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End of Year (EOY) 1 Reporting
Course Completion & Career Technical Education Welcome to the CALPADS End of Year 1 Reporting Training: Course Completion & Career Technical Education EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
Who’s Supposed to Be Here
Individuals assigned to CALPADS maintenance Supervisor of staff assigned to CALPADS This training is for individuals assigned to CALPADS maintenance. We also encourage supervisors of these staff members to attend so that they can gain a better understanding of the type and amount of work involved. EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
Training Sequence Essential 1: Data Coordinator Orientation
Essential 2: Interface & Administration Essential 3: Data Submission Fall 1 Fall 2 Data Population Fall 2 Reporting and Certification End of Year 1 End of Year 2 & 3 Essential 4: Anomalies Today’s training assumes you have been through the Essential 1-3, Fall 1, and Fall 2 trainings. If you have not attended these trainings be aware that you may not understand some terms and references used during this training. Both of the End of Year trainings are important but they can be attended in any order. EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
Questions and Courtesy
Please include your name and LEA when asking questions Lengthy or unrelated questions may be postponed until the Q & A segment of the training. There will be time during the Q & A segment to read chat answers and get clarification. Please focus on the presentation so you do not miss something important. Questions may be asked here, but they may not be answered immediately. Lync Chat Box Chat Button Shows or hides the chat box HOLD Mute yourself We have some ground rules for today’s training First, please mute yourself when you are not asking a question and do not put us on hold because doing so will usually play music which is disruptive to the training. Please silence your cell phones and keep them away from your desk phone as they may cause interference even while set to silent. Announce your name and LEA when speaking. And finally, we ask that there be only one conversation at a time. However, if you ask a lengthy question or one that does not pertain to the training, we may postpone answering it until the end of the training. EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
Career Technical Education
Agenda Wrap-Up Course Completion Overview Career Technical Education Reports We will cover several topics in today’s training: First we will provide a general overview and cover information that is common among the EOY submissions Next, we will discuss course completion in detail. Then, we will cover the Student Career Technical Education submission. Also we will review the EOY 1 reports Last we will wrap things up. This training will last approximately 2 hours If you do not have departmentalized courses for Grades 7-12 you do not need to attend this training, but if you have grade 7 or 8 you must certify EOT 1 even if the reports display zero counts EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
Overview First we will start with the overview
EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
Information Reported in EOY 1
Count of completed departmentalized courses Course Completion Count of CTE participants, concentrators and completers Career and Technical Education (CTE) There are two important areas of the EOY 1 submissions that we will be covering: The first one is the reporting of student course completion from anytime during the academic year. Second is the reporting of CTE participants, concentrators and completers for Perkins and CTEIG (CTE Incentive Grants)reporting. EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
Schools Types Which Need To Report
Y= Expected to submit data N= NOT allowed to submit data P= Permitted but not expected to submit data Participants *EOY 1 EOY 2 EOY 3 Crs Staff CTE Pgm Disc School Type Traditional (non-educational options schools) Y District Level Programs (Independent Study and Home Hospital Programs) P County Community District Community Day Youth Authority Schools (currently called Division of Juvenile Justice) Juvenile Court Schools Continuation High Schools Opportunity Alternative Schools of Choice State Special Schools Home and Hospital Schools(7) Special Education Consortium Y(1) Special Education Non-Public School Group ( ) (3) N ROP/ROC(5) (1) Students completing courses in grades 7-12 only. (3) Records for students enrolled at Nonpublic Nonsectarian Certified Schools (NPS) should be submitted using school code in the School of Attendance field (1.05) and NOT the individual NPS school codes. The actual NPS school code is submitted in the School of Attendance NPS field (1.06). (5) ROC/Ps will not submit data directly to CALPADS. CALPADS will collect data on student ROC/P course enrollment and completion through the student's primary school course enrollment and completion submission. (7) Home and Hospital schools are assigned a distinct county-district-school code and are not the same as a district-level operated Home and Hospital Program. Slide 10 and 11 will assist you as you leave today’s training to determine if your LEA’s school type or grade level reports data for an EOY submission. Slide 10 Allows you to review if a specific School Type is required to submit for the individual EOY submission. Y= LEA expected to submit the data N=LEA not allowed to submit the data P=LEA is permitted to submit the data but not expected *If the EOY1 submission appears on snapshot view, LEAs will be required to review aggregate reports (even if there are zeros on the report) and certify level 2. If not, a letter regarding missed deadline will be sent by the CDE and LEA will not meet the Data Management Recognition list. See CALPADS File Specification (Word) figure 2-1 EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
Grade Levels Which Need To Report
School Grade Levels Served EOY 1 EOY 2 EOY 3 Crs Staff CTE Pgm Disc Toddlers - TD N Y(8) Y Prekindergarten - PS Kindergarten - KN First Grade - 01 Second Grade – 02 Third Grade – 03 Fourth Grade – 04 Fifth Grade – 05 Sixth Grade – 06 Seventh Grade – 07 P Eighth Grade – 08 Ninth Grade – 09 Tenth Grade – 10 Eleventh Grade – 11 Twelfth Grade – 12 Ungraded Elementary – UE Ungraded Secondary – US Adult – AD Y= Expected to submit data N= NOT allowed to submit data P= Permitted but not expected to submit data (8) Updated SPRG data for IN, TD, & PS are only required for purposes of certifying report 5.4 Homeless Students Enrolled –Unduplicated Count by School Here we can determine based on a grade level if EOY data is required or not. This chart can be also viewed from the CALPADS File Specification (Word) Figure 2-1 (pg. 26). EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
Updating CALPADS for End of Year
