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External Examining Induction Event for new Examiners February 2017

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1 External Examining Induction Event for new Examiners February 2017
Alison Reeves Senior Quality and Standards Manager Registrar’s Office Announcement re recording: will need to repeat any questions Any special areas of interest External Examining at the University of Nottingham

2 External Examining at the University of Nottingham UK Quality Code for HE: Chapter B7: External Examining As is the case with other HE providers in the UK, the University of Nottingham complies with the Quality Assurance Agency’s Quality Code for Higher Education, and the relevant chapter on External Examining is B7. External Examining at the University of Nottingham

3 External Examining – role of external examiners
In the UK's system of higher education, institutions are responsible for the quality of the education they provide and the academic standards of the awards they offer. External examining provides one of the principal means for maintaining nationally comparable standards within autonomous higher education institutions, the external examiner being one of a number of independent and impartial advisers used by them. The main purposes of external examining are: to verify that academic standards are appropriate for the award or part thereof which the external examiner has been appointed to examine; to help institutions to assure and maintain academic standards across higher education awards; to help institutions to ensure that their assessment processes are sound, fairly operated and in line with the institution's policies and regulations. External Examining at the University of Nottingham

4 External Examining – at UoN
Quality Manual External Examiners covers: School responsibilities Examiners’ responsibilities Enhancement of Quality National Criteria for Appointment/Termination of Contract Restrictions on Appointment Confirmation and Period of Appointment School Responsibilities, providing nominations for examiners on an annual basis. Ensuring all assessments for programmes and modules for award-bearing studies involve one or more independent examiners, and remits are specified in appointment letters. There should be a sufficient number of examiners to cover the work. 2. One of the areas we ask examiners to cover in their reports is informative comment and recommendations on any good practice and innovation you see in relation to the learning, teaching and assessment you observe, to take advantage of any opportunities to enhance the quality of the learning opportunities provided to students 3. We use the QAA’s published criteria for appointments of examiners, and 4. Also observe the restrictions on appointment, which can make it difficult to find examiners in niche subject areas 5. Appointment letters will set out period of office, programmes/modules to be examined and include links to our Quality Manual and web pages. (check all received appt letter) External Examining at the University of Nottingham

5 External Examining 7. Details of External Examiner appointments to students 8. Preparation of External Examiners for role 9. Responsibilities of External Examiners 10. Powers of External Examiners 11. Annual Written Report 12. Format of report 13. Dealing with submitted reports 7. In order to comply with the QAA Quality Code, we are required to provide the name, position and institution of external examiners in programme and module information. At Nottingham we do this by publication of examiners’ reports in our online staff/student feedback committee forums (which we call Learning Community Forums). 8. In addition to the opportunity to attend a central University induction event, schools are asked to state how they will prepare external examiners to carry out their role with the nomination (eg sessions with staff, examiner teams) 9. The entry sets out the main responsibilities of external examiners, which include providing comment on the type and content of assessments, assuring the University that the assessment procedures are being followed, for endorsing assessment outcomes and providing an annual written report. 10. External examiners must be given access to drafts of exam papers, assessment titles in order to do this, must be given information about assessment procedures, may request meetings with groups of staff and students, and have whatever access they deem necessary to exam scripts, completed assessments and coursework and have the right to attend exam boards. They may not adjust individual marks either prior to, or at the exam board, unless there are exceptional circumstances such as a poorly drafted question. 11. And 12. A template is provided for the annual report, and external examiners may also make a written report on confidential matters to the Vice-Chancellor if considered necessary. 13. dealing with reports covered later. External Examining at the University of Nottingham

6 External Examining – overseas campuses
Courses with an overseas provision fall are part of the remit of the external examiner; how this is managed should be agreed with the School concerned. However, their quality and standards should mimic ours. You are entitled to meet/ have reasonable access to students on overseas campuses; maybe via video-conferencing. The minimum requirement to meet with them is 3 yearly. 7. In order to comply with the QAA Quality Code, we are required to provide the name, position and institution of external examiners in programme and module information. At Nottingham we do this by publication of examiners’ reports in our online staff/student feedback committee forums (which we call Learning Community Forums). 8. In addition to the opportunity to attend a central University induction event, schools are asked to state how they will prepare external examiners to carry out their role with the nomination (eg sessions with staff, examiner teams) 9. The entry sets out the main responsibilities of external examiners, which include providing comment on the type and content of assessments, assuring the University that the assessment procedures are being followed, for endorsing assessment outcomes and providing an annual written report. 10. External examiners must be given access to drafts of exam papers, assessment titles in order to do this, must be given information about assessment procedures, may request meetings with groups of staff and students, and have whatever access they deem necessary to exam scripts, completed assessments and coursework and have the right to attend exam boards. They may not adjust individual marks either prior to, or at the exam board, unless there are exceptional circumstances such as a poorly drafted question. 11. And 12. A template is provided for the annual report, and external examiners may also make a written report on confidential matters to the Vice-Chancellor if considered necessary. 13. dealing with reports covered later. External Examining at the University of Nottingham

7 External Examining – approval and reports
External Examiners for undergraduate and taught postgraduate courses are appointed on an annual basis up to a normal maximum of four years' service. Oversight of reports is with the Quality and Standards Committee. External Examining at the University of Nottingham

8 External Examining – why your report matters
Quality Manual policies are in place for approval of new programmes and modules, approval of amendments to programmes and modules, and closure of courses. Educational Enhancement and Assurance Review: Currently on a 3 year cycle. They use a number of metrics, qualitative and quantitative, including External Examiner Reports. Annual Monitoring of programmes by Schools and report to QSC includes, consideration of External Examiners’ reports Review of Modules (including SEM) Student Evaluation of Teaching Learning Community Fora External Examining at the University of Nottingham

9 External Examining: UoN Policy
Based on Chapter B7, Quality Code for Higher Education at Quality Manual found at: - policy Web pages at: -guidance on annual reports & fees/expenses Chapter B7 is available on the URL here; the handouts will be circulated by after the event for your reference. The Quality Manual is the University of Nottingham’s quality assurance handbook containing all our policies, regulations and procedures. It is wholly electronic and is designed to be consonant with the QAA Quality Code, being updated when Chapters are revised. In addition to the policies contained in the Quality Manual (which include Undergraduate and Postgraduate Taught Regulations, as well as assessment regulations) the Quality and Standards Team makes information available via a web page. Guidance, report forms, and claim forms are available from this link. External Examining at the University of Nottingham

10 Payment of External Examiners
The amount of fees payable upon receipt of the annual report is notified in the appointment letter. Expense claims: submitted to Fees: the previously notified amount will be paid when the examiner’s report has been received. Please completed report forms to External Examining at the University of Nottingham

11 Payment of External Examiners
Home Office guidance: The University has a legal responsibility under the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006 to ensure that all individuals who undertake paid work for the University have the right to work in the UK – further information available at Casual workers and HESA reporting requirements Real Time Information Reporting to HMRC Payments for examiners who work at UNMC/UNNC External Examining at the University of Nottingham

12 External Examining at The University of Nottingham
Alison Reeves Senior Quality and Standards Manager Academic Secretary’s Division External Examining at the University of Nottingham

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