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Working with Scouts who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing

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Presentation on theme: "Working with Scouts who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing"— Presentation transcript:

1 Working with Scouts who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Irene Zachry ASM Troop 477 S Participant S Staff

2 What is a hearing loss? Reduction in the ability to understand the spoken word. Three Basic Types of Hearing Loss Mild Moderate Severe

3 What is it like to have a hearing loss.

4 Add Background Noise

5 Step 1. Learn how the person prefers to communicate
Oral/ Aural Sign Language Lip Reading Written

6 Be Patient, for both of you
Step 1. Be Patient Be Patient, for both of you Don’t fixate on only one way to get your message across Don’t get frustrated

7 Step 3. Always be inclusive
Never speak to the group while your back is turned. Always check for eye contact before speaking Use visuals in attention getting

8 Step 4. Never Dismiss the Message
Don’t give up and say, “Never Mind” or “It’s not important”. Encourage others to speak directly to the scout, not through you or another adult. Don’t over emphasis your words

9 Step 5. Lip Reading is NOT Easy!
Think it’s easy to read lips? Well only about 30% of the population can actually read lips 100% accurately. Take this online test and let’s see how well you do.

10 Take turns, especially in large groups.
Step 6. Speak one person at a time. Take turns, especially in large groups. Give the person adequate time to change their focus from one speaker to the next

11 Write announcements down
Step 7. Use visuals Write announcements down Use , text messages and other visuals to provide details

12 Be comfortable with them Understand basics of how they work
Hearing Assistive Devices Be comfortable with them Understand basics of how they work

13 Hearing Aid Options Behind The Ear (BTE) In The Ear (ITE)
In the canal (ITC) Completely in the Canal (CIC) Cochlear Implant (CI)

14 Hearing Aid Options

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