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Nick Preston Branch Co-Chair & Secretary

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1 Nick Preston Branch Co-Chair & Secretary
I recently retired from a 35 year career in the Nuclear Industry. I possess a vast operational and training knowledge of CANDU power reactors, particularly fuel handling systems. I have a passion for a green future in which Nuclear Power will supply the bulk of the world's electricity and process steam needs. As a long time employee of Ontario Hydro/OPG, I have learned that a deeply rooted safety culture can boost employee morale and productivity. My volunteer activities include: Serving on The Local Spiritual Assembly of The Baha’i’s of Pickering for the past 18 years, 10 years as Secretary. I am also a Level 2 Official with the Ontario Swimming Officials' Association. I have served on Council for the past two years and have been engaged in promoting the CNS and the Nuclear Industry.

2 Jacques Plourde Branch Co-Chair & Treasurer
I have over 40 years of experience in the Canadian nuclear industry, a career that started in R&D at Chalk River, to move on to nuclear operations at Ontario Hydro/OPG. I had the benefit of very diverse assignments ranging from training, commissioning, project management and authorized shift supervisor, to work management and strategic planning. This has been instrumental in my current consulting work, undertaken since my retirement from OPG in early Most of my time these days involves engineering consultant work for the Nuclear Insurance Association of Canada, where I lead a team of experts evaluating risk at Canadian nuclear facilities. I joined the CNS in 1979 when I had the pleasure of signing its Charter, and have been active as Branch Chair (Darlington), Division Chair (Nuclear Ops & Mtce), and recently President. I have now stepped down from Council to focus my volunteer time with the CNS on our new Durham Region Branch. It is a pleasure to work with a great team as it strives to create a vibrant new Branch.

3 Alim Baytekin Branch Executive Member
I have been in Nuclear Industry for the past 4 years. I have been trained as a Design Engineer and MEL&BOM qualified. I have been in various positions in Nuclear Organization as a contributor and volunteer. Particularly knowledgeable in artificial intelligence, Electrical and I&C. Nuclear Power and Nuclear Industry have been a great passion of mine. Ontario’s energy future depends on Nuclear. Therefore, I have been an advocate for Nuclear Power Energy and attended CNCS hearing to present a positive position on the Nuclear Power. Currently I am employed with OPG and proactively practice safety culture day to day basis. Motivation is the key for enthusiasm, which yields high productivity with good quality. My volunteer activities include: North American Young Generation In Nuclear – Durham Chapter President, Operation Clean Sweep – Team Leader and Volunteer. Regional community volunteer for various activities. I have been part of CNS almost a year and look forward to get involved in activities and provide contribution in organizing events. Together we can bring positive change for Nuclear Industry.

4 Polad Zahedi OPG Utility Representative & Branch Webmaster
Polad is a Process Control Engineer with Ontario Power Generation Inc. His main areas of expertise are Modeling and Simulation, Process Control Design and Analysis, Instrumentation and Control Implementation and Software Categorization. Polad obtained his Bachelor in Computer Engineering from Western University and his Masters in Mechanical Engineering from University of Toronto. Polad joined CNS while studying his undergraduate degree and has been an active member ever since. He has published several papers in various CNS conferences. Polad is currently the co-chair of NOM Division in CNS.

5 Dan Meneley Branch Executive Member
Recently retired from lecturing at UOIT in Oshawa. Retired from AECL in 2011, from UNB in 1991 and from Ontario Hydro in Began nuclear career in 1963 at Argonne National Lab in Chicago. My enthusiasm for nuclear engineering and for CANDU design, operations, and safety continues to this day. Am now working with an international group of engineers & scientists to develop a means of reducing atmospheric carbon dioxide and restoring world climate stability. Nuclear features large in our plans, soon to be published worldwide. UOIT experience, though valuable, has taken me away from close contact with Plant Operations, and therefore away from learning of the real and continuing development of our technology. I hope, through service on your Executive, to correct this weakness in my own education. I hope to contribute to the CNS and to the Durham Branch through utilizing my past experience and by proposing future ideas for consideration.

6 Dan Meraw Branch Executive Member
Retired from OPG and the Canadian nuclear industry after a career in Operations, Maintenance and Commissioning, primarily at Pickering and Darlington. A long-time member of the CNS and former chairperson of the Darlington Branch. Primary interest in the CNS is to stay in touch with the industry and help out those still actively involved in any way possible.

7 Constantin Banica Branch Executive Member
I have 25 years of experience in the CANDU industry, having worked at Cernavoda NPP (Romania), Qinshan (China), Pickering and Darlington. I worked mostly in Nuclear Safety (20+ years in Reactor Physics and fuelling) and Engineering, and I am currently managing a large OPG project. I had a great time commissioning new and refurbished CANDU units, but I also enjoy supporting the running CANDU units in Ontario. I am a big fan of sharing technical knowledge through CNS. My papers at CNS conferences reflect my interest in reactor startup and physics commissioning, reactor kinetics, neutron flux detectors, adjuster rod aging, safety analyses, etc. I like to “listen to the real reactor”. I volunteered for CNS as presenter at technical courses, paper reviewer and conference organizer. I look forward to organizing more CNS events as part of our new Durham Region Branch!

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