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Saxion “ Good Food”- supply chains- stakeholders Ronald van Marlen

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1 Ronald van Marlen 02-12-2015

2 Saxion “ Good Food”- supply chains- stakeholders Ronald van Marlen
# Food Supply Chains # Sustainable Business/ Sustainable Food # Stakeholders # The case of meat Saxion “ Good Food”- supply chains- stakeholders Ronald van Marlen

3 Who am i, what do i do? Director of Stichting EKO
Director of Toppas - Fruitraco Founder of TimeLi- sustainable business feedback Owner of NaNa Bio – organic representation Board member of Dutch Organic Processors Board member of Demeter Foundation Business Advisory Board Fibl Advisor sustainabile food systems Starbucks USA Teacher at University Wageningen, IFOAM OLC Course, Saxion College

4 # Food Supply Chains

5 “ Back to the Start” a supply chain fairy tale…

6 The food supply chain

7 The carbon supply chain

8 The agricultural supply chain

9 The bottleneck dilemma
companies dominate 70 % of global food supply limited and constraint resources: energy land water

10 Corporate power

11 Recurrent patterns of buyer power

12 Value shares: banana’s and coffee

13 Supply chain> value circles

14 Summary supply chains Supply chains are about value creation…
Supply chains are about sharing of that value… Supply chains are about power…. Global supply is dominated by a few… Supply chains are strategic key focus for the future to assure food access Supply chains tend to develop to more circular value chains

15 # Sustainable business- # the essence of CSR

16 Why sustainable business? ….the 4 main reasons….

17 Because we live in a fundamentally unsustainable world.
Reason #1 Because we live in a fundamentally unsustainable world.

18 Hoe ik over MVO denk

19 Because companies are increasingly expected to operate sustainably.
Reason #2 Because companies are increasingly expected to operate sustainably.


21 Because companies see business opportunities in sustainability.
Reason #3 Because companies see business opportunities in sustainability.


23 Reason #4 Because entrepreneurs feel engaging in sustainable business is the proper thing to do.

24 “ .. I realised that one day people like me, plunderers, will end up in jail”....
Ray Anderson- CEO Interface, worlds largest producer of carpets

25 The simple essence of CSR

26 Sustainability impact or ‘footprint’
Ecological footprint Social footprint Economic footprint Wat maakt de MVO-nulmeting toepasbaar specifiek voor jouw organisatie? Welke inspiratiebronnen heb je gebruikt? Mis je cruciale informatie als je deze nulmeting zou toepassen op jouw organisatie?

27 Reduce negative impacts: ‘Doing less bad’
Companies should: Reduce negative impacts: ‘Doing less bad’ Enlarge positive impact ‘Doing more good’ Wat maakt de MVO-nulmeting toepasbaar specifiek voor jouw organisatie? Welke inspiratiebronnen heb je gebruikt? Mis je cruciale informatie als je deze nulmeting zou toepassen op jouw organisatie?

28 Reduce negatieve impacts… Enlarge positieve impacts…
-- Footprint ++ Handprint +++ Fingerprint Reduce negatieve impacts… Enlarge positieve impacts… In our own manner...


30 How does that translate into a credible and appealing mission and vision statement?

31 Higher purpose Why do we exist? Challenging goal Where do we go? Core values Where do we stand for? Core qualities What do we excel at?

32 # Sustainable food NL

33 NL- Sustainable food

34 Seals



37 # Stakeholders

38 What is a stakeholder? Neem 2 minuten voor jezelf en denk hierover na.

39 “The stakeholders in a corporation are the individuals and constituencies that contribute, either voluntarily or involuntarily, to its wealth-creating capacity and activities, and that are therefore its potential beneficiaries and/or risk bearers.” Reactie. Wat mist? Concurrenten, milieu, toekomstige generaties? Impact ondervinden? Bron: Post et al., 2002

40 Examples of stakeholders
Doel: kennismaken, opzet toelichten, discussie, essentie van MVO

41 Why are they relevant? Neem 2 minuten voor jezelf en denk hierover na.

42 Stakeholder typology (1)
Primair stakeholders stakeholders Secundairy Belangrijk om zicht te krijgen op relaties tussen bedrijf en omgeving, afhankelijkheden, verantwoordelijkheden etc. Marktgerelateerd vs. niet-martkgerelateerd Zelfde stakeholders in dezelfde hoedanigheden

43 Stakeholder typology (2)
Extensions: The way in which they influence the company The way they have impact on the company The way they have access to resources in the interest of the company The way they want to cooperate The way they want to engage in a conflict/ debate The way they are to be predicted Etc…. Doel: kennismaken, opzet toelichten, discussie, essentie van MVO

44 Stakeholder matrix: power versus interest
Doel: kennismaken, opzet toelichten, discussie, essentie van MVO

45 Stakeholder information dialogue/involvement Stakeholder information
Stakeholder engagement strategies (2) Stakeholder information Stakeholder dialogue/involvement Doel: kennismaken, opzet toelichten, discussie, essentie van MVO Stakeholder information Stakeholder response

46 Stakeholder dialogue Frequent dialogues Institutionalised meetings
Sustainable reporting Cross-sector partnerships NB 1. en 2. can also be organised on sector level NB : Divide between 1-op-1, 1-on-many en many-on-many Doel: kennismaken, opzet toelichten, discussie, essentie van MVO

47 # At work: changing meat purchase to a more sustainable quality

48 “ The Scare Crow” a supply chain story…

49 Van der Valk goes sustainable

50 Food service sustainable sales

51 Sustainable restaurants score….

52 How can we “paint” the existing meat supply chain?
Who are the key players? Neem 2 minuten voor jezelf en denk hierover na.

53 Define Van der Valks main 10 stakeholders
Prioritise and explain your top 5 Neem 2 minuten voor jezelf en denk hierover na.

54 How to make their meat supply more sustainable?
Advise Van der Valk: How to make their meat supply more sustainable? Define 3 options and advise the Board of Directors Neem 2 minuten voor jezelf en denk hierover na.

Ronald van Marlen

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