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Lorraine Becerra, M.A., BCBA

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1 Lorraine Becerra, M.A., BCBA
SPED 6780 Ethics Week 11 (11/12) Do not place text over the lines of an image (ie. The sidewalk.) Lorraine Becerra, M.A., BCBA

2 ROADMAP Cultural Adaptations Interdisciplinary Collaborations

3 Cultural Considerations and Adaptations
Along with objective recording of behaviors, a child’s social and cultural background should be taken into account when assessing performance. – Heward 1996

4 Culture WHAT IS CULTURE? Bxl Contingencies Common Values, Beliefs, Bxs
Shared Learning Histories Shared Valued Symbols Common Values, Beliefs, Bxs

5 Religious Political Community Special Education Extended family
Nuclear Family

6 Social Diff Btwn Groups
Cultural Diversity Social Diff Btwn Groups Distinct Values Population

7 DEMOGRAPHICS % African American, Hispanic/Latino, Native American, Asian combined make up 37.2% of school aged children 16.7% of students speak language other than English at home

Behavior analyst maintain knowledge of professional information in their areas of practice By reading appropriate literature, attending conferences, participating in workshops, obtaining additional coursework.

(b) When behavior analysts provide behavior analytic services they use language that is fully understandable to the recipient of those services while remaining conceptually systematic with the profession of behavior analysis. (c) Where differences in age, gender, culture, origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, language, or socioeconomic status significantly affect behavior analysts’ work… [they] obtain training, consultation, and or supervision necessary to ensure the competence in their services or they make appropriate referrals.

Behavior analysts must tailor behavior change programs to the unique: Behaviors Environmental Variables Assess Results To Meet Goals

11 IMPORTANCE OF CULTURE Bx is a function of it’s consequences
Bx is learned in different contexts Cannot separate bx from environment Effective Programming

Ethnicity Race Acculturation Assimilation Correct Lables

13 Class Activity: Cultural Interview
1) Get into pairs 2) Take turns interviewing each other about your cultural background 1. How would you describe the culture you grew up with? 2. How has your cultural identity shifted as you have matured? 3. What are 3 ways your childhood culture influences the choices you make today?

14 EVALUATION OF CULTURE Melting Pot Americanization Salad Bowl

Family Constellation Harmony / Control Interdependence / Individuality Nurturance / Independence Rights and Responsibilities Time Tradition/Technology

Culturally Defined What is the cultural Context? Depends on “normality” & demands

17 Class Activity: Cultural Misrepresentations
In groups of 3-4 Share an experience where some cultural influence on behavior was misinterpreted as “inappropriate behavior”

18 CULTURAL COMPETENCE A process that is best determined by one’s ability to craft respectful, reciprocal, and responsive relationships with others rather than by the extent of the information that we have regarding particular cultures (Barreras & Kramer, 2009) The belief that people should not only appreciate and recognize other cultural groups, but also make efforts to effectively work with them

19 CULTURAL COMPETENCE (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
Awareness of one’s own cultural limitations Openness, appreciation, and respect for cultural differences A view of intercultural interactions as learning opportunities The ability to use cultural resources in interventions Acknowledgement of integrity and value of all cultures (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

20 YOUR CULTURE MATTERS Consider factors, such as:
Cultural identity Values or views Biases Knowledge of Others Exposure to Diff Cultures Understand others by understanding your own frame of reference and strive to honestly analyze how that lens, shapes your view of others

Family Communication Individual Appearance Individual vs. Group Focused Materials

Environment Arrangement Reinforcement / Punishment Target Behaviors

23 Cultural Adaptations The systematic modification of an evidence-based treatment or intervention protocol to consider language, culture, and context in such a way that it is compatible with the client’s cultural patterns, meanings, and values.

24 Why do we culturally adapt programming?
CULTERAL ADAPTATIONS Why do we culturally adapt programming? Engagement Retention Relevance Outcomes

25 What beliefs have been communicated to you regarding:
FINAL DISCUSSION What beliefs have been communicated to you regarding: Childrearing, education, people who are different from you, your role in the family, attitudes about disability.

26 FINAL DISCUSSION How do you think your own cultural lens influences your work with the families and students that you serve?

27 Break – 10 min

28 Interdisciplinary Collaborations “Behavior analysts cooperate with other professionals… in order to effectively and appropriately serve their clients.” (2.03b Consultations)

29 Limitations to Collaborations
1.01 Reliance on Scientific Knowledge 1.02 a Boundaries of Competence Limitations to Collaborations

30 Disseminating Behavior Analysis
6.02 Promote behavior analysis by making information about it available to the public through presentations, discussions, and other media 8.02a Avoid making false, deceptive, misleading, exaggerated, or fraudulent claims.

31 Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA)
Access General Curriculum Least Restrictive Env Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA)

Shared Resources Mutual Goals Shared Responsibility Share Accountability Parity

33 Class Activity: Successful Collaborations
Discuss a time that you felt you had a successful collaboration with another professional. What were key components of that interaction? Class Activity: Successful Collaborations

34 Behavioral Consultation
Problem Identification Problem Analysis Implementation Evaluation

35 Perspectives Training Time

36 EFFECTIVE CONSULTING Before During Identify all points of agreement
Identify Goals Research Case Determine the Decision Maker Before Understand Other side Identify all points of agreement Compromise Summarize During

37 Brodhead (2015)

38 Class Activity: Behavior Speak
Select Topic Discuss in Pairs Present Content to BCBA Present Content to non BCBA Divide into Groups of 2-3

39 MSWO Preference Assessment
Extinction Functional Analysis Token Economy MSWO Preference Assessment Mand Training Select One

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