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La ricerca pubblica agro-alimentare: Convegno Agriregionieuropa

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1 La ricerca pubblica agro-alimentare: Convegno Agriregionieuropa
Il quadro comunitario Convegno Agriregionieuropa “La ricerca pubblica agro-alimentare in Italia: il ruolo delle Regioni” Roma, 25 Ottobre 2010 François CONSTANTIN DG RTD-E4 European Commission

2 Building a European Research Area in the field of KBBE
Programmi di cooperazione - Il 7° Programma Quadro di Ricerca e Sviluppo Tecnologico - Tema 2: Prodotti alimentari, Agricoltura, Biotecnologie Azioni di coordinamento - Lo strumento ERA-NET - Le “Joint Programming Initiatives” - Il comitato SCAR

3 The 7th EU Framework Programme Total Funding 53B c.a.
Specific Programmes Cooperation – Collaborative Research € m Ideas – Frontier Research € m People – Human Potential € m Capacities – Research Capacity € m JRC, non nuclear € b JCR, nuclear € b EURATOM € b Collaborative Research Frontier Research Human Potential Research Capacity

4 FP7 – Indicative breakdown (€ million)

5 Cooperation programme – 10 thematic areas, (€ million)
Theme 2

6 Theme 2: the 3 KBBE Activities
KBBE - Activity 2.2 “Fork to farm”: Food (including sea-food), health and well being KBBE - Activity 2.3 Life sciences, biotechnology and biochemistry for sustainable non-food products and processes KBBE - Activity 2.1 Sustainable production and management of biological resources from land, forest and aquatic environments

7 Theme 2 and Work Programmes
The Commission within the Work Programme defines the priorities for the calls for proposals to be launched each year. The priorities are faithful to the FP7 Framework Programme and Specific Programme decisions and in line with the main European research policy priorities. FP7 “Theme 2” work-programs reflect the inputs received by: Advisory Group Programme Committee Standing Committee for Agricultural Research (SCAR) Advisory Committee for Fisheries and Aquaculture (ACFA) European Technology Platforms ERA-Nets European Food Safety Authority International Council for the Exploration of the Sea – ICES European Fisheries & Aquaculture Research Organisations – EFARO Experts …..detailed consultations with main stakeholders…

8 della ricerca agro-alimentare in Europa
Azioni di coordinamento della ricerca agro-alimentare in Europa

9 A compartmentalised ERA

10 A compartmentalised ERA
EU27 + EC

11 A compartmentalised ERA Transnational Collaboration
EU27 + EC Transnational Collaboration in EU 27: 10 to 15 % Competitive Federal Funding in US : 85 to 90 % The concept of Joint Programming is based on the following observations There are limits to more public investment in research, so let’s do better : more effective and efficiency to increase impact (efficiency and effectiveness) of Public Research Programmes It will help to Implement the Lisbon Strategy : Apply Joint programming in a strategic manner to a few, major societal challenges (jobs and growth, economic performance, quality of environment and of life, security of citizens and territory, social cohesion and solidarity). And will be based on Innovative Governance built around Community method: Council decisions on the basis of Commission proposals Joint Programming involves: Member States engaging voluntarily and on a variable geometry basis based on a common vision on how to address major societal challenges. in the definition, development and implementation of common strategic research agendas It may involve collaboration between existing national programmes or the setting up of entirely new ones. It entails putting resources together, selecting or developing the most appropriate instrument(s), and collectively monitoring and reviewing progress.

12 The ERANET scheme €181.76M overall funding OUTPUTS INPUT PROCESSES
OUTCOMES Pilot calls: 22 pilot calls €14,752,000 funding 98 funding contributions Systematic exchange of information and good practices Undertaken by 67% of respondents Impact on national programmes: New opportunities to enable trans-national R&D activities Adoption of new eligibility criteria to fund non-resident researchers (opening-up national programmes) €181.76M overall funding Average EC input per ERA-NET: €2.56m EC funding covered 78% of the total costs of participation on average Joint calls: 115 joint calls €773,810,749 funding 597 funding contributions Identification &analysis of common strategic issues Undertaken by 75%of respondents Joint programmes: 15 joint programmes €376,102,000 funding 64 funding contributions Planning and development of joint activities Undertaken by 43% of respondents Structuring effect: Structuring effect occurred in specific research fields Existing networks strengthened and extended Behavioural additionality occurred Implementation of joint research - generating outputs 73% of respondents participated in a joint call Intangible outputs: Multiple benefits outweighed the costs Benefits from calls Strengthened research networks


