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WFS Wesleyan Financial System

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1 WFS Wesleyan Financial System
Design & Development Phase Meeting for WFS Implementation October 22, 2008

2 Design & Development Phase Meeting Agenda
Welcome – John Meerts, Michael Roth Where we are Project Time Line Project Phases and related activities Details on the Design Phase Questions/Discussion

3 Project Time Line Phase 1: Plan. June-July 2008. Complete
Phase 2: Analyze. July-October % Complete Phase 3: Design & Development November - April. Phase 4: Testing and Training February-May. May - June Phase 5: Prepare to Deploy

4 Modules Chart of Accounts/ Core System Grants Fixed Assets
Project Costing Accounts Payable Purchasing Cash Management Budget Planning/ Hyperion Endowment Management Commitment Control Accounts Receivable

5 Where we are – Completed Phases
Phase 1: Plan – Define project scope, organize staffing, high-level plan. Complete Phase 2: Analyze – Develop “as is” process flows, review business processes in detail, conduct fit/gap sessions. 95% Complete – 0nly final fit/gap reports need to be completed.

6 Phase 3: Design & Development
Beginning now, going through April (approx) Project Teams will meet intensely Develop setup values and configuration of your module Teams will be provided a list and sequence for determining configuration values Evaluate issues raised during fit/gap and begin to define new process flows using WFS Define major reports and processes Near the end of this phase, a working database with sample transactions and converted data should be ready for full testing

7 Phase 4: Testing and Training
February – May; will overlap with Design & Development phase Develop detailed testing scripts (scenarios with all possible combinations of transactions) Teams and staff outside teams will do extensive testing Training will be designed first for testers, then for entire community of users

8 Phase 5: Preparation to Deploy
May until July 1 (when we deploy) Final detailed testing by a wide variety of staff will be done Finalize documentation; update all Finance Office official documentation, including web pages Finalize and test security and work flow Final data conversions

9 Design & Development Phase Details

10 Team Responsibilities
Conveners will establish regular (weekly) meetings Meeting notes and significant decisions will be recorded and maintained on WesFiles Template forms will be used to record configuration values, report requests, modification requests and process details Team meetings will be attended by a technical and Smart ERP staff person

11 Team Meetings Try to keep meetings within the time setup in Outlook
Meetings should focus on actual data and actual circumstances, not hypothetical situations Detail work can sometimes be effectively assigned to a sub-team or an individual, and then reviewed by the whole team At the end of every meeting, summarize the decisions made, tasks assigned and outstanding issues to be discussed at next meeting

12 Team Meeting Timing We have 14 teams – a lot of meetings to schedule and potential for conflicts Not all teams need to start meeting immediately Teams with core setup begin first G/L Accounts Payable Accounts Receivable Cash Management Commitment Control Security Conversion/Interfaces Technical/Bolt-ons Include Wesleyan Financial System Teams and Cathleen Valdesere in all meeting invites

13 Customizations and Modifications
We want to be as “base-line” as possible, but some customizations and modification are inevitable Known customizations Security Work flow SmartKey 1099 All other modifications that seem desirable during team discussions must be requested on Change Request Form

14 Documentation Teams will be provided with a Configuration Document and Fit/Gap analysis document from Smart ERP Documenting team decisions and outstanding issues is very important Use Open Items Database to maintain outstanding issues Use template forms to maintain Setup values Report specifications Process details Keep meeting notes in your team folder in WesFiles

15 Subscribing To WesFiles
Subscribing to a WesFiles folder will send an e- mail notification to you every time a new document is added or modified The will include a link to the document An easy way to keep track of what is going on with your team Step-by-step procedure is in WesFile directory: Campus Committees> WFS Implementation> WFS Teams> All Teams> Lists and Instructions

16 WFS Blog A blog for the project has been developed and will be used to keep the Wesleyan community up to date on the implementation Link to blog is in Employee Portfolio under Administrative Applications Link is also on the Finance Office home page just under the link to Finance Monthly

17 Questions and Discussion

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