Update CALPADS with EOY records throughout the Academic Year (AY) July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017 Any student enrolled during the Academic Year will be counted End of Year, unlike previous submissions collects information for the entire academic year, not just a specific point in time. The Academic Year is defined a July 1 to June 30. Data for a student enrolled any time during the academic year should be reported. This includes students who left your LEA prior to EOY submission reporting. Remember that data must be posted prior to certifying to be included in the snapshot. EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
What Record Types to Enter or Update
Online Batch All Students End of Year 1 SSID Enrollment SENR R Student Information SINF Student Program SPRG Student English Language Acquisition SELA Staff Demographics SDEM U Course Section Completion CRSC* Student Course Section Completion SCSC* Student Career Technical Education SCTE* These are the File Types that apply to the End of Year 1 submission. Some file types are required while others may need updating only. Updates will be needed for students or staff who have had changes to their information since Fall 1 and 2. For example, students and staff that are new to your LEA will need to be entered. Students that have exited your LEA or changed schools within your LEA will need updating. Students whose residency or program status has changed will need to be updated. These are just some examples. Since changes in student and staff data are pretty common, most LEAs should expect to submit SENR, SINF, SPRG and SDEM updates. New File Types that are part EOY reporting are highlighted in green. The Course Section and Student Course section records are new, but they use the same file layout as the course enrollment and student course section enrollment records. Note that the SASS file type is not report for EOY, please do not upload SASS records. U= Update R=Required * Full replacement files SASS is not required for EOY and submitting it may replace Fall 2 data EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
Student Course Section Completion
Record Relationships Course Section ID SEID Staff Demographics Course Section Completion Student Enrollment Student Course Section Completion SSID Student CTE Profile Here is a graphic to illustrate the relationship between the data required and the files needed for the EOY 1 submission. First off, the staff data is needed. It is important to have all of your teachers’ SEIDs reported in CALPADS prior to submitting your CRSC data. The SDEM update is needed to ensure and staff hired after Fall 2 census day is included. Next is the Course Section Completion (CRSC) file which is used to established the courses your students completed this year. Like fall 2 the courses must be submitted prior to enrolling students into those courses. REMEMBER that EOY 1 and Fall 2 are unrelated data sets. The courses submitted for Fall 2 were CRSE not CRSC records. EOY 1 requires the submission of all new data. An important element if the CRSC is the course section ID. The course section ID helps tie the Student Course Section (SCSC) records to the appropriate Course Section Completion (CRSC) records. The last file required to submit course completion data for EOY 1 is the SCSC. This file is similar to the SCSE in Fall 2, it is used to report your students in the courses that they completed including the credits attempted and earned during the academic year. Even if the courses were reported in Fall 2 you will have to report the course and the students again for EOY 1. The fall 2 data is not used for EOY 1. Prior to submitting the SCSC file the student enrollment needs to be updated. The SENR update will account for all the students who have enrolled since the Fall census day. Since the enrollment record has been updated you can see that the associated Student Information (SINF) and Student English Language Acquisition (SELA) records should be submitted as well. Finally, the Student Career Technical Education (SCTE) records need to be submitted. The CTE courses are reported in the CRSC file. The CTE participants are reported in the SCSC file. The completer and concentrators are reported in the SCTE file. Records above others must be posted before those below them or you may get rejected records EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
Batch Submission 1 2 3 4 EOY file types are highlighted. Submit updates on other file types as needed to ensure accuracy. For those submitting batch files, the EOY 1 file types will appear in the File Type dropdown when you are submitting your upload. Remember, you will likely need to apply batch updates for other file types to ensure the student profile is up to date and accurate. EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
End of Year Roles Daily use account LEA Admin cannot certify Reminders
Allows user to SSID Enrollment (SENR) View & submit enrollment data Student Information (SINF) View & submit student information data Staff Demographics (SDEM) View & submit staff demographic data Course (CRSC) View & submit student course completion data Student Career Technical Education (SCTE) View & submit student CTE data Reports > Course Completion/ CTE View course completion and CTE reports Certification > EOY 1 Data Collection Certifier View EOY 1 snapshot and level 1 certify Certification > Superintendent Certifier View all EOY snapshots and level 2 certify To submit data for and certify the End of Year snapshots you will need to have at least one account assigned the following roles. SENR SINF SDEM CRSC SCTE Course completion and CTE reports EOY 1 Data collection certifier and the Superintendent Certifier These would be the minimum amount of roles necessary. Roles in bold are new for End of Year. Other roles may have been assigned if you participated in a previous submission. Completely new users may also need to be assigned the roles that are normally assigned during Fall 1. These roles include: SENR, SINF, SPRG, SELA and Superintendent certifier. More details can be found in the Fall 1 training presentation. Reminders Daily use account LEA Admin cannot certify EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
Important Dates for EOY 1
Snapshot starts May 15th Certification deadline July 31st Amendment deadline August 11th Some dates that are important for End of Year are shown here. The official submission window for End of Year begins on May 23rd. Snapshots will also start running on this day so your first set of certification reports and errors will be available on the start date. The certification deadline is July 15th and the amendment window extends until September 11th. CALPADS Calendar: EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
Course Completion Now we will cover Course Completion.
EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
Course Completion: Purpose
CA Department of Education Count of departmentalized courses completed Carl Perkins Program DataQuest California School Dashboard One of the purposes of End of Year 1 reporting is to report individual student course completion of departmentalized courses including Regional Occupation Program or Center courses. Departmental courses are those where each subject is taught in a separate section as is commonly done at most high schools and some middle schools. The course completion data is used for Dataquest to identify CTE participants for CARL Perkins. EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
Data Included Course Completion
SSID Enrollment Primary, secondary, or short term enrollments Grades 7-12 and US Course Section Completion Staff Demographics Departmentalized courses including ROP/C (no self-contained courses) Teachers of courses completed Student Course Section Completion Enrollment in departmentalized courses including ROP/C For course completion, similar to other End of Year submissions, you probably will have submitted SSID Enrollment and Student Information records for most students however new students or those with demographic changes will need to be updated. Only students in grades 7-12 or US will be counted. The main data you will be reporting for Course Completion is course completion information for departmentalized courses including ROP/C and Staff Demographics for any teachers teaching the courses that were completed. Staff assignments are not required for EOY 1 and submitting them may replace Fall 2 data EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
Information Reported Course Completion
LEAs must submit information on courses that students have completed during the year. Course completion data is required for students in departmentalized classroom settings in grades 7–12. Grades, credits attempted, and credits earned are only required for grade levels 9–12; Only grades are required for 7–8. For End of Year 1, Courses Completion the courses completed reported are required for grades However only departmentalized courses are required. Do not report self contained courses. LEAs must submit information on courses that students have completed during the year. Course completion data is required for students in departmentalized classroom settings in grades 7–12 Grades, credits attempted, and credits earned are only required for grade levels 9–12; Only grades are required for 7–8. Courses completed are not compared to course enrollment reported during Fall 2 EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
Anything other than State course code
Data Included Departmentalized Single subject Algebra English Biology Theater Departmentalized course are single subject course like Algebra Biology English or Theater Any course code other than state course code 1000 is considered a departmentalized course in CALPADS. These types of course are commonly taught at middle schools and high schools Anything other than State course code 1000 EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
California School Dashboard – College/Career Indicator
Course Data Notes California School Dashboard – College/Career Indicator ROP/C Submit on behalf of primarily enrolled students Completers with a C or better on the Capstone course Course Content Code 154 to designate “High Quality” CTE course College Level Courses Dual enrollment and college courses Students who earn college credit by passing the college-level course with a grade of C minus or better are included Course Non-Standard Instructional Level 16 EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
Required Fields Course Completion
Record Element(s) Values and/or Notes SENR Enrollment status 10, 20 or 30 Grade Level 07-12, or Ungraded Secondary (US) SDEM SEID Matches SEID in one or more CRSC records CRSC Reporting LEA School of Course Delivery Academic Year ID CRS-State Course Code CRS-Local Course ID CRS-Course Name CRS-UC CSU Approved Indicator Course Section ID Academic Term Code CRS-Course Content Code 154 for Academic CTE Courses to be reported as part of a CTE pathway* Course Section Instructional Level Code Will likely be used in upcoming College and Career Indicator Valid SEID or Local Staff ID For End of Year 1 there are a lot of important data. For the SSID Enrollment record, the students that will be counted are those with Enrollment Status of 10, 20, or 30 and grade level should be 7-12 or US. The student information, program and English Language Acquisition records need to be accurate as well. For the staff demographic record, any teachers that are new or have changed demographic information will need to be updated. For the course section completion records, while it is not required, you may want to filter out self-contained course sections from your extract, because they are not expected. If you do not, you will have to deal with any related validation errors. Also, you should be aware that the Course Section Instructional Level Code could be used in the upcoming College and Career Indicator so it is important to make sure it is reported accurately. *See the CALPADS Valid Code Combinations on the Resources slide near the end of the presentation for detailed field requirements EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
Course Completion or CTE Non-Concentrator
Required Fields Course Completion or CTE Non-Concentrator continued Record Element(s) Values and/or Notes CRSC Independent Study Indicator Y or N Distance Learning Indicator Education Program Funding Source Code 113 if CA Partnership Academy Course SCSC Student Credits Attempted Student Credits Earned 9-12 grade students only Student Course Final Grade Does not have to be a letter grade UC/CSU Admission Requirement Code Marking Period Code (SCSC) For the course section completion record, these are the key elements and values used to generate your counts. For the student course section completion record, student credits attempted and earned are both required for 9th to 12th grade students, Marking period and student course final grade are required for all records. Note that if a course has multiple marking periods for which credits are accrued and grades are given, a record should be submitted for each marking period. EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
*Fields related to Credits and Grades are required in the SCSC
FALL 2 vs EOY 1 Student Course Section Completion (SCSC): Student Credits Attempted* Student Credits Earned* Student Final Grade* Marking Period Code* A-G requirements For EOY 1 it is important to understand that the data reported is different than Fall 2 despite the similar file types. EOY 1 is exclusive to student data. The Student Course Section Completion (SCSC) file is constructed the same as the Student Course Section Enrollment (SCSE) file, but with additional field requirements. Student Course Section Completion (SCSC) requires that Student Credits Attempted, Student Credits Earned, Student Final Grade, Marking Period Code are reported. *Fields related to Credits and Grades are required in the SCSC EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
Online – Adding or Maintaining Course Section Completion Data
3 1 2 4 7a Click add a new course section 7b Click edit an existing course section Make sure the academic year is correct and Submission Type is set to Course Completion 6 5 If you are updating completion data online you first need to add a course section record. To get started, you would use the State Reporting menu, then Online Maintenance, and then click Maintain Course Data. Next you would click Course Section and you would be brought to the course list shown below. When you get to this screen it is important to check to make sure the Academic Year and Submission type are set correctly. This is the same screen used to submit course section enrollment so it is very important to have the correct Submission type applied. Failing to do so could lead to you entering data that will not count for End of Year 1. If you change any filters, make sure to click Apply Filters or you will not see the correct list below. After you have the correct list, you can either choose to add a new course section or maintain an existing one. EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
Online – Adding Course Section Completion Data
