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X X Population size or Density Births

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2 X X Population size or Density Births
Demography: the study of these processes Population size or Density Immigration Emigration General model of population growth: Nt+1 = Nt + Bt – Dt + It – Et X X Deaths

3 Begin: Simple Model Nt = N0 * Rt All individuals identical
Define replacement rate as R (sometimes λ) Example: If R = 3, what is the population size at t=4? N4 = N0* R* R* R* R N4 = N0* R4 N4 = N0 34 Nt = N0 * Rt

4 Exponential growth R is the replacement rate (or lambda)
Discrete Time model: Populations reproduce only at limited times— Nt = N0Rt How do we describe the RATE of change with time? Nt+1 = NtR R is the replacement rate (or lambda) λ = Nt+1 /Nt Density-independent (R does not change with pop size) Resources not limiting Or generations are non-overlapping often accurate for insect invasions (pest spread at early stages)

5 Increasing the R (or lambda)

6 Begin: Simple Model Nt = N0 * Rt (discrete exponential) 3 = e1.099
Define replacement rate as R (sometimes λ) Example: If R = 3, what is the population size at t=4? N4 = N0* R* R* R* R N4 = N0* R4 N4 = N0 34 Nt = N0 * Rt (discrete exponential) 3 = e1.099 ...thus R = er where r is intrinsic growth rate Nt = N0ert (continuous exponential)

7 Exponential growth r is the intrinsic growth rate (per captia change)
Continuous time model: Population size changes continuously Nt = N0ert r is the intrinsic growth rate (per captia change) The population growth rate is: dN/dt = rN Ln both sides (ln Nt = ln N0 + rt), then differentiate with respect to time to prove to yourself that 1/Nt * dNt/dt = r (change in N per unit time, per N) Density-independent (r does not change with pop size) Resources not limiting

8 General models: Exponential Growth
Describe how idealized populations would grow in infinite environments… Is the population growing “un-checked” over the short term? If yes, then density-independent model may be reasonable approx. Two forms: Geometric Exponential Discrete Continuous Two options: 1) increase to infinity or 2) decrease to zero….just a matter of time (rate)

9 As populations grow what happens to demographic rates?
Okay, but we know most populations don’t grow unchecked! As populations grow what happens to demographic rates? Intuition? N Birth Rate Death Rate

10 Limits on Population Growth
Density Dependent Limits? Food/prey Water Shelter, nest sites, territories Disease Mates Density Independent Limits? Weather Includes stochastic events: hurricanes, fires Climate But sometimes climate effects become density dependent….example: El nino in the Galapagos Is.

11 Logistic Population Growth
Exponential population growth with a linear decrease in r as a function of N growth rate diminishes as limit is approached Carrying capacity (K) = max # individuals that can be supported in the environment dN/dt = r0 N(1- N/K) r0 is the equivalent of the intrinsic growth rate rrealized = r0 (1-N/K) rate of growth slows to zero as K is reached Make r a function of Nt. Linear decrease in r with N. dN/dt = r((K-N/K)N. ((K-N)/K) is often re-written as 1- (N/K) Another common form Nt = K + 1/ be^rt (where b= K/2, or the half-saturation point similar to other sigmoid equations) 1- N 1000

12 Adding non-linear feedback
Non-linear effects of density (N) on r Theta logistic model dN/dt = r (1- (N/K)θ) Where θvaries from 0 to infinity (shape parameter) When θ = 1, linear function (same as exponential)



15 How to recognize density dependence
Manipulate density of an organism Record individual performance across a range of densities (growth, survival, reproduction) Pearl (1927) as a classic example Or, observe the success of individuals as a function of the number of adults. Examples-reproduction: Fisheries stock-recruit relationships

16 One of the first laboratory ‘tests’
Pearl (1927) Maintained Drosophila colonies in bottles with fixed amount of yeast

17 2. Population rate of change # New added versus pop’n size (N)
Ways to look at simple dynamics of populations (logistic density dep. & density indep.) 1. Time series Number of individuals (N) at each time t 2. Population rate of change dN/dt = Nt+1-Nt # New added versus pop’n size (N) 3. Per capita rate of change dN/dt/N = (Nt+1-Nt)/Nt Does pop’n growth rate change with N? N t N dN dt N dN dt

