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LYON 08/03 – 15/03 2017 Programme.

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Presentation on theme: "LYON 08/03 – 15/03 2017 Programme."— Presentation transcript:

1 LYON 08/03 – 15/03 2017 Programme

2 Canteen Welcome to Lyon! +/- 15h
Wednesday8th March Full immersion into family life Canteen Croix Rousse district – visit of the area and a silk workshop 10 am (IT) 7.45 Meeting in school RESTAURANT IN TOWN Tout le monde Visite de la vieille ville – le lac Family activities Thursday 9th March Friday 10th March Saturday March 11th Sunday March 12th Monday March 13th Tuesday March 14th Wednesday March 15th Excursion all day Annecy Cours 7.45 Full immersion into family life In class with penfriends 7.45 Until am IT : Free time in Monplaisir high street and/or visit of the painted walls 7.45 In class with penfriends 10.00 Welcome and visit the school Canteen Minibus to the airport ARRIVAL Welcome to Lyon! +/- 15h Visite et atelier ‘La Turbine’ Visit in Italian Canteen Tout le monde Visit of the Confluence district (IT) City centre : Roman theatre – Terreaux square – Opera Tout le monde Lyon city center and old Lyon Car pooling: back to the families Co- voiturage : retour en famille Ciao amici ! Musée des Confluences 3.45 Tout le monde Miniature Museum in old Lyon 3.30 Buffet d’adieu Lycée 18-20h Mezzanine ou cantine Fine art Museum Retour 17h45

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