Required Conditional Course Instructional Level Code is referred to as Non-Std Instr Level in snapshot reports Fields not relevant to EOY1 are not required or updated by CALPADS and are greyed out when editing course section records If you clicked either button on the previous screen you would be brought to this page where you can enter or update the course and course section information. Note that although these are the same fields reported for course enrollment, when you are entering course completion, many of the fields are not required and are therefore greyed out. The academic year and submission type are required but they are carried over from what you entered on the previous screen. Also note that Course Instructional Level Code is referred to as Non-Standard Instructional Level in the snapshot or certification reports. Remember that the Course Section Instructional Level Code will likely be used in the upcoming College and Career Indicator so it is important to make sure it is reported accurately to capture dual enrollment (college credit) if appropriate. EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
Online – Adding Student Course Section Completion Data
via Course Section 1 3 2 4 6 5 After adding the course section, you need to report students that completed the course. To get started, point at the State Reporting menu, then Online Maintenance, and click Maintain Course Data. This time, click Student Course Section. You will be brought to the course list. Make sure that your Academic year is correct and your Submission Type is set to Course Completion. If you changed any filters make sure to click Apply Filters. Then select the course that you want to add students to. Make sure Submission Type is set to Course Completion 7 EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
Online – Adding Student Course Section Completion Data
via Course Section After selecting a course you will be brought to the course section list. Here you should click on the Maintain Student List button next to the course that you want to add students to. 8 EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
Online – Adding Student Course Section Completion Data
via Course Section 9b 9a You will then be brought to this screen where you can add students to the course section or edit records of students that were added previously. EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
Online – Adding Student Course Section Completion Data
via Course Section Add a record for each marking period that accrues credits for which a grade is given within a single course. Enter the SSID, then click Lookup. 10 11 Clicking either button on the previous screen will bring you to a screen that looks like this one. Here, you need to fill in all the required fields marked in green. The Local Student ID and Student Name will be filled in once you enter the SSID and select Lookup. Also note that credits attempted or earned are required for students in grades 9-12th or US. Make sure to add a record for each marking period that accrues credits for which a grade is given within a single course. Required if student grade level is 9-12 or US Required Conditional EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
Online – Adding Student Course Section Completion Data
via Student 3 1 2 4 6 5 7 The other method of adding student course section data is to go through the student record. To do this you navigate to the State Reporting menu, then Online Maintenance, and click Maintain Student Data. Then you select Student Course Section and you would be brought to the course section list. Again, make sure that the year and submission type are set correctly, then click Apply Filters if you’ve made changes. Next click Manage Course Data next to the course section for which you want to report the student as completing. You will be then brought student course section list and you can add the student just as we showed you before. EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
Online – Viewing Teacher Course Sections
1 3 2 4 Click to edit an existing course section Make sure the academic year is correct and Submission Type is set to Course Completion 6 5 If you are updating course section completion data online you first need to add a course section record. To get started, you navigate to the State Reporting menu, then Online Maintenance, and then click Maintain Course Data. Next you select Course Section and you would be brought to the course list shown below. When you get to this screen it is important to check to make sure the Academic Year and Submission type are set correctly. This is the same screen used to submit course section enrollment so it is very important to have the correct Submission type applied. Failing to do so could lead to you entering data that will not count for End of Year 1. If you change any filters, make sure to click Apply Filters or you will not see the correct list below. After you have the correct list, you can either choose to add a new course section or maintain an existing one. EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
Online – Viewing Teacher Course Sections
This screen will be identical to the screen we previously showed you for editing the Course and Course Section. However we reached the course through the teacher’s course list rather than the school’s full course list. Remember that the Course Section Instructional Level Code will likely be used in the upcoming College and Career Indicator so it is important to make sure it is reported accurately. EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
Reminders End of Year 1 Course Completion data does not overlap Fall 2 data. EOY 1 does NOT use any data from Fall 2’s Course enrollment data submission. Staff Assignment data is not required for EOY 1 and submitting a file may replace previously submitted data Course completion is only required for departmentalized classes in grades 7-12 Student Credits attempted, Student Credits Earned Student Course Final Grade and Marking Period are required in the Student course Section Completion records SEIDs submitted in Course Section Completion (CRSC) records are checked to make sure a corresponding Staff Demographic (SDEM) record exists in CALPADS (unless SEID is ) Now we have some reminders for End of Year 1: {Read reminders} EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
5 minute break Break Time!
Remember that you can attend the CALPADS Q & A sessions on Wednesdays at 3 p.m. if you have additional questions during the submission window. Sign up on the CSIS CALPADS training registration page listed in the Resources section near the end of this presentation. EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
CTE: Participants, Concentrators & Completers
Now we will cover CTE CTE: Participants, Concentrators & Completers EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
CTE DataQuest Count of Career Technical Education participants
CA Department of Education Count of Career Technical Education participants Carl Perkins Program CTE Incentive Grant DataQuest California School Dashboard End of Year 1 also reports Career Technical Education participants, concentrators and completers for Perkins reporting. Note that Career Technical Education data will be used for other purposes beyond Perkins in the future so all LEAs are encouraged to submit it regardless of whether they receive Perkins funding. EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
Perkins Reporting Transition
Reporting Method Future Past Perkins paper report Perkins E1 Perkins Data System (PDS) CALPADS – EOY 1 Perkins paper report Perkins E2 Perkins reporting was originally submitted on paper then was reported through the Perkins Data System (PDS). E-1 collection for Perkins will NOT be collected for For E-1 Perkins data will be represented through CALPADS. E-2 is still reported through the Perkins Data System. It is important that all data submitted through both systems is accurate to ensure consistency. Perkins Data System (PDS) CALPADS – Fall 3 PDS will be the official source for Perkins E-2 data through , CALPADS reports will represent data reported for Perkins E-1 for EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
Participants and Pathways
Non-concentrators: enrolled in a CTE course Concentrators: in a designated pathway Completers: completed a pathway, including the capstone Pathway: A sequence of courses providing academic knowledge and skills needed to prepare students for further education and careers… and which may lead to proficiency, a credential, a certificate, or a degree in a given career path. Capstone: the final course in a pathway EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
