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Gender and Social Equity Group work

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1 Gender and Social Equity Group work
Policy recommendations 19-20 February 2008

2 System and policy indicators
Legal and policy frameworks for promoting gender equality in education have been articulated in most countries Southeast Asian countries are signatories to CEDAW Commitments to Beijing Platform of Action, MDGs, and EFA

3 System and policy indicators
Some countries have reviewed education from a gender perspective No specific budget for gender but there is a definite budget for education Variations in education spending among countries Donor aid strong in some countries, especially those who are on the “recovery” mode

4 System and policy indicators
Gender review of curriculum, textbooks, education not clearly reported in some countries

5 Target groups (1) Mostly girls in the following categories:
Ethnic minority groups Remote/rural areas Poor/urban poor Relocated and isolated families Disabled Child domestic workers

6 Target groups (2) At risk adolescent girls (early marriage, early pregnancy) Boys – underachievement at secondary and higher levels Street children – mostly boys in some cases, mostly girls in others Male teachers (low male representation at lower grade levels) Female school administrators/managers/decision-makers in education

7 Policy Recommendations

8 Conduct sub-national studies/surveys to identify gender disparities
Ensure availability of sex-disaggregated data for refinement in targeting and policy making Strategies: Conduct sub-national studies/surveys to identify gender disparities Systematically review and validate data

9 Ensure the utilization of sex-disaggregated data in policy making, planning, programming, evaluation and budgeting Strategies Advocacy and awareness raising among policy makers, education planners and implementers Training of statisticians, policy analysts and planners, Ministries of Women’s Affairs, MOE, and other sectors/line ministries

10 Institutionalize gender mainstreaming in the educational system
Strategies Develop a legal platform Build capacity at all levels, including teacher training colleges, school administrators Strengthen institutional mechanisms Form inter-sectoral/inter-ministerial gender working groups/task forces/committees Ensure the allocation of financial resources

11 Promote female leadership in education
Strategies: Review labour market policies and practices, particularly staff development processes/strategies with regard to salaries, status, benefits, promotion, retirement age Provide awards and incentives for outstanding female teachers and gender-responsive teachers Build capacity of women in leadership skills Awareness-raising and advocacy with regard to women in leaderships

12 Ensure gender-responsive teaching and learning processes and materials
On-going, systematic review of teaching and learning processes within classrooms, schools, classes and teaching/learning materials from a gender perspective Encourage girls to enter non-traditional occupations and participate in technical and vocational training Develop printed materials with female role models and free of gender stereotyping

13 Ensure accessibility of education services and facilities, especially of unreached and at-risk girls
Strategies Build schools in ethnic minority communities/communes Recruit female teachers from the ethnic group Offer multi-grade classes Provide grant/tuition assistance/scholarships for girls Provide dormitories/boarding schools, esp. for girls Provide bilingual/multilingual education Provide alternative means of education, such as non-formal/informal channels

14 Ensure allocation of resources for promoting gender equality in education
Strategies: Review the allocation of resources (financial, human) for promoting gender equality in education Advocate for specific budget for gender programmes Develop case studies on gender budgeting initiatives Build capacity on gender budgeting Assess the impact of gender budgeting initiatives

15 Monitor and evaluate progress in mainstreaming gender in education systems (processes, achievements and outcomes) Strategies Develop indicators for measuring progress in achieving gender equality in education (particularly on processes, achievements, outcomes – qualitative aspects) – taking in account the local context Conduct studies on female participation in governance of educational processes Monitor progress: learning outcomes and the link of gender parity to gender equality

16 Increase knowledge and understanding of gender issues
Strategies Training, advocacy among teachers/education administrators/managers, etc. at all levels Regional and country studies on the links between education, employment and political participation and other outcomes – with a focus on more qualitative research and analysis Incorporate gender concepts, knowledge of girl child/women’s rights and processes starting at the pre-school level and life skills education Document and disseminate good practices

17 Partnerships Other ministries (Women’s Affairs, Foreign Affairs, Social Welfare, Religious Affairs) Women’s unions Youth unions Men’s networks Parent-Teacher Associations Media NGOs UN agencies and multilateral organizations Bilateral donors Private sector (education services)

18 Partnerships Level Promotion/Advocacy Implementation Monitoring
Facilitation National Ministry/media UN Agencies NGOs Gender Focal Point (GFP) MOE Department GFP Planning dept GFP NGOs UN Agencies Multi/Bilateral donors GFP Prov/ District/ Comm Governor Superintendent GFP Prov./Dist Ed dept GFP Network Ed. Supervisor Local media Ed. Supervisors GFP School PTA Community organizations Village unions Teachers Parents Students Comm. members Village unions School Dir School board Village unions/ Women leaders

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