18 Exponential increase Time N dN/dt dN/dt/N 20 1 23 2 27 3 31 4 36 5 42
20 1 23 2 27 3 31 4 36 5 42 6 49 7 57 8 66 9 77

19 Exponential increase Time N dN/dt dN/dt/N 20 1 23 2 27 3 31 4 36 5 42
20 1 23 2 27 3 31 4 36 5 42 6 49 7 57 8 66 9 77

20 Exponential increase Time N dN/dt dN/dt/N 20 23-20 = 3 1 23 27-23 = 4
20 23-20 = 3 1 23 27-23 = 4 2 27 3 31 4 36 5 42 6 49 7 57 8 66 9 77

21 Exponential increase Time N dN/dt dN/dt/N 20 23-20 = 3 1 23 27-23 = 4
20 23-20 = 3 1 23 27-23 = 4 2 27 4 3 31 5 36 6 42 7 49 8 57 9 66 11 77 New recruits each timestep Number

22 Exponential increase Time N dN/dt dN/dt/N 20 3 3/20 =0.15 1 23 4
20 3 3/20 =0.15 1 23 4 4/23=0.17 2 27 4/27=0.15 31 5 36 6 42 7 49 8 57 9 66 11 77

23 Exponential increase Time N dN/dt dN/dt/N 20 3 3/20 =0.15 1 23 4
20 3 3/20 =0.15 1 23 4 4/23=0.17 2 27 4/27=0.15 31 5 0.16 36 6 0.17 42 7 49 8 57 9 66 11 77

24 Exponential increase Time N dN/dt dN/dt/N 20 3 3/20 =0.15 1 23 4
20 3 3/20 =0.15 1 23 4 4/23=0.17 2 27 4/27=0.15 31 5 0.16 36 6 0.17 42 7 49 8 57 9 66 11 77 Rate of pop’n growth per individual (CONSTANT) Number

25 Population abundance (N)
Time dN/dt Density (N) dN/dt/N Density (N)

26 Exponential Population Growth Population abundance (N)
Time Accelerating population increase dN/dt Density (N) Constant per capita increase dN/dt/N Density (N)

27 Logistic Time N dN/dt dN/dt/N 5 1 8 2 12 3 18 4 27 38 6 50 7 62 73 9
5 1 8 2 12 3 18 4 27 38 6 50 7 62 73 9 82

28 Logistic Time N dN/dt dN/dt/N 5 8-5=3 1 8 12-8=4 2 12 3 18 4 27 38 6
5 8-5=3 1 8 12-8=4 2 12 3 18 4 27 38 6 50 7 62 73 9 82

29 Logistic Time N dN/dt dN/dt/N 5 8-5=3 1 8 12-8=4 2 12 6 3 18 9 4 27 11
5 8-5=3 1 8 12-8=4 2 12 6 3 18 9 4 27 11 38 50 7 62 73 82 New recruits each timestep Number

30 Logistic Time N dN/dt dN/dt/N 5 3 3/5=0.6 1 8 4 4/8=0.5 2 12 6
5 3 3/5=0.6 1 8 4 4/8=0.5 2 12 6 6/12=0.5 18 9 27 11 38 50 7 62 73 82

31 Logistic Time N dN/dt dN/dt/N 5 3 3/5=0.6 1 8 4 4/8=0.5 2 12 6
5 3 3/5=0.6 1 8 4 4/8=0.5 2 12 6 6/12=0.5 18 9 0.5 27 11 0.4 38 0.32 50 0.24 7 62 0.18 73 0.12 82 0.07 Rate of pop’n growth per individual (NOT CONSTANT) Number

32 Logistic Population Growth
Population abundance (N) Time Highest population increase at intermediate densities dN/dt Density (N) Declining per capita contribution dN/dt/N Density (N)

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