Changes to Course Codes
Agriculture (AGR) and Arts, Media and Entertainment (ART) completely revamped for All industry sectors will be changed Exploratory/Introduction to Sector/Introduction to Specific Pathway Foundational concepts May lead into more than one intermediate pathway (concentrator) within a sector Intermediate Pathway (Concentrator) Additional concepts and experiences required for working and/or pursuing further education in the specific pathway Work-based learning opportunities such as internships and industry certifications allow students to demonstrate the acquisition of course content Advanced (Capstone) Builds on intro and intermediate courses Last course in a pathway sequence EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
Perkins 2016-17 Allocations:
Course Content Code Course content code 154 should be used ONLY for courses that are either Perkins or CTE Incentive Grant-fundable AND are taught by an CTE authorized or credentialed teacher. This includes academic courses associated with a pathway. Perkins-fundable and CTEIG-fundable LEAs that are in at least the second year of the program are required to submit SCTE records to certify EOY 1. Perkins Allocations: CTE incentive Grants: EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
ROC/P Reporting CTE course data are required for students taking courses through ROC/Ps LEAs submit data for their primarily enrolled students on behalf of the ROC/Ps Use “ ” SEID for teachers EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
CTE Reporting Non-traditional Gender: gender less commonly associated with a field Post-Secondary Articulated Course: CTE course has been articulated with a postsecondary institution Single Parent program record EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
CTE Reporting SSID Enrollment
Primary, secondary, or short term enrollments Grade level Student Information Gender (special populations) Student Program Programs (special populations) Student English Language Acquisition English Learners (special populations) Student Course Completion CTE Course Enrollment Student Career Tech Ed Concentrators and Completers Pathways SENR SINF SPRG SELA SCSC SCTE EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
CTE CTE Non-Concentrator CTE Concentrator CTE Completer Record
Element(s) Values and/or Notes CRSC CRS-State Course Code for Non-concentrators CRS-CTE Postsecondary Articulated Course Indicator Y for Postsecondary Articulated courses CRS-Course Content Code 154 courses included in CTE pathways CTE Concentrator Record Element(s) Values and/or Notes SENR Enrollment status 10, 20, or 30 Grade Level 07-12, or US SINF Gender M/F SCTE CTE Pathway Code <Any valid code> CTE courses fall in the 4000 – 5999 state course code range, The postsecondary Articulated course indicator is for any local course that is part of a CTE technical career pathway or program that has been articulated with a post-secondary education institution. The Course content code 154 also identifies 24 specific courses as Academic CTE courses (see Valid Code Combo) The SCTE file is required for concentrators and completers The CTE Pathway Code is required for CTE Concentrators and Completers. CTE Pathway Completion Academic Year ID is required for CTE Completers. CTE Completer Record Element(s) Values and/or Notes SENR Enrollment status 10, 20, or 30 Grade Level 07-12, or US SINF Gender M/F SCTE CTE Pathway Completion Academic Year ID <Valid year range> EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
Valid Code Combinations
When completing the SCTE submission, the Course Group Master Combos tab in the Valid code combinations help you to select the appropriate CTE Pathways. ANIMATION The CDE aggregates the pathway counts for concentrators and completers into the federal Perkins reporting categories. Each CTE state course code is associated with a single pathway. Although student may have multiple pathways, the CTE courses they take are specific to one pathway. For a student to be reported with multiple pathways that would require at least two CTE courses with different CTE Pathway Codes. The CTE Non Traditional Gender Column Identifies the Gender that is historically underrepresented. The Nontraditional gender is included on reports 3.14 and 3.15. The CTE Capstone Course indicator identifies which CTE State Course Codes describe Capstone courses. With the goal to have comparable Perkins data between PDS and CALPADS, LEAs should ensure that all reported CTE Completers have successfully completed a capstone course in their pathway. Select the Course Group Master Combos tab EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
Valid Code Combinations
Academic CTE Courses New for the year The Academic CTE Course indicator column identifies courses that can be included in CTE pathways even though they do not have a pathway code. This column will be included in future versions of the valid code combinations document. Only CTE courses designated by the state course code range of or the 23 Academic CTE courses listed in the master group combos tab of valid code combos can be associated with the 154 course content code. IVR CRSC0298 will trigger if you use code 154 incorrectly. Course Content 154 Career Technical Education: The course content is related to Career Technical Education. Refer to the Course Group Master Combos tab in the valid Code Combinations document EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
CTE The CTE Pathway – CTE Industry Sect tab in the Valid Code Combinations can be used to identify pathway codes by their common names and to select the most appropriate CTE State Course Codes according to the pathway offered by the LEA Also in the Valid Code Combinations is the CTE Pathway – CTE Industry Sector tab. ANIMATION This tab provides LEAs with the common pathway name and what Codes fall into those pathways. This will help determine what state course code to use. For example if your LEA offers Agricultural mechanics as a pathway you would be sure to use CTE state course codes that map to the 101 pathway code. The CTE Pathway – CTE Industry Sector tab also identifies which pathway codes are invalid. EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
Online – Adding Student CTE Record
via Student 3 1 2 4 If you need to update student CTE data online, navigate to the State Reporting menu, then Online Maintenance, and select Maintain Student Data. Then select Student Career Technical Education. You will be brought to the Student CTE History page where you can click Add a new record to enter a new CTE record. 5 EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
Online – Adding Student CTE Record
via Student Required Conditional 6 7 Then you just need to enter the five required fields, validate and post the record. You can repeat the process for additional Pathways if a student was part of or completed multiple CTE Pathways. New rules for student in AGR and ART Industry Sectors EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
Reminders CTE non-concentrators are reported in the SCSC file CTE concentrators and completers are reported in the SCTE file Course content code 154 should be used ONLY for courses that are either Perkins- or CTEIG-fundable and taught by an appropriately authorized or credentialed teacher. Students must have at least one CTE course in the SCSC file that corresponds with the CTE pathway reported in the SCTE file Perkins Data is collected solely through CALPADS starting Lets review some key concepts related to the CTE submission: {Read reminders} EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
So now lets review the various EOY 1 reports
So now lets review the various EOY 1 reports. The reports are important because they reflect the data submitted to the state and federal departments Reports EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
Reports 3.16 – Educational Options Course Completion – Student Count
3.9 – Course Sections Completed – Count by Content Area for Departmentalized Courses 3.11 – Course Sections Completed – Student List for Departmentalized Courses 3.10 – Course Sections Completed – Count and Details for Departmentalized Courses 3.14 – Career Technical Education Concentrators and Completers – Count by Pathway 3.15 – Career Technical Education Concentrators and Completers – Student List For End of Year 1 there are aggregate reports, shown in white that are required to be reviewed. There are also multiple supporting reports which provide more specific counts or detailed lists of students who were counted in the aggregate reports. The arrows show how the reports link to other reports. Next we will show you some of the aggregate reports. 3.17 – Career Technical Education Non-Concentrators – Count by Industry Sector 3.18 – Career Technical Education Non-Concentrators - Student List EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
