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Arizona JTeds 14 JTED Districts 106 Member School Districts

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1 Arizona JTeds 14 JTED Districts 106 Member School Districts
200 High Schools 111,300 Students (10th-12th)

2 JTED/CTE is an investment
CTE provides students with the skills they need to become economically independent CTE leads to higher graduation rates CTE leads to improved academic performance CTE sends student on to postsecondary education with a purpose CTE dramatically improves the likelihood of employment CTE reduces social costs

3 2013 Graduation and testing rates
JTED Avg AZ Avg 96% 89% Graduation Rate AIMS Math AIMS Reading 76% 70% 75%

4 If Arizona’s 2012 HS-graduation rate had been 90% instead of 72%
Estimated benefits to the state’s economy would be:  $164 million in increased annual earnings  $128 million in increased annual spending  $324 million in increased home sales  $17 million in increased auto sales  1,500 new jobs  $225 million in increased annual gross state product  $11 million in increase annual state/local tax revenue  $25 million in increased annual federal tax revenue Source: Alliance for Excellent Education Return of Investment makes funding CTE a bargain. Remember, the cost of educating a student is borne once but the benefits repeat every year up to retirement.

5 Our Role Provide entry level or higher job skills along with the soft skills students need to succeed as an employee Student organizations such as DECA, FBLA, FFA, and Skills USA play a big part in this Our programs focus on high demand, high wage jobs that lead to employment Many allow students to earn college credit We are a bridge between high school, college and industry

6 Success Stories Over 95% of CTD’s Certified Nursing Assistant students passed the state licensure exam Students are using entry level employment to pay to further their education Students have earned scholarships to elite universities because of their involvement in JTED programs Technology enables us to bring programs to students who wouldn’t have access otherwise. Most of these are for college credit Students are learning that they don’t like a particular employment field before it is too late

7 Source: Hull, J. , Belton, J. , Campbell, P. , and Dillon, N. (2016)
Source: Hull, J., Belton, J., Campbell, P., and Dillon, N. (2016). The Path Least Taken: A quest to learn more about high school graduates who don’t go to college. Center for Public Education. Accessed 6 September, 2016 from

8 Source: Hull, J. , Belton, J. , Campbell, P. , and Dillon, N. (2016)
Source: Hull, J., Belton, J., Campbell, P., and Dillon, N. (2016). The Path Least Taken: A quest to learn more about high school graduates who don’t go to college. Center for Public Education. Accessed 6 September, 2016 from

9 Challenges Overcoming the traditional stereotypes
CTE is for “those kids” CTE is in conflict with academics/university track Insufficient numbers of high school counseling staff Limited access to industry partners, especially in rural areas Business and Industry not aware of or taking advantage of the opportunities a partnership with a JTED would provide

10 CTD JTED Programs Journalism Law Public Safety and Security
Accounting Advertising and Public Relations Agribusiness Systems Animal Systems Architectural Drafting Army JROTC Automotive Collision Repair Automotive Technologies Bioscience BMAS Business Operations Carpentry Communication Media/Music & Audio Computer Maintenance Construction Technologies Culinary Arts Digital Photography Early Childhood Education Emergency Medical Services Education Professions Engineering Sciences Entrepreneurship Film and TV Financial Services Fire Service Graphic/Web Design Hospitality Management HVAC Industrial Electrician Journalism Law Public Safety and Security Mechanical Drafting Medical Assisting Mental and Social Health Services Network Technologies Nursing Services Pharmacy Plant Systems Professional Sales and Marketing Sports Medicine Technical Theatre Web Page Development Welding

11 Questions? Joel Todd

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