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Mobility and mobility aids

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Presentation on theme: "Mobility and mobility aids"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mobility and mobility aids

2 What is mobility Mobility is the body's ability to move or be moved
Mobilisation is the process by which a part is made moveable, or motion is restored to a fixed joint or body part

3 Problems in mobilising that may be experienced by a person with a disability
Handling food Manipulating clothes Positioning of limbs Weight bearing Use of devices to assist mobility Co-ordination of muscles and limbs

4 Techniques and aids to assist with mobilising
Callipers Pillows Exercise Massage Muscle relaxation Splints Frames, crutches, sticks Artificial limbs Mechanical lifter Jordan frame

5 Benefits associated with ambulation
Prevent complications Restores persons sense of equilibrium Enhances self confidence Promotes independence

6 What to consider when assisting a client to mobilise
Patient/workers height General condition Disability Mental attitude Degree of confidence Nature of environment e.g.. Surface Assistance required Aids available

7 Assisting a client with one sided weakness
Provide assistance and support on the affected side Remain close to a rail or wall to enable the person to hold on with unaffected arm Rest time Adequate foot wear Glasses and hearing aids if required

8 What do you do if a person begins to fall when walking
Ease the person to the floor Reassure the person, do not leave unattended Call for help Notify supervisor of person’s condition Document incident

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