3.9 - Course Sections Completed
The first aggregate report 3.9 provides course completion counts broken down by content area, state course code, course, and then gender. The Content Area, State Course Code Local Course ID, Course Name and number of Course Sections comes from the CRSC submission. The Total count of students and gender com from the SCSC submission. Note that these counts exclude courses that are completed by students in grades K-6 or those that are self-contained, regardless of grade. Course Completion counts exclude courses that are: Completed by students in grades K-6 Self-contained (course code=1000) EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
3.16 - Educational Options Course Completion - Student Count
The 3.16 report is actually a summary report of the count of students who completed educational Options courses. Each column is unduplicated. For example if a student has taken multiple independent study courses they are only counted once. If a student is a participant in multiple state programs they are counted for each program, but only once per school. The total students count does not always represent a 1:1 ratio when the education program counts are added. EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
3.10 - Course Sections Completed - Count and Details for Departmentalized Courses
Referred to as Course Instructional Level Code (9.19) when editing course section records online The 3.10 report shows detailed information about the course, including if the course is CTE or Educational Options. Other than the student demographic data, the data on this report reflects CRSC and SCSC records. The Non-Standard Instructional Level is populated by element 9.19 in the CRSC file which corresponds to the Course Instructional Level Code online. Again, this is the field may be used in the upcoming College and Career Indicator so it is important to make sure it is reported accurately. Possible values would come from the Course Instructional Level Code field. The Course non standard instructional level codes are: 10 Remedial 12 Gifted and Talented 14 Honors – UC Certified 15 Honors Non-UC Certified 16 College Credit EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
Selection Criteria for Educational Options Value(s) counted on report
Course Sections Completed - Count and Details for Departmentalized Courses Selection Criteria for Educational Options Column on Report Associated Field Field # Value(s) counted on report Ind Study Independent Study Indicator 9.23 Y Dist Learn Distance Learning Indicator 9.24 Pgm Fund Source Education Program Code Funding Source Code 9.26 113 (California Partnership Academy funding source) AVID State Course Code 9.07 6023 (AVID Course code ) IB Course International Baccalaureate (IB) course code* This chart explains where the various Educational Options categories are populated on report Note the there are several elements that feed into this Ed options – in other words, it is not a single element with multiple codes. * A list of IB codes can be found on the “Course Group Master Combos” tab in the CALPADS Valid Code Combinations on the Resources slide near the end of the presentation EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
3.11 - Course Sections Completed - Student List for Departmentalized Courses
The 3.11 report provides more details on course attributes and on SSID enrollment by course. Be aware that the Term code and Marking Period code come from two different elements – Term Code is element 9.15 in the CRSC and Marking Period is element in the SCSC. These codes may not always match. For example, a course may be Full Year but if there are 3 marking periods in that year, the marking period shown in this report should be for the final marking period. EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
3.14 – Career Technical Education Concentrators and Completers – Count by Pathway
Reports the total number of CTE Concentrators and completers by Pathway and CTE Course at the school level, by gender. School level data is also aggregated at the LEA level. The number of Concentrators and Completers within each Core Indicator group are also counted EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
3.15 – Career Technical Education Concentrators and Completers – Student List
Lists CTE concentrators and completers and the Pathway they are pursuing. Also provides core indicators on these students. EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
3.14 – Career Technical Education Concentrators and Completers
CTE Core Indicators Individuals with Disabilities includes students with Special Education program code (144) and students with 504 Accommodation Plan program code (101) Economically Disadvantaged includes students with a qualifying: Free or Reduced Meal program record (181, 182), Migrant program record (135), Homeless program record (191), Direct Certification result = Y, or a record in the Foster Match table Single Parents is the federal category equivalent to Pregnant or Parenting program code (162) The core indicators listed on reports 3.14 and 3.15 CTE Education Concentrators and Completers are part of a students profile. Single parents and Individuals with Disabilities come from program records, while the Economically Disadvantage sub-group is a combination of program or student demographic information. EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
3.17 – Career Technical Education Non-Concentrators – Count by Industry Sector
Reports the total number of CTE Participants by Industry Sector at the school level, by gender. The number of Non-Concentrators within each Core Indicator group are also counted. EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
3.18 – Career Technical Education Non-Concentrators – Student List
Reports the number of students who have completed Educational Options courses during the Report Period. A student who completed multiple course sections with one or more of these Educational Options course attributes is counted only once in a school. To be identified as an Educational Options Participant a student must have been enrolled in a Educational Options Course or have a program 108 (Opportunity Program) or 113 (California Partnership Academy) record during the reporting period. EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
So now we will wrap up the training and discuss some important considerations.
EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
Full Replacement Files
EOY Rec Type Operational Key Fields 1 CRSC School of Course Delivery Academic Year ID Academic Term Code SCSC Marking Period Code SCTE School of Attendance As we mentioned previously in the presentation, it is important to be aware of which files use full replacement processing. For End of Year the file types listed here use full replacement processing. If a record type uses full replacement processing and that record is submitted to CALPADS, any records in CALPADS which have the same values in all of the operational key fields will be replaced. For example, if you have Student Course Section Completion records already in CALPADS for ABC school, in the current reporting year, with a term of Full Year, and a marking period of Semester 1 and you post any new records to CALPADS where all four of those fields are the same, you will replace all of those records already in CALPADS. EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
End of Year Steps 1. Setup 4. Certify 3. Review Snapshot
