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Demographic Area State Programs 2014-2015 Class/College
Where Is My Bright Futures? Missing Class/College Non Degree Seeking -- OLS Post Bac -- 6LS Graduate not eligible to receive one semester of bright futures funding Demographic Area The demographic area contains Class/College information. This information is received from the registrar and updates nightly. An invalid Class/College will stop FLBF from calculating an award. STOP Bright Futures Scholarship recipients who graduate with a baccalaureate degree in the academic year or after, in seven semesters or fewer (or the equivalent in credit hours, 105 award hours or less), and who pursue graduate study, may apply the unused portion of their BFFAS or BFFMS award toward one semester of graduate study, not to exceed 15 semester hours paid at the Class/College
Demographic Area Residency Where Is My Bright Futures?
Eligible -- F = FL Resident R = FL Resident Alien Not Eligible –- N = Non FL Resident E = Resident Alien, Non-FL Resident A = International Alien T = Temporary FL Resident U = Undetermined Demographic Area FL Residency information is located in the demographic area of the State Programs screen. FL Residency is determined by the institution, it is not determined by OSFA. At UF, residency is determined by the Office of Admissions for newly admitted students. Residency redeterminations are processed the Office of the Registrar. Residency information updates nightly. So, RES = F or R is good. RES = N,E,A,T, U is not so good. Residency
Demographic Area Hours Where Is My Bright Futures?
DOCE Hours –- Distance Learning, Flex or Correspondence Enrollment Hours SFC –- Santa Fe College Enrollment Hours Transient –- Transient Enrollment Hours Overseas –- Study Abroad Enrollment Hours Hours –- UF Enrollment Hours Demographic Area Hours information is also located in the demographic area. DOCE, SFC, and UF hours update nightly from the Award File. Transient and Overseas hours update nightly from the Special Programs File. Note of Caution: When traditional students report they will be adding DOCE hours late in the Spring semester, hours must show as Spring Enrollment Hours with the Office of the Registrar for FLBF to calculate. If hours are being added after system processing for calculations has ended, we will need to be advised for a manual calculation to occur. Hours
2013-2014 Renewal Data Area GPA Data Where Is My Bright Futures?
UF GPA -- The grade point average for all postsecondary work attempted by the student that is included in the student’s UF transcript. All GPA -- The grade point average for all work attempted by the student at all institutions that is included in the student’s UF degree audit. Renewal Data Area For Florida Bright Futures, UF looks at two GPAs, the UF GPA and the ALL GPA, and sends the highest of the two to OSFA. For those of you who are new, OSFA = Office of Student Financial Assistance located in Tallahassee. Read the UF GPA and All GPA. GPA Data
2013-2014 Renewal Data Area UF GPA is located on SFA Retro .
or on the UF transcript. Renewal Data Area The UF GPA is located on the SFA Retro Screen or may be viewed on the student’s UF transcript. STOP. Ms. Mora, an incoming freshman with a Matric date of 20131B, is an IA student. As an IA student her academic year at UF began Spring 2013 concluded at the end of Summer OSFA allows student’s a one time restoration opportunity at the end of their initial award year for GPA . The student’s end of Spring 2013, her first semester, her GPA= At the end of her second semester, Summer 2013, her GPA= After taking 7 hours during Fall 2013, her remained GPA=2.57 GPA Data
All GPA is located on Degree Audit.
Select “degree audit” via “student “on ISIS Admin. Renewal Data Area The student’s dual enrollment hours, taken during HS, is responsible for the 3.05 GPA. GPA Data
(not E grades, U Grades, I grades)
Where Is My Bright Futures? BF Hours Carried (Paid) –- the number of hours for which the student was calculated. Hours Required To Renew BF –- if funded for 12+ hours, must earn 12 hours if funded for hours, must earn 9 hours if funded for 6 – 8 hours, must earn 6 hours. Earned -- the number of hours the student earned. (A grades, B grades, C grades, D grades S grades) (not E grades, U Grades, I grades) Renewal Data Area Hours are also a concern for FLBF renewal. FLBF uses carried or paid hours to determine the earned hours the student will need for renewal. READ Hours Require To Renew BF. For FLBF earned hours are designated by A, B, C, D, and S grades. E,U or I, are not considered earned hours for FLBF renewal. Hours Data
2013-2014 Renewal Data Area OSFA Reported Data
Program –- BFATS FL Top Scholarship BFFAS FL Academic Scholarship BFFMS FL Medallion Scholarship BFGSV FL Gold Seal Vocational Scholarship Term Sent -- FS Fall/Spring SU Summer FA Fall G/H Sent -- Date Grade and Hour Information was sent to OSFA. Hours Sent -- Hours requested by OSFA separated into terms. GPA –- GPA for term requested. Renewal Data Area The last area of the Renewal Data displays the G&H information sent to OSFA, the date it was sent, and the term it was sent for. STOP. Ms. Mora’s Spring 2013 G&H information was sent to OSFA at the end of FS FS information is displayed on State Programs Screen. This screen shot displays information sent to OSFA for Summer 2013 and for Fall Remember, Ms. Mora met OSFA’s guidelines at the end of her initial award year to attend during Fall 2013 to assist with GPA. She renewed for for BFFMS. OSFA Reported Data
