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La Casa Azul Webquest.

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Presentation on theme: "La Casa Azul Webquest."— Presentation transcript:

1 La Casa Azul Webquest

2 Introducción

3 Introduction You have all just been hired as summer tour guides for the Frida Kahlo Museum in Mexico City. Because you are bilingual, you have been asked to create a special bilingual tour for international students.

4 Introduction You will be working in pairs. You and your colleague need to prepare a short biography about Frida to share with students before you begin a guided tour entirely in Spanish, which you also must plan.

5 Introduction Before the summer tours begin, the museum curator has asked that each pair of guides runs through their tour with their other colleagues. Finally, it will be time for you to guide your first group of students through the museum.

6 La Misión

7 Task: Biography Narrative
You need to prepare a 5 minute presentation in English about Frida Kahlo. You may wish to include information about her: early life education family career personal adult life death

8 Task: Biography Narrative
You should select at least 2 photographs of Frida Kahlo and 2 of her works of art to show as part of this portion of the tour. You will need to include a brief description of each work of art that you select as part of your biography presentation.

9 Task: Guided Tour You need to prepare a comprehensive tour of La Casa Azul for students. You must visit a minimum of 5 rooms/areas on your tour. In each room you need to explain (IN SPANISH): The name of the room/area One descriptive sentence or opinion about the room/area What activities happened in that location when Frida lived in the house

10 Task: Time to Tour! First you will present your tour to the class. This presentation will be graded by Señora Hartranft utilizing the rubric that can be found in the Evaluation section. You will also elicit feedback from your peers with comment cards.

11 Task: Time to Tour! Next you will each be assigned an audience outside of this classroom to present to. Your audience will be providing you with feedback in the form of a comment card.

12 El Procedimiento

13 Process: Biography Narative
Write a well organized biographical essay on the artist. You also must include a comment about each of the 4 images you will be showing during your biography narrative. Your piece must be typed and turned in upon completion of the project.

14 Process: Biography Narative
You must keep track of your sources and complete a works cited page in MLA format and attach it to your biography.

15 Process: Biography Narative
Utilize sites listed in “Recursos” to learn about Frida Kahlo and the MLA citation format

16 Process: Guided Tour Develop a Spanish narrative for 5 rooms within the Casa Azul. For each room your narrative needs to include:

17 Process: Guided Tour The name of the room Por Ejemplo:
“We are in the kitchen.” “This is Frida’s bedroom.”

18 One descriptive sentence or opinion sentence about the room
Process: Guided Tour One descriptive sentence or opinion sentence about the room Por Ejemplo: “This kitchen is beautiful.” “The bedroom is very large.” Use descriptive words, colors, and vocabulary for expressing opinions.

19 What activities happened in the room when Frida lived in the house
Process: Guided Tour What activities happened in the room when Frida lived in the house Por ejemplo: “She used to sleep here.” “They used to paint” This requires the use of the imperfect tense!

20 Process: Guided Tour Utilize web sites listed in “Recursos” to learn about Frida’s home and lifestyle as well as the imperfect tense:

21 Process: Presentations
You will present at least twice. Your first presentation in class will be graded by Señora Hartranft using the rubric in the “Evaluación” section. Your second presentation will take place outside of our classroom.

22 Process: Presentations
You must develop the comment card for your student audience. It should be written and filled out in English. Your comment card must contain: A scale for the audience to rank your professionalism A scale for the audience to rank your tour guide skill A space for a written comment or suggestion A question of your choice with space to answer the question.

23 Process: Presentations
Utilize web sites listed in “Recursos” to learn about making comment cards for presentations.

24 Process: Presentations
You will be able to practice giving your tour using the virtual tour on the museum’s website during class time on the SMARTBoard in this room as well as in rooms of other teachers I have made arrangements with.

25 Evaluación

26 Language and Conventions
Evaluation: Rubric TARGET SKILLS ADVANCED 18-20 PROFICIENT 12-17 DEVELOPING 6-11 EMERGING 1-6 Self-Monitoring Points Awarded:______ -always on task during work time -never disrupting classmates -using any extra class time productively -on task during the majority of class work time -never disrupting classmates. -on task during approximately half of class work time -frequently off task -distracting or disrupting the work time of classmates Language and Conventions -language and content used in the product is appropriate and outside language is brought it to enhance the product. No meaning is lost. -product gives accurate, relevant, and thorough information and has no or nearly no grammar mistakes. -language and content used in the product is appropriate and no meaning is lost - product gives accurate information and has few grammar mistakes -product uses some inappropriate language and content for the purpose of the assignment and some of the meaning is lost -product gives some false information and has several grammar mistakes -product uses inappropriate language and content for the purpose of the assignment and the meaning is lost -product gives false information and has many grammar mistakes Professionalism -student prepared a comprehensive tour with 5 or more rooms included -comment card was thoughtfully prepared -student was prepared for questions from the audience -student spoke clearly and slowly in both languages -student prepared a tour with 5 rooms included -comment card was prepared -student prepared a tour with fewer than 5 rooms completed -comment card may or may not have been prepared -student was comprehensible but not slow and clear in either or both languages -tour was worked on but incomplete -no comment card was prepared -student was not comprehensible in either or both of the languages Research Skills -biography portion of the project is complete and all information included is accurate -all sources in a neat MLA-formatted works cited page. -biography portion of the project is complete and all information included is accurate. -most sources included on a work cited page -biography portion of the project is nearly complete and most information included is accurate. -some sources included on a work cited page -biography portion of the project was started but ultimately incomplete -few or no sources were included on a work cited page

27 Evaluation: Comment Card
You are going to create the comment card for your audience. This is outlined in the “Procedure”. You will need to reflect on the feedback in 3-5 sentences in English outlining at least one area of strength and one area of weakness in your presentation.

28 Recursos

29 Resources: Assignment Packet
This Webquest is outlined for you in your assignment packet. Here, you will find: all assignment details contained in this presentation checklists the evaluation rubric the web address to access the Google site for this project

30 Resources: Google Site
Use the Google site throughout the webquest. It provides: all assignment details the evaluation rubric access to links that will take you directly to all resource websites

31 Access these links directly from the Google Site!
Resources: Links Access these links directly from the Google Site! About Frida Kahlo and/or La Casa Azul: ** This site is entirely in Spanish Virtual Tour of La Casa Azul that we will be using: MLA Citation: The Imperfect Tense: Don’t forget about your own notes on the Imperfect Tense! Comment Cards:

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