SIS Roles 1. Setup 2. Update the CALPADS ODS Submit records Fix rejected records Post records Review and fix certification errors, review warnings Review reports 3. Review Snapshot Here we provide a simple checklist to remind you of the steps you need to complete for End of year. First, you need to take care of setup. You should check with your local student information system vendor for details on where to enter data in your SIS for End of Year and how to create your End of Year extracts. You also need to have your LEA Administrator assign the End of Year roles to all your users that need them. Next, you need to submit and post your data. This includes submitting the 8 files. The 4 student profile files and the 4 End of Year 1 files. This process may include fixing rejected records, although remember that passed records may still have warnings so you should check your passed records as well. After you get all your data posted, you need to review your End of Year certification errors, making sure to fix all your fatal errors. Then, once all your errors are cleaned up you would review your certification reports. If you find any discrepancies you may need to submit corrected data, but otherwise you would proceed to the last step and certify. Remember that you need to certify at both level 1 and level 2. Level 1 certification is usually done by the person submitting the data and level 2 is meant to be done by an administrator. However, in some cases, such as very small districts or charter schools, the same person can do both certifications. Remember that all LEAs with a EOY 1 snapshot will have to certify. This includes K-8 LEAs and even if you are certifying zeros. Level 1 (EOY 1 Data Collection Certifier) Level 2 (Superintendent Certifier) 4. Certify EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
Certification Status 1 Each EOY snapshot must be individually certified at Level-1 and then at Level-2 3 2 5 4 Review reports and certify (Level 1 & 2) Resolve fatal errors and review warnings Remember that each End of Year snapshot listed in your certification status must be certified at both level 1 and 2 EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
Certification Details
4 1 2 These are the steps you must follow to complete your EOY certification. 3 Data Processor 1 2 4 1 Superintendent or Administrator 1 3 4 2 EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
Fatal Certification Errors
Description Analysis Needed CERT054 Staff Demographics Missing A staff member assigned to a course section does not have a corresponding Staff Demographic record. A Staff Demographic record is required unless the SEID in the Course Section record is " ". CERT098 Student Course Section for SSID Not Enrolled during Report Period The student whose Student Course Section record (SCSC) was submitted does not have a Student Enrollment record (SENR) that is effective at the School of Course Delivery at some time during the Report Period. CERT116 Missing SCSC record for CTE Concentrator Validates that a student for whom a Student Career Technical Education (SCTE) record has been submitted has completed at least one course (submitted in the SCSC file) in the CTE Pathway associated with the SCTE record in the same academic year It is recommended that your LEA manually review the related counts and records to ensure they do not have these discrepancies. For example, your LEA should compare it’s previous year Course completion counts to the current year counts to make sure any discrepancies are intended. EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
Fatal Certification Errors
Description Analysis Needed CERT122 Missing SCSC record or incorrect pathway for CTE Concentrator in Industry Sector 'ART' or 'AGR' The system is validating that a student for whom a Student Career Technical Education (SCTE) record with a "ART" or "AGR" Industry Sector submitted has completed at least one course (submitted in the SCSC file) in the "ART" or "AGR" CTE Pathway associated with the SCTE record in the same academic year CERT123 Missing or invalid SCSC record for CTE Completer in Industry Sector 'ART' or 'AGR' The system is validating that a student for whom a Student Career Technical Education (SCTE) Completer record has been submitted for the "ART" or "AGR" Industry Sector has completed at least one course (submitted in the SCSC file) associated with the SCTE record in the same academic year CERT124 Missing SCSC record for CTE Completer The system is validating that a student for whom a Student Career Technical Education (SCTE) Completer record has been submitted has completed at least one course (submitted in the SCSC file) associated with the SCTE record in the same academic year It is recommended that your LEA manually review the related counts and records to ensure they do not have these discrepancies. For example, your LEA should compare it’s previous year Course completion counts to the current year counts to make sure any discrepancies are intended. EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
EOY 1 Certification Warnings
Disabled Warning Description Report # Analysis Needed CERT081 No Student course section data was submitted for a student with Enrollment Status of Secondary or Short Term. 1.2 3.11 Using the ODS 1.2, identify students enrolled with secondary or short term enrollment statuses between 7/1/15 - 6/30/16, then confirm they at least one Student Course Section (SCSC) record. CERT099 No End of Year student course section data were submitted for an enrolled student with enrollment status of Primary Compare the students enrolled from ODS 1.2 with the SCSC records on report 3.11 CERT100 A course section does not have any associated student course section records. 3.10 Verify the total number of students completing courses count for the Course Section records CERT102 No Student Career Technical Education records were submitted for this school. 3.14 Confirm that every school has reported CTE records or that the zero count is accurate: It is recommended that your LEA manually review the related counts and records to ensure they do not have these discrepancies. For example, your LEA should compare it’s previous year Course completion counts to the current year counts to make sure any discrepancies are intended. EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
Certification Warnings Disabled for EOY 1
Disabled Warning Description Report # Analysis Needed CERT034 The percentage of enrollment in the school's CTE Courses has either increased or decreased significantly from the previous year’s percentage. 3.14 Assess the difference in the school's CTE course enrollment reported between the previous and current year. Verify that the current year count is correct. CERT055 This school did not submit any students as enrolled in CTE courses. Compare the previous and current year CTE course enrollment reports. The school had CTE course enrollment in the previous year, but no CTE course enrollment this year. CERT069 No CTE completers have been reported for a school that had more than 20 CTE Completers in the previous year. Compare the previous and current year reports’ Completer counts. Normally it is also important to review your certification warnings. However, the certification warnings have been temporarily disabled. To ensure that your data is reported accurately review all of your reports in detail. Do not rely solely on the aggregate reports, but also drill down to the student level data in the supporting reports. LEAs will need to do their own analysis against prior year submissions for CERT034, CERT055 and CERT069 EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
Suggested EOY Timeline
NOW Complete SIS Data Population 5/15 Upload files and correct errors or discrepancies as needed 6/16 25 days Review certification reports, correct errors, and fix discrepancies 6/30 10 days Distribute reports for review and approval 7/14* 10 days This is the suggested timeline for certifying all the EOY submissions. You will want to consider when you site staff will be leaving for summer break when you create your local calendar Determine who the data stewards are to review the aggregate reports. If they leave for the summer, you will want to pre-arrange the report review process. Certify (level 1 and level 2) 7/15 11 days Reminder: If you plan to decertify, allow adequate time to make corrections and for snapshots to run * Make sure to adjust dates if your LEA closes earlier for summer EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
Certification Reminders
Several of the certification warnings for the EOY 1 submission remain disabled. Careful review of all reports is the best way to ensure the accuracy of the data reported The EOY 1 snapshot must be certified. If your LEA has no departmental courses or CTE data you still must certify zero counts. Make sure your snapshot is certified at Level 2. If you don’t certify at Level 2, none of your work counts. If you are certified and then decertify, you must recertify on or before the deadline date for your data to be pulled. Now we have some reminders for Certification: {Read reminders} EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
Did you get it? Question Answer What data are reported?
Course Completion and CTE data What schools are reported? Schools with departmentalized or CTE courses in grades 7-12 Which files are submitted? SDEM, CRSC, SCSC, SCTE Are there any files that should not be submitted? SASS Do they need to be submitted in any special order? SENR and SDEM before CRSC CRSC before SCSC EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
Did you get it? Question Answer What does non-traditional gender mean as it relates to CTE data? A CTE Nontraditional Course is a Career Technical Education course where students of one gender are traditionally under-represented. Identified in the course group master combos in the valid code combos doc. Who is considered Economically disadvantaged? Students who meet one or more of the following criteria on the specified report date: (1) the student is eligible or participating in the Free Meal program or Reduced-Price Meal program, (2) the student was identified as Homeless (3) the student was in Foster Youth at any point during the Academic year, (4) the student is eligible for or participating in the Title I Part C Migrant Program (5) the student has a Direct Certification Status = "S" (SNAP) or "T" (TANF) Y. What is a CTE course? A course designated with CTE State Course Code (4000–5000 series) or a 154 Course Content Code EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
Start the conversations locally
Question Answer Where is the data entered in my student system? Who needs to review the reports? What are the EOY certification and deadline dates? When is the last day of school? When are final grades available? Who is out of the office and when? What are your internal deadlines? What are three things you can do right now to prepare for EOY reporting? EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
Resources CALPADS Calendar System Documentation
System Documentation Document Description Sections CALPADS File Specifications (Forms) File layout and requirements for batch submission SENR, SINF, SPRG, SDIS, SDEM, CSRC, SCSC, & SCTE tabs CALPADS Code Sets Detailed state code lists CALPADS Valid Code Combinations Matches up related codes CALPADS Error List Detailed error message descriptions SENR, SINF, SPRG, SDIS, SWAV, SDEM, CSRC, SCSC, SCTE, EOY 1-3 tabs CALPADS Data Guide Detailed requirements Now we have some resources for End of Year reporting. First we have the CALPADS calendar which lists the Submission and Amendment windows and deadlines for each submission. If deadlines change, updates will be posted to this site. Next we have the CALPADS system documentation. The CALPADS File Specifications (Forms) provides the file requirements for submitting batch files. It also provides the field requirements which are useful for both those submitting data online or in batch. The CALPADS Code Sets provides a list of the state defined codes for data elements which use them. The CALPADS Valid Code Combinations list which codes are allowed or expected to be used together in situations where one field is dependent on another or they are related. The CALPADS Error list is a good resource for those having trouble understanding the rejected record or certification errors. It provides more detailed explanations of the errors and also suggestions for how to correct them. The CALPADS Data Guide provides detailed requirements of who to submit for End of Year. EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
Resources Career Technical Education documents
Perkins reporting changes CALPADS Training Registration We also have some information for those who want to learn more about Career Technical Education. For those determining the most severe offense for discipline, they may find the Administrator Recommendation of Expulsion Matrix useful. Finally the CALPADS training registration page where you signed up for this training is also where you can sign up for CALPADS Q & A sessions to get more questions answered. These sessions are usually attended by the CDE so you can get clarification on more specific scenarios regarding exactly what the CDE expects. EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
Support Web:
Phone: Listserv: In addition to all the resources we also have a CALPADS service desk that you can contact by submitting a CALPADS service request online. You can also call or , but note that neither is answered directly and your question will need to be transcribed into the CALPADS service desk system so it is best to use the form directly. The phone and are provided for those situations where you can not get to the Web form. For anyone who needs to get information about all the important news related to CALPADS, such as when training is available or when requirements or deadlines change, you should sign up for the CALPADS listserv here. You can subscribe or unsubscribe yourself any time. EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
Please Complete Our Survey
Training Evaluation Please Complete Our Survey Questions Please take the time to complete our training survey. Your responses assist in improving our trainings. Please indicate what you like, if there were areas you thought should have been covered that weren’t, and any suggestions to improve our training for you. We review these surveys on a regular basis—in fact due to LEAs’ suggestions we have changed our survey, have included more visual aids, and demonstrations in our trainings. Survey URL: Thank you for providing us the opportunity to evaluate our trainings. 81 EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017 81
EOY Checklist Complete Due Date Description
Is student profile data (SENR, SINF, SELA) updated in CALPADS? Check with your vendor for any system updates and processing recommendations. Identify who will update and verify EOY submission data: Program Counts Discipline Data Course Completion/CTE Courses Create a schedule for data submission, reviews and certification. (Remember to account for staff vacations) Attend EOY training EOY 2 and 3 EOY 1 EOY for Experienced Users Verify Title 1 status for schools in CARS Targeted or Schoolwide Coordinate with school sites to update discipline and program data Run audits of data to check for all required elements EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
EOY Checklist Update CALPADS with program participation for:
Complete Due Date Description Update CALPADS with program participation for: Code 108 – Opportunity Program Code 113 – California Partnership Academy Code 162 – Pregnant or Parenting Programs Code 185 – Transitional Kindergarten Code 101 – 504 Accommodation Plan Code 122 – NCLB Title I Part A Basic Targeted Code 174 – NCLB Title I Part A Neglected Code Homeless Run ODS reports 5.1 review initial counts Update CALPADS with discipline data Run ODS reports 7.1 to review initial counts Update CALPADS with course completion data for grades 7-12 Update CALPADS with CTE data Review certification reports (once the submission window opens) Have key staff review reports to verify accuracy Certify Level 1 and 2 EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
CTE Staff Assignments - Credentials
Staff must hold a preliminary or clear Designated Subjects Career Technical Education Teaching Credential for a specific industry sector. Available subjects, also known as industry sectors, are as follows: Agriculture and Natural Resources Arts, Media, and Entertainment Building and Construction Trades Business and Finance Education, Child Development, and Family Services Energy, Environment, and Utilities Engineering and Architecture Fashion and Interior Design Health Science and Medical Technology Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation Information and Communication Technologies Manufacturing and Product Development Marketing, Sales, and Service Public Services Transportation EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
CTE Staff Assignments – Single Subject
These credentials…. Are allowed to teach courses in these industry sectors… Agriculture Education AND Agriculture Specialist Agriculture and Natural Resources Business Education Business and Finance Information and Communications Technologies Marketing, Sales, and Services Home Economics Education, Child Development, and Family Services Fashion and Interior Design Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation Industrial Arts Building and Construction Trades Energy, Environment, and Utilities Engineering and Architecture Manufacturing and Product Development Transportation Industrial Technology Education EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
CTE Staff Assignments California Commission on Teacher Credentialing Credentials Leaflet 888 (CL-888) EOY 1 Course Completion & Career Technical Education Training v1.1 6/6/2017
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