2014-2015 Calculation Data Area
Term –- Fall 2014, Spring 2015, Summer A/C 2015 and Summer B 2015. C Flag –- Calculation flag sets to “C” for system to calculate and sets to “P ” for systems to process drops and repayments. Hours –- Number of UF hours, SFC hours, Overseas hours, Transient hours, and DOCE hours at time of student’s BF calculation. Total Hours –- Total hours at time of student’s BF calculations. Calculation Data Area Enrollment hours are displayed by Terms. Traditional students may be calculated for FLBF for Fall/Spring Terms only. Summer A/C and Summer B terms will be used for IA students only. READ C Flag. READ Hours. READ Total Hours. This hours information will not change after the student’s first calculation. Hours
2014-2015 Calculation Data Area
Where Is My Bright Futures? Hours Added –- Hours added after original calculation. Hours Dropped –- Hours dropped after original calculation. Current Load –- Current enrollment hours. Calculation Data Area This area also includes information about Hours Added, Hours Dropped, and about Current Load. READ Hours Added. READ Hours Dropped. STOP. Review example and remind about P Flag previously discussed. READ Current Load. Hours
2014-2015 Calculation Data Area
Where Is My Bright Futures? AY Rem Hrs –- Award year remaining hours, students may be calculated for up to 45 hours each award year. Before Fall calculation, the student is showing 45 award year remaining hours. Before Spring calculation, the student’s award year remaining hours updates to reflect the 12 hours calculated for Fall. The Spring AY Rem Hrs = 33. Calculation Data Area The second section of calculation data displays Award Year Remaining Hours. READ. Review example. Hours Remaining
2014-2015 Calculation Data Area
Program Remaining Hours –- Remaining FLBF program hours available for calculation. Before Fall calculation, the student is showing 94 program remaining hours. Before Spring calculation, the student’s program remaining hours updates to reflect the 12 hours calculated for Fall. The Spring Prog Rem Hrs = 82. Calculation Data Area READ Program Remaining Hours. As you know, students may petition OSFA for additional program hours. Usually, students enrolled in five year programs are approved for additional hours. When speaking with students remember to ask students let our office know if they are approved as OSFA does not send an alert and the Program Remaining Hours field does not update mid semester. How many hours did this student calculate for? Hours Remaining
2014-2015 Calculation Data Area
Where Is May Bright Futures? Term –- 01 = Fall, 02 = Spring, 05 = IA Summer. Host Institution –- Drop-down menu of OSFA codes for State University System schools and for Florida College System schools. Hours Enrolled –- Hours the student is enrolled in other State University System schools or Florida College System Schools. Calculation Data Area The last section of calculation data displays transient information. These fields are manually updated. READ Term, Host Institution, and Hours Enrolled. These students are also manually calculated, and are manually reviewed and processed for adds, drops, and repayments. We receive transient information via report a generated by Systems. During Fall 2013 = 30, during Spring = 57. Transient
2014-2015 Calculation Data Area
Where Is My Bright Futures? Cost Per Credit Hour -- BF per credit hour award BFFAS –- University = $103, College = $63 BFFMS –- University = $77, College =$48 Total Cost –- Total calculated award for transient hours Since this student is taking 0 UF hours, the total BFFMS award for Spring is $288. Calculation Data Area READ Cost Per Credit Hours, Total Cost. If you see an award not divisible by 103 or 77, it will probably be a transient student. Transient
2014-2015 EDE/PELL Area Pseudo Numbers Where Is My Bright Futures?
Students may elect to submit the initial state student application for FLBF using a pseudo number instead of a social security number. For FLBF calculation to occur, the student’s social security number and pseudo number must link. EDE/PELL Area The fourth area of State Programs displays name and SSN and/or Pseudo number information. READ. When speaking to incoming student’s ask them if they used a pseudo number when they completed the OSFA application. Once a pseudo number populates the OSFA field on state programs, the number is carried forward for future years. Pseudo Numbers
2014-2015 Disbursement Record Area
Where Is My Bright Futures? Transaction Descriptions or Disbursement Eligibility Reasons D00 = Disbursement D01 = Disbursed With An Adjustment D04 = Drop/Withdrawal D04R = Drop/Withdrawal Repaid Disbursement Record Area The fifth and last area to review is the Disbursement Record. READ. D00, D01, D04, D04R
2014-2015 Disbursement Record Area
This student has added one hour after his initial calculation, the student is calculated as a D01, Disbursement with An adjustment. D01 = Disbursed With An Adjustment
2014-2015 Disbursement Record Area
Where Is My Bright Futures? Disbursement Record Area After this student initial calculation, D00 for 16 hours, the student drops 4 hours and is processed for a D04, Drop/Withdrawal. STOP. Review calculation hour information and D04 line segment. NOTE: “N”. D04 = Drop/Withdrawal
2014-2015 Disbursement Record Area
This information reflects the previous D04 for 4 hours dropped. STOP. Review changes to Award and Award Drop, along with Go to Charges. D04 = Drop/Withdrawal
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