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Lifelong Learning Department

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1 Lifelong Learning Department
Lifelong Learning courses are open to all adult learners. A range of courses to enhance your C.V. and provide transferable skills for the job market. Courses can be taken as stand alone modules and are accredited by the University. Lifelong Learning Department - this gives you the opportunity to meet other learners from the community and make contacts/network in the area you may be interested in especially as many of the learners on the courses are working in the area and taking the courses for their own professional development. I will go through the areas we offer courses in and discuss some examples that may interest you. Modules are accredited and can enhance your CV

2 Interested? Link Enrolment form Compact form
At present most 10 credit courses cost £100 full price (£80 concession rate). All courses But selected courses are FREE to all UG and PG students Link Need to pre-enrol for course and complete compact agreement. Both forms on line: Enrolment form Compact form Pre-enrol so eligible for the early bird discount Interested?

3 Ecology and Conservation
Humanities Art & Design Modern Languages Ecology and Conservation Photography Psychology The courses are divided into 5 subject areas

4 Humanities offers courses in:
Creative Writing Genealogy History Archaeology Literature Film Studies

5 Humanities courses with professional skills training…
Developing creativity  For anyone wanting to enhance their creativity. Presentation skills and Public speaking Skills to address a live audience.

6 Art and Design offers courses in:
Life drawing Painting Drawing Creative Textiles The Still Life Land Art Ceramics (based at the Art Centre) Botanical Illustration Willow Sculpture Art History (also available as distance learning) If you enjoyed art in schoolYou don’t have to give up art when you leave education Photographs examlpes of students work for Land Art and Willow Sculpture Can study stand alone modules or towards the CHE in Art and Design

7 can give you the skill set to set up a cottage industry.
A package of courses can give you the skill set to set up a cottage industry. Basic Sewing Machine Skills Up-Cycled Clothing Further Up-Cycled Clothing Textiles Techniques Marketing Yourself as an Art Practitioner Textile Design using Photoshop Web design using Photoshop Can contribute to co-operative - cottage industry Progressive routes pattern making … costumes …….Upcycled theatre costumes Textiles designs using photoshop can be printed onto fabric and introduced when using up-cycled clothing.

8 Modern Languages Arabic, Breton, Chinese, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Russian and Spanish Courses at all different levels; starting with absolute beginners. Courses delivered at different times of the day. Regarding employability, languages can add the following: employers need graduates who speak the language(s) of the country in which they wish to make an impact an extra selling point in the market place, they will open doors. Languages will add the following to your degree: Intercultural competence International dimension Cultural awareness

9 Improve your employability
Intercultural competence International dimension Cultural awareness Employers need graduates who speak the language(s) of the country in which they wish to make an impact Languages will add the following to your degree: Improve your employability

10 Ecology and Conservation
If you are interested in the natural world or working in the environment sector the Ecology courses provide hands on experience and identification skills.

11 Plant Life Plant Diversity Identification of flowering plants
Identification of Mosses, Liverworts and Lichens Identification of grasses, sedges and rushes

12 Animal Life Animal Diversity Animal Behaviour
Understanding British Mammals Understanding British Bats Marine Mammals Insect courses Understanding Amphibians Bird courses

13 Psychology Foundations of Psychology Forensic Psychology
Applied Positive Psychology Social Psychology

14 Employability and Professional Development
Dealing with Conflict in the Workplace Exploring Mental Health Stress Management Life skills such as developing effective listening skills, dealing with conflict in the work place, dealing with stress and working as part of a team are invaluable in any job. Techniques to enhance theses ‘life skills’ are taught on the following courses Employability and Professional Development

15 Contact Details Humanities 01970 622742
Art & Design Alison Pierse Languages Antonio Barriga Rubio Science/Ecology Paula Hughes Psychology Paula Hughes Contact Details

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