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Delivering as One towards an Inclusive Green Economy

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1 Delivering as One towards an Inclusive Green Economy
- SWITCH-Asia and SWITCH-Africa Green EU Brussels – 27 September 2016

2 Collaboration between SWITCH-Asia and EU-funded programmes
National level example: Pakistan National Roundtable on SCP (Ministry of Climate Change, Ministry of Planning, UN Pakistan, 10YFP) Development of a National Action Plan on SCP (linked into UN, Planning Commission, and Province level SDG planning processes, 10YFP) Sectoral policy activities: Policy Assessment of SCP in primary education and green entrepreneurship (MoCC, UNESCO, PIEDAR, 10YFP SLE), plus 2 proposals for SCP in higher Education (Higher Education Commission), sustainable building codes (UNHABITAT), Sustainable Rice (SWITCH- Asia, Sustainable Rice Platform, Mars), Sustainable lighting (ENERCON)

3 Collaboration between SWITCH-Asia and EU-funded programmes
Subregional level example: ASEAN ASEAN Forum on SCP (10YFP, International Resource Panel) Sectoral policy activities: ASEAN SHINE – sustainable lighting (UNEP Climate Change, AusAid, SWITCH-Asia projects), Energy efficiency and renewable energy technology roadmap (ICA, Green Economy) ASEAN+3 Leadership Programme (ASEAN Sec, UNU, UNIDO, SWITCH-Asia projects, EcoInnovation, Think.Eat.Save) South Asia: SAARC has assigned SACEP on SCP -> SWITCH-Asia set up the South Asia Forum on SCP Pacific: Samoa pathway (Lifestyles, Education, Supply chain/rural dev’t, Food, tourism, MSMEs, Waste) Fiji, Samoa, and PNG have started work on SCP indicators linked to SCP proposal for Pacific

4 Collaboration between SWITCH-Asia and EU-funded programmes
Regional level example: SCP Regional Roadmap First regional roadmap completed Second SCP regional roadmap , with 10YFP Board members and programme partners, APRSCP, National Focal Points, Stakeholder Focal Points. Mainstreaming SCP Buildings and Construction Sustainable Public Procurement Sustainable Lifestyles and Education Sustainable Tourism Consumer Information/Ecolabelling Sustainable Food Systems Sustainable Industry/SMEs

5 Collaboration between SWITCH-Asia and EU-funded programmes
Regional level example: SCP Indicators SDG  Indicator Mongolia Asia Pacific 2015 6.4 - water-use efficiency (litres/$) 170   129 7.2 - renewable energy Renewable energy (%) 4.8% 16% 7.3 - energy efficiency Energy intensity (MJ/$) 54 16 8.4 - resource efficiency in consumption and production Material footprint (Tonnes) 27 million 46 billion (Tonnes/Capita) 10 12 (Kg/dollar) 8 2.8 sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources Domestic material consumption 100 million 51 billion 34 13 17 3.1 17.11 – increase exports exports (Tonnes) 17 million 3 billion First regional database Support on SDG monitoring processes (Country level – National Statistics Offices, ESCAP Statistics, UN Statistics Division) Analysis of SDG 12.2

6 Collaboration between SWITCH programmes and 10YFP
The development and implementation of an SCP e-learning course for policy and decision makers by UNEP and UNITAR initially under SWITCH Asia has allowed SCP training in Africa to be fast tracked.

7 Sharing of experiences between programmes
The first SWITCH Africa Green Regional Networking Forum was held in Kampala, Uganda on May About 250 participants including: Grantees, Selected MSMEs (Champions), National Focal Points, National Coordinators and 10YFP national focal points among others. Other SWITCH programmes made presentations, sharing experience between the regions, initiating collaboration .

8 Green MSMEs: collaboration at national level
SAG is working with the RECPnet and the Eco-innovation project to ensure concerted impact on green business development at the national level. Tools for the intervention: build on / scale up / adapt / integrate existing tools for a systemic support to SMEs RECP related tools Eco-innovation, value chain management Industrial symbiosis Partners in the delivery: Eco-innovation project is working with four national cleaner production centers - three in the six SAG countries and one SWITCH Med country. Purpose of the intervention: strengthen the potential of SMEs to increase their competitiveness and respond to growing demands for more sustainable products and services.

9 Synergies between SWITCH projects and Eco-innovation activities
Vietnam with SWITCH Asia policy support component Eco-innovation is one of the key priority areas in Vietnam SCP Action Plan adopted in January 2016. Sri Lanka with SWITCH Asia policy support component Eco-innovation is highlighted as one of the approaches to be developed through sectoral policies South Africa with SWITCH Africa Green In its inception report and implementation plan the ongoing eco-innovation project is a priority catalytic activity to enable the private sector to lead on inclusive green growth. Kenya with SWITCH Africa Green The policy review under the eco-innovation project was closely aligned with the development of Green Economy Strategy and Action Plan (GESIP), and the focus of the eco-innovation policy review in Kenya was on ten priority sectors selected for GESIP

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