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CAB Technical Committee BIM Working Group

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Presentation on theme: "CAB Technical Committee BIM Working Group"— Presentation transcript:

1 CAB Technical Committee BIM Working Group
19 November 2013

2 Introductions and Apologies Agree Agenda How BIM are You?
Robert Sargent, Stride Treglown Working Group Survey Findings Aims of this Group Relationship with other Groups Draft Workplan AOB Agree Actions Date of Next Meeting & Close

3 Working group survey

4 Working group survey

5 Working group survey

6 Working group survey

7 Working group survey

8 aims Aims of this group Strategic Technical Knowledge Exchange

9 A realistic analysis of opportunities v. threats
strategic strategic A realistic analysis of opportunities v. threats What do we need to do as a supply chain? Help in developing company BIM Strategy and Implementation Plans

10 How much data should be provided and in what format?
technical technical How much data should be provided and in what format? What are the minimum requirements that need to be submitted with BIM data?

11 Educate and advise members on all aspects of BIM (or offer direction)
Knowledge exchange Knowledge exchange Educate and advise members on all aspects of BIM (or offer direction) Understand how BIM is being used/adopted by main contractors/ clients/ specifiers Hear from main contractors/ clients/ specifiers Practical case studies for BIM implementation How can we all help each other to share best practice?

12 Our Relationship with other groups
BIM Task Group Regional Hubs Academic Forum Partners Standards B/555 BIM 4… What areas are common to several sectors? What areas are unique to CAB’s members? Manufacturers Supply side delivery Local government SMEs FM Private sector Retail Infrastructure Water Data Centres Building Smart UK NIEP CIC CPA

13 Available Information & guidance

14 Possible workstreams possible workstreams Strategic Technical CPD
SWOT analysis Developing a BIM strategy Technical COBie UK:2012 and data exchange formats Recommended BIM format for windows, doors, curtain walling, etc? PAS 1192:2 and 3 Plans of work Level of Detail (LOD) Data management CPD Engaging with main contractors, clients and specifiers Knowledge exchange in supply chain Plus: Commercial & legal? Contracts Copyright IP/ PI

15 outputs outputs SWOT analysis CAB Guidance Note
[Minimum] data requirements/ formats Standards Workshops/ clinics/ seminars Hear from main contractors/ clients/ specifiers Technical Conference session Developing a BIM strategy Linked In group for internal comms Supply chain [research] project? Timeline?

16 AOB: CPA BIM activity cpa
Questioning the cost of NBS offerings plus their insistence that NBS must author BIM objects in their library… Proposal for CPA portal/ data hub to allow manufacturers and users to easily search for BIM objects Three options: Set up a library or database as part of a larger BIM project or a third party library (eg NBS National BIM Library) Database of links to where the information is held – distributed database or data hub “Google” approach – probable long term solution CPA is now looking into costs of data hub option and possible provision of this service to members

17 AOB/ ACTIONs/ Next meeting
Agree actions Date of next meeting

18 CAB Technical Committee BIM Working Group
19 November 2013

19 Bim maturity levels BIM maturity levels

20 Level 2 bim workflow Level 2 bim workflow

21 lod lod

22 Plan of work Plan of work

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