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The Global Studies Initiative

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1 The Global Studies Initiative

2 The GSI Mission Statement
The Global Studies Initiative encourages students to accept the challenges of global citizenship. Through the study of world cultures and the acquisition of advanced language skills, participants in the program will gain an appreciation for the significance of human choices upon the planet and all of its inhabitants.

3 The GSI Process Statement
Collaborating with both a mentor and their peers, students will benefit from classroom and experiential learning opportunities as they grapple with the complicated issues of an increasingly interconnected world.  The better understanding of global issues gained by participants will serve as foundational knowledge from which to continue study and make informed choices as responsible world citizens.

4 What?!

5 The GSI will provide students interested in focusing on international studies an opportunity to do so in a structured way, supported by SPS faculty and other resources in our community. In essence, it allows students to “major” in international studies during their high school years. Students successfully completing the GSI’s requirements will earn a special endorsement on their diploma attesting to their work.

6 The Big Picture Through an enhanced range of curricular and co-curricular experiences, students in the Global Studies Initiative will gain first-hand exposure to and knowledge of contemporary global peoples, cultures, challenges, and achievements.

7 Curricular Specifics In addition to courses already in the curriculum, new courses will be offered. Courses are open to all Shorecrest students but they may be used to fulfill specific requirements for those in the GSI. Virtual courses taken with the approval of the GSI Board, the appropriate department chair, and the Upper Division administration will also enhance GSI students’ options. Current policy allows students to take two online courses as electives.

8 Existing Courses Eligible for GSI Credit
All World Language courses* World Literature (regular and Honors 10th grade English)* Western Civilizations* World Civilizations and AP World History* AP/Regular US History* AP Macro- and Microeconomics AP European History AP Human Geography Honors World Religions Honors Contemporary Issues Global Perspectives through International Film Humanities AP Art History

9 New Courses for Environmental Studies l and ll (Honors option) Honors Russian Literature Honors Area Studies: South Asia and the Muslim World More globalized content in Sculpture and Mixed Media, formerly known as 3-D Design, and in Humanities

10 What’s Special about the GSI Experience?
-Meaningful participation in a program that provides direct contact with other peoples and cultures: school-based or other exchange programs (subject to approval) whether the focus is culture-based or service-based.

11 Working with Local Experts
-Attendance at an on-campus series of visiting speakers who will meet with the GSI students to share insights and engage in question-and-answer sessions.

12 Reaching beyond Shorecrest
-Regular attendance (once per quarter) at lectures, presentations, art shows, film screenings, cultural festivals, and other such events locally available in the St. Petersburg/Tampa Bay area

13 The GSI Project All GSI students will complete a long-term, independent study project on the topic of their choice, approved by the GSI Board, working with a wide array of resources. The finished projects will be presented to other GSI participants, the GSI Board, and other interested members of the Shorecrest community.

14 Mentoring Mentoring will bring all of the above together. Shorecrest teachers and GSI students will work and learn together. Our hope is that all GSI students can be scheduled into a common class period to create structured time for meeting together, for doing research, for reaching out to community resources as students prepare their independent study projects.

15 GSI Curricular Requirements
-4 years of World Language – 4/0 or 3/1 -World History, US History and a minimum of one more credit in GSI-related courses in the Social Studies Department -World Literature or Honors World Literature -Humanities or AP Art History -2 additional elective credits from the GSI Course List -Satisfactory completion and presentation of a culminating independent study project

16 Electives Eligible for GSI Credit
Environmental Studies l and ll (Honors option) Honors Russian Literature Humanities AP Art History AP Macro- and Microeconomics AP European History AP Human Geography Honors World Religions Honors Contemporary Issues Honors Area Studies: South Asia and the Muslim World Global Perspectives through International Film

17 Co-Curricular Requirements
Participation in a foreign exchange or other type of study abroad program Hosting a foreign exchange student Regular attendance at presentations in the Tampa Bay area Regular attendance at GSI-sponsored speakers series Consistent evidence of being a good global citizen within the Shorecrest community

18 Application Process Interested students will complete a short statement of intent in participating in the GSI. This is due back to Ms. Morlando by 3:00 pm this coming Friday (April 8th) Students will then be required to write answers to a series of questions intended to give insight into their interest in and current knowledge of Global Studies. Applications will be reviewed by the GSI Board with admission granted to those who seem most likely to complete the requirements satisfactorily and take the program seriously. The GSI is primarily targeted to those who are currently in 9th or 10th grade.

19 The GSI Board Richard Beaton Jackie Carnes Wendy Drexler Charla Gaglio
Sylvia Marsters Kam O’Horo Mark Runge

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