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1 Jamestown

2 Funded and maintained by joint-stock companies
Virginia company offered 4/5 of all riches found in companies to it’s investors 3 ships : Susan Constant, Discovery, and Godspeed (150 people) Settled in Virginia in Jamestown

3 Disastrous Start “There was no talk, no hope, no work, but dig gold, wash gold, refine gold, load gold.” John Smith Contaminated river water = disease Followed by hunger and lack of cooperation by the colonists Winter and only 38 people left “You must now obey this law,… he that will not work shall not eat.” Powhatan Indians helped provide food John Smith was badly burned and returned to England 600 people arrived in Jamestown Powhatan begin to destroy farms and kill livestock Famine struck = 60 colonists survived

4 Jamestown Flourishes Colonists began to leave by sailing down James river Met a ship that convinced them to turn around Jamestown becomes stable, tobacco becomes important John Rolfe (creates high quality tobacco through cross breeding different kinds) 1.5 mil lbs. of “brown gold” exported Needed field labor = development of head rights How would this be good for wealthy people? Development of indentured servants

5 African Laborers First treated as indentured servants
Slaves would cost more money Paid and currency in tobacco Limited indentured servants Began to import slaves in large numbers

6 Clash With the Indians Desire for more land
English had no desire to grant culture to Native Americans Jamestown demanded food, took hostages, burned villages, etc. Pocahontas was captured (Married John Rolfe) Half hearted peace Wanted more land for tobacco growing Powhatan Indians began to fight back Jamestown became a Royal Colony

7 Economic Differences Indentured servants had no land, little money, and no voting rights Became upset with Sir William Berkeley (governor) Levied high taxes – wasn’t used for public good Native Americans began to fight with western frontier settlers (became a blood bath) Berkeley refused to send military support to fight

8 Bacon’s Rebellion Nathaniel Bacon took this refusal to heart
Raised army to fight Native Americans on western frontier Berkeley says army is illegal Bacon marches on inner Jamestown and rebels end up attacking Rebellion caused king to look at government Berkeley recalled to England to explain himself but died before he reached mainland

9 Puritan New England

10 Creation of New England
Puritan -> wanted to “purify” the Church of England Get rid of all Roman Catholic traces Separatists (Pilgrims) = wanted to form own congregations with own ministers Left England and founded the Plymouth colony John Winthrop = 1st governor of New England Came to Americas to create “model” society

11 Mayflower Compact Aimed for VA Landed North of their target
Royal charter would not be valid Signed Mayflower Compact that set up gov’t and pledged loyalty to the king

12 Massachusetts Bay Company
Winthrop obtains royal charter Established the Massachusetts Bay Colony upon arrival Boston becomes capital Most elaborate expedition to this time The colony extends voting rights to stockholders and adult males who belonged to the Puritan Church Voted for lawmaking body (General Court) who then elected the governor Extremely harsh winters Help from Squanto with survival methods


14 Dissent in the Puritan Community
Roger Williams / Anne Hutchinson challenge the social order Roger Williams English settlers had no rightful claim to the land unless they purchased it from Native Americans Felt people should be free to worship according to their beliefs Wanted Williams arrested but he fled South and set up Providence (guarantee the separation of Church/State)

15 Anne Hutchinson “the Holy Spirit illumines the heart of every true believer” Didn’t need church to interpret bible for them Eventually migrates to New Netherland (New York)

16 Native American Resistance
Immigrants begin to migrate into New Hampshire and Connecticut Native American lands Native Americans claim that no one owns the land Received gifts to allow short-term use of land Europeans saw it as “one-time deal”

17 Pequot War Pequot nation decides to make stand against colonists
Pequot's were surrounded and shot as they tried to flee

18 King Phillip’s War Natives forced to obey Puritan rules
Couldn’t hunt/fish on Sunday, etc. Wampanoag chief Metacom (King Phillip) was very unhappy Used hit and run tactics Lasted over 1 year -> began to run low on food, introduced to diseases = surrendered or fled Metacom’s head displayed in Plymouth for 20 yrs. English lose about 1/10th of their men that were military age

19 Settlement of the Middle Colonies

20 William Penn Age 22 – committed himself to the Society of Friends (Quakers) Protestant sect whose religious and social beliefs were radical for the time King Charles II – owed Penn’s father money Penn asked for money in land charter (Pennsylvania) Pennsylvania ran on Quaker beliefs Began to attract many people of other faiths

21 Dutch and New Netherland
Dutch Government granted the Dutch West India Company permission to colonize New Netherland Purposes of trade New Amsterdam became capital Expanded to take over New Sweden along Delaware River

22 Eventually opened doors to all people
Attracted Dutch, Germans, French, Scandinavians 1/5 population = African American (both enslaved and not) Friendlier relations with Indians Needed for fur trade Land claims? Territory? England began to drive out the Dutch from the area New Netherland separated northern and southern colonies Peter Stuyvesant = unpopular His call of arms was ignored (no shots fired before surrender) Duke of York renamed land to New York and gave land to be named New Jersey

23 Quakers Settle Pennsylvania
Penn’s Holy Experiment Quakers believed that God’s “inner light” burned inside everyone Services without formal ministers, allowing everyone to speak during the service Embraced pacifism Harassed by Anglicans and Puritans Capital of Philadelphia “City of Brotherly Love”

24 Native American Relations
People who approached in friendship would respond in friendship Arranged letter to be read to Delaware Indian tribes Regulated trade with them and composed a court of both colonists and Native Americans to settle any differences 50 years of no conflict

25 A Thriving Colony The need to attract settlers (farmers, builders, traders) After only allowing Quakers he opened the colony to everyone Advertisements for colony were in German, Dutch, and French Penn never flourished economically as a proprietor Died and slavery was introduced Many Quakers owned slaves

26 Thirteen Colonies King Charles I granted charter to Chesapeake Bay to George Calvert (1st Lord Baltimore) Cecil (2nd Lord Baltimore) named colony Maryland Became popular for it’s religious freedom Awarded group of key supporters land between Virginia and Spanish Florida = North and South Carolina James Ogelthorpe wanted a haven for those imprisoned for debt Named colony Georgia 13 British colonies in North America


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