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SCR Provider Network: Masterclasses Programme 2016/17

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1 SCR Provider Network: Masterclasses Programme 2016/17
James Farr 6 December 2016

2 SCR priorities for Provider Network
A well functioning labour market needs a strong, responsive skills provider base that can equip local people with the skills employers seek SCR Education, Skills and Employment Board has three priorities for the Provider Network – that providers are better able to: Develop an economic case in relation to skills capital investments Respond flexibly to business demand in particular in relation to SCR Skills Bank Deliver programmes that achieve outcomes in line with future devolution

3 Project description - brief
Establishing with the existing network, key areas of interest for the 2016/17 Capacity Building programme Establishing the collective buy-in to the programme to enable providers to prepare for policy and delivery changes and the shape and scope that could take Development and implementation of a Masterclass framework in response to findings in response to the consultation A series of masterclasses, workshops and seminars delivered across the SCR at venues and times to enable maximum participation

4 Previous programme – March/April
Surveys of SCR members and interviews with key stakeholders shaped programme Six masterclasses developed and delivered: Future Skills: the shape of the skills market in 2020 Trailblazers and the levy Digital sales and marketing Higher and degree apprenticeships Networking for Success: developing the SCR Provider Network Product development and brand 14 speakers, 210 delegates, four venues…..very positive feedback on content and participative, action-focused format of each session Speakers enjoyed it too!

5 Previous programme - recommendations
SCR Executive supports a second round of masterclasses in late 2016/17 SCR Provider Network seeks to engage more ROTO subcontractors in its future activity and development SCR Executive supports the establishment of an independent provider network, working on behalf of its members while supporting SCR’s growth ambitions SCR Executive and SCR Provider Network consider how they can work together to mutual benefit – for example, by making SCR a ‘levy friendly’ environment

6 What’s changed since March?
Skills Bank up and running Area Based Review SCR Provider Network developments Reforms to apprenticeship funding confirmed RoATP created Providers to non-levy payers procured AEB provider procurement emerging DWP Work and Health Programme provider framework launched Work and Health Green Paper Brexit and successor to ESF…? etc But key themes remain consistent, eg employer responsiveness, limited public funding, devolution and role of CA and LEP, social mobility/harder to help client group

7 Feedback from working groups
Views were sought from each of the Provider Network working groups. Suggested topics: Skills funding in the future (policy session) Labour market intelligence, what do we know about the SCR labour market? Delivering apprenticeship standards – managing the transition from frameworks Bid writing - ESF, apprenticeship levy etc Sales and marketing, including: How to secure employer contributions from SMEs Negotiation and contracting with employers Pricing policies for apprenticeship Employability – working with mental health conditions Safeguarding Quality assurance / Ofsted RoATP

8 What do you think? Are there any topics missing that you would like to see covered? Comments on the format and style of masterclasses welcome, eg Duration (half day) Group size (c20 delegates) Free places (2 per organisation) Location (4 venues across city region) Speakers (external, mix of FE and non-FE) Approach (participative, action-focused) Booking (via Eventbrite)

9 Timescales Shortlist of programmes finalised December
Bookings open Late January Sessions delivered Feb/March Final report Late March

10 Thank you

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