessment brief e.g. motivation, leadership. This will lose you marks Also appropriate to consider the authority and currency of the published material you are using and comment on that Doing this will gain you marks as it evidences criticality If you are using Apple, child labour as a case study, use the CSR theory to underpin this. CSR was the theme of the assignment. Failure to mention CSR theory will lose you marks.

9 Conclusion Must be grounded in the literature; it is not your opinion
Cite sources to back up your conclusions Failure to cite your sources will lose you marks Do not introduce new material (or authors) in a conclusion – it must relate to what has already been written Adding new material here shows that you don’t understand the function of the conclusion and will cost you marks

10 References Most of you made a really good attempt at this.
One list, in alphabetical order (based on author surname) using the Harvard referencing conventions Include all the sources that you have used (cited) in your literature review

11 Bibliography Laid out in the same manner as References section but does not repeat anything that has already been included in the references It is a list of the ADDITIONAL reading you have done that has informed your understanding but you have not used in your literature review

12 Appendices (this was a weak area generally)
Please include a list of appendices Each appendix needs a number, title and page number (if there is more than one) e.g. Appendix 1: Apple’s Profit and Loss Accounts …... 23 Number the appendices in the order that they appear in the text ie the first one would be appendix 1 and so on. Each appendix must be referred to in the text (otherwise we won’t look for it!) If there is just one item in an appendix then the correct heading is Appendix (singular) If there are two or more items in an appendix then the correct heading is Appendices (plural) Appendices are only there to support the main text They are not marked They are not part of the main submission Don’t use them to make up for a lengthy word count

13 Other points to remember
Write in the third person, not first person Using I/we will cost you marks A literature review is not a person, so it can’t do/say/intend anything. You can’t say: This literature review aims to… Your should write something like: The purpose of this literature review is to compare and contrast the literature of.. In text source references should only include author surname, year AND page number only if you are making a direct quote Understand where to place the ( ). If the author name is part of the sentence then the ( ) should only contain the year and page number if it is a direct quote Direct quotes longer than 30 words should be indented in the text Main text should be in 12 point font using Times New Roman, Arial or a similar, formal, font. Use 1.5 spacing Keep sentences short; overly long sentences lose their thread and often do not make sense

14 Other points to remember cont.
Quotes should not exceed 5% of the length of your assignment Use spell check and proof read work before submission to address errors Even when you are writing reflections, maintain the usual rules of formal academic writing (your tutor may allow first person in this instance but check first) Always support statements with the evidence base Use italics as appropriate re Harvard referencing conventions Use theory and references to support your reflections eg Belbin, VARK

15 Common spelling errors
There – in that place Their – belong to them They’re – they are It’s – it is Its – belonging to it Affect (verb) – to influence or produce an effect on vs Effect (noun or verb) to result; to bring about or accomplish Do not use contractions e.g. don’t, can’t, aren't write do not, cannot, are not Correspondents vs correspondence Mirage vs myriad Practises vs practices Attained vs obtained Program vs programme (suggests that computer language setting is US English rather than UK English) Asses vs assess Know vs now Loose vs lose Weather vs whether Waist vs waste

16 Positives Clear engagement with chosen topics with some very interesting choices of topic Good use of current, relevant literature, in the main Good use of real world examples to support the points made Good layout Most people included the self – assessment sheet Most people had done the library quiz Formal writing used Clear arguments developed, in the main Most conclusion sections arose out of arguments developed throughout the work. Best examples gave recommendations for future practice.

17 Include all the sections…
You lost marks for each section that you did not include For some of you, this has taken you down from a good grade to a referral position

18 Let’s have a look at a good example…..
I’ll also show you how/where to access the assignment feedback The mark (remember that this assignment is worth 50% of the overall module mark) Comments on text Rubric General comments

19 So…. How will you change your approach to the next assignment?

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