14 ERA-NETs in the field of KBBE Implementation strategy under FP7
KBBE Work Programme 2007 Animal Health “EMIDA” (SCAR input) Coordination of AR in the Mediterranean “ARIMNet” (SCAR input) KBBE Work Programme 2008 New relationships between rural areas and agriculture in Europe “RURAGRI” (SCAR input) ICT and Robotics in Agro-Food Industries “ICT-AGRI” (SCAR input) KBBE Work Programme 2009 Agricultural Research for Development “ERA-ARD II” (building on previous FP6 ERANET) Organic food and farming systems “CORE-ORGANIC II” (building on previous FP6 ERANET) KBBE Work Programme 2010 Phytosanitary research “EUPHRESCO II” (building on previous FP6 ERANET)

15 Joint Programming in research
JOINT PROGRAMMING (Definition) Member States engaging voluntarily and on a variable geometry basis in the definition, development and implementation of common strategic research agendas based on a common vision on how to address major societal challenges. It may involve collaboration between existing national programmes or the setting up of entirely new ones. It entails putting resources together, selecting or developing the most appropriate instrument(s), and collectively monitoring and reviewing progress.

16 Joint Programming in research
What Joint Programming is not it is not about asking for more money for the Framework Programme it is not about asking for more power at EU level it is not a new instrument for Community research it will not involve Community funding a priori

First wave of 2009 JPIs LAUNCHING 2009 JPIs : A PARTNESHIP EFFORT 11 October 2010 Competitiveness Council – Council Conclusions on JPIs June & July 2010 Discussion of specific council conclusions on the three 2009 JPIs 26 May 2010 Competitiveness Council – Council Conclusions on ERA 30 April to 12 May 2010 Discussion in Council Research group and COREPER meetings 26 and 28 April 2010 Adoption of Commission Recommendations March 2010 Interservice Consultations, Change of legal form February 2010 JPI boards’ meetings, preparation of Council Recommendations January 2010 Meetings between JPIs and the Commission December 2009 Council Recommendation on Neurodegenerative diseases, including selection of 3 JPIs identified by the GPC (“1st Wave”) October 2009 GPC identifies 3 JPIs July 2009 GPC starts discussing JPI proposals 17

18 Joint Programming Initiatives
Two KBBE JPIs since April 2010: Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life joint_programming_en.htm

19 Joint Programming Initiative on “Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change”
The Challenge Research must contribute to improving food supply against the continuous threat brought by various scenarios of climate change, global population, and food demand. Management of the JPI – 20 participating countries Governing Board (GB) Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) Secretariat Work plan 2010 GB: interim governance established ( ) GB -> SAB: Elaboration of common vision (priorities for ) GB: Mapping of national programmes Secretariat: - identification of and contact with all relevant stakeholders - preparation of a coordination and support action (CSA) Work plan 2011 Establishment of the Strategic Research Agenda Implementation of the CSA Beginning of the joint programming

20 KBBE Work Programme 2011 Coordinated call FP7-ERANET-2011-RTD
KBBE : Deepened and enlarged European cooperation in the area of Molecular Plant Sciences KBBE : Forest Research in the Mediterranean Region KBBE : Animal health and welfare KBBE : Sustainable food production and consumption KBBE : Deepened and enlarged European cooperation in the area of Industrial Biotechnology KBBE : Synthetic Biology Coordinated call P7-JPROG-2011-RTD KBBE : Coordination action in support of the implementation by participating States of a Joint Programming Initiative on 'Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change' KBBE : Coordination action in support of the implementation by participating States of a Joint Programming Initiative on ‘A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life’ Support to ERA-NETs - KBBE : Networking of KBBE relevant ERA-NETs

21 Standing Committee on Agriculture Research
1974: Council Regulation N° 1728/74 establishing SCAR July 2004: SCAR management transferred from DG AGRI to DG RTD 22 November 2004: Dutch Presidency report calling for a high-level decision platform: a new role for SCAR End November 2004: MS to nominate two high-level representatives 2-3 February 2005: first “new” SCAR meeting New mandate Establishment of a standing oversight working group Nomination of Observers 8 December 2010: 13th plenary meeting Main role for SCAR Support the Commission and MS towards better coordination of agricultural research across the ERA SCAR countries: EU 15 + EU Observers (AL, BH, CH, HR, IL, IS, ME, MK, NO, SB, TR)

22 SCAR initiatives towards a European Research Area for Agriculture
2. COMMON RESEARCH AGENDAS 1. FORESIGHT PROCESS 3. MAPPING EU CAPACITIES SCAR Working Group Agreement on priority research topics Identify Scenarios Foresight Conference June 2007 Mapping Activities Mapping Infrastructures Collaborative Working Groups Regular Survey & Alert Mechanism Report on gaps, trends & needs Joint Programming EUROPEAN RESEARCH AREA FOR AGRICULTURE Input to FP7 SP Theme 2 : FAB ERA-Net proposals Identify priority research needs Proposals of new, sharing existing, infrastructures 4. Communication SCAR WEBSITE Communication to EP and Council Adopted by the Commission on 15 December 2008

23 Towards common research agendas Collaborative Working Groups
From CWGs to ERA-Nets Coordinator SCAR countries Kick-off meeting Animal Health ERA-NET “EMIDA” UK 21 8/12/2005 Relevant Issues for Mediterranean Agriculture ERA-NET “ARIMNet” FR 12 2/12/2005 ICT and Robotics in Agro-Food Industries ERA-NET “ICT-AGRI” DK 11 1/09/2005 Agriculture and Sustainable Development ERA-NET “RURAGRI” 6/12/2005 Common/ coordinated research agenda for EU rural policy ERA-NET “RURAGRI” SE - NL 7 23/11/2006 On-going CWGs Animal Welfare Renewable Raw Materials and their Applications in Non-Food  Industry DE 18 27/09/2005 Development of Sustainable Agriculture in the Baltic Sea Region PL 8 17/11/2006 Climate Change and Agriculture ES 24/06/2008 Agriculture and Energy 20 Shared Infrastructures in the field of Agricultural Research 15 25/09/2008 Risk Research on GMOs AT 13/10/2009 Agriculture Knowledge and Innovation Systems - AKIS NEW FR-NL  16 4/05/2010  Sustainable Food Production for wealth, welfare and health - SUSFOOD NEW 17  6/05/2010  Finished CWGs Sustainable Livestock Production from Grasslands IE 1/12/2005 Advanced Technologies for Climatic Control of Greenhouses and Livestock Housing IL 14 14/03/2006 Adaptation of Human Nutrition to Environment Evolution 10 29/05/2006 Ecology for Ecosystems & Natural Resources Sustainable Management 16/06/2006

24 SCAR foresight process
Overall objective To analyse possible scenarios for European agriculture in a 20-year perspective, allowing the identification of specific research needs for the medium and long term 1st Foresight exercise : Disruption Scenarios (June 2006 – June 2007) - June-December 2006: Appointment of a Foresight Expert Group (FEG) March 2007: Stakeholders workshop in Stockholm June 2007: Conference “Towards Future Challenges of Agricultural Research in Europe => Key messages for research priority setting - 15 December 2008: Communication from EC to EP and Council FORESIGHT SIGNALLING & MONITORING MECHANISM 2nd Foresight exercise : Horizon Scanning and analysis (June 2008 – December 2008) - June-December 2008: Appointment of a Consultancy Expert Group (CEG) - January 2009: Synthesis report + SCAR comments + dissemination May 2009: Conference “Sustainable development - a challenge for European Research” - Foresight session "global change and agriculture" 3rd Foresight exercise looking at scarcities in the long term (May 2010 – February 2011) - 6 October 2010 Discussion of 1st conclusions in a workshop with KBBE ERA-NETs & ETPs - December 2010 Discussion of draft conclusions at SCAR-Plenary - Spring Conference with broad stakeholder participation 24

25 Joint Programming in European Agricultural Research (JPAR)
- The SCAR foresight process paved the way to the preliminary identification of 3 priority research themes suitable for the JP requirements - COM "Towards Joint Programming in Research" foresees a new impetus towards a more strategic approach to coordination and collaboration in the programming of public research within the ERA JP Framework: MS engaging in the development of strategic research agendas, based on a common vision on how to address major societal challenges 4 June 09 - JPAR Workshop: identification of 3 priority research themes suitable for the JP requirements 1. Agriculture and Climate Change: Adaptation & Mitigation 2. Food, diet, health and prevention of metabolic diseases 3. World food security and supply - 16/06/09: Adoption of a SCAR position paper on JPAR combining the 3 themes - 11/09: Submission of 2 themes to the High Level Group on JP (GPC) 28 April 2010: Commission recommendation on 2 JPIs

26 linking with relevant MS/institutions

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