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Year 6 Mrs Hornshaw Mrs Jenkinson Mrs Marklew.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 6 Mrs Hornshaw Mrs Jenkinson Mrs Marklew."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 6 Mrs Hornshaw Mrs Jenkinson Mrs Marklew

2 Year 6 Timetable of events
Autumn Spring Summer Harvest Service at Church Christmas Service & parties Easter Crucial Crew SATs (14th – 17th May) PGL Residential (18th – 22nd June) End of Year treat

3 Reading Developing higher order reading skills such as comprehension, inference and deduction, author’s choice of language and layout of texts. Whole class approach to reading. Love to read sessions.

4 Home Reading Books Changed independently as needed
Comprehension not sight reading Please let us know about any concerns. Bring books everyday as we try to listen to them at any spare opportunity.

5 Spellings Teaching of spellings will follow the National Curriculum objectives and word lists. It may be that spellings involve children investigating and learning spelling patterns and rules. Spelling Zappers – several times a week.

6 Maths Maths homework will cover all areas of maths.
Often will be a reinforcement activity that the children are able to do independently. Homework sent home Friday, for return on Tuesday Abacus – home learning Timestables Challenge

7 Times Tables Pupils should know their times tables to 12x12.
Tested regularly in school for rapid recall. Pupils should practise times tables for approximately 5 minutes a night.

8 SATs Testing will take place in Summer 1 term (May).
Children will be carefully prepared for the tests over the course of the year; preparation will be on-going and not an event where children will feel under pressure. A meeting will be held nearer the time to look at how you can support your child and what to expect.

9 Parental Support Hear your child read at least three times a week – Reading Challenge. Support them in ensuring homework is completed on time and to a good standard of presentation – Homework Club. Planner – can be used to send notes to staff. Wherever possible ensure your child is in school and ready to learn.

10 Open door policy This continues throughout the school.
Notice boards for what we are doing. Any issues please see the class teacher. The best time available at the end of the day.

11 Extra-curricular Visits
Clubs - gardening, reporters. First come, first served basis. Other after-school clubs to follow. School website for further information.

12 Friends of St Lawrence Its aims are: to support the work of the school
provide activities that are fun and rewarding for all. raise funds for items to enrich school life. Role play equipment Life channel School stage Greenhouse With events: Furniture Wet play equipment Competitions Gym and play equipment Discos BBQs Christmas and Easter gifts Craft clubs Christmas and Easter fairs Look out for information Please respond with your thoughts – or why not offer to help?

13 Thank you Thank you for your support.
Just being here shows you value your child’s school and